Social And Economic Changes That Took Place In The Ancient Near East

What's the social and economic changes that took place in the ancient Near East?


Similarities between Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt?

I took and Advance Placement class not knowing how stressful and time consuming it would be. I have been searching for the similar things between the social and political ideas of the two societies. Can any of you help me? I will already only get 4 hours of sleep which is not good, so I'm asking for your help. If i could have at least three examples of each that would be great. If not, anything would help. Thank you

What happened during the Dark Ages in Ancient Greece?

During the Dark Ages of Greece the old major settlements were abandoned (with the notable exception of Athens), and the population dropped dramatically in numbers. Within these three hundred years, the people of Greece lived in small groups that moved constantly in accordance with their new pastoral lifestyle and livestock needs, while they left no written record behind leading to the conclusion that they were illiterate. Later in the Dark Ages (between 950 and 750 BCE), Greeks relearned how to write once again, but this time instead of using the Linear B script used by the Mycenaeans, they adopted the alphabet used by the Phoenicians “innovating in a fundamental way by introducing vowels as letters. The Greek version of the alphabet eventually formed the base of the alphabet used for English today.” (Martin, 43)

Life was undoubtedly harsh for the Greeks of the Dark ages. However, in retrospect we can identify one major benefit of the period. The deconstruction of the old Mycenaean economic and social structures with the strict class hierarchy and hereditary rule were forgotten, and eventually replaced with new socio-political institutions that eventually allowed for the rise of Democracy in 5th c. BCE Athens. Notable events from this period include the occurrence of the first Olympics in 776, and the writing of the Homeric epics the Iliad and the Odyssey.

What was the social effect of the Black Death?

The black plague essentially split people into three camps, from a social viewpoint.A.) The black death caused a large part of society to become disillusioned with the Catholic Church. If the church could not protect them from these dark and unknown at the time forces that were killing their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and other relatives, then what use were they?B.) There were many people who stuck with the church and either found a scapegoat (These people usually blamed Jewish people.), or they blamed themselves and their own vices.C.) There were many who began to live very self indulgent lives, as they did not know what would happen to them the next day.Another social impact was that the socioeconomic system of feudalism collapsed due to the massive decrease in population. About 40% of the European population perished, which created a high demand for labor. This high demand for labor lead to higher wages to tenants, which made these tenants way less dependent on their lords.Black death and the impact it left in europeThis article summarizes the black death very well, I suggest you give it a look.

What are the causes of conflict in the Middle East?

People may give many reasons for lack of peace in Middle-East but the true reason is the rich oil resources of the region.Not just oil but this piece of land is also blessed with natural gas and other natural resources; 32% of the world’s natural gas rests in the hands of Middle-East states.So, to be very serious the war going on in Middle-East is more a result of international conspiracies than it is of sectarian violence.Middle-East is rich of oil,petroleum,gas,opium,gold and aluminium resources.Seeing these facts one must consider that ‘’Why these countries are not developing?The reason is that international powers are using these countries as nothing but their war grounds to fulfil their vested interests.All of this is a conspiracy of anti-Muslim powers.Yes, some of the middle-east states i.e. Saudi Arabia are progressing much faster than others but the reason is that not a single one of the 1.6 billion Muslims of the world would stay low if something happens to Saudi Arabia.Also that Saudi Arabia and other such nations sell petrol and natural gas to world’s powers on low rates and easy terms.You might be surprised but this is true, the human-blood is being shed for nothing but the gain of power.The UN has failed miserably in prevailing peace in Middle-East. In fact UN The United Nations is not more than a Debating Society.The so-called ambassadors of peace instead of making efforts to prevent war and save human lives give preference to their own interests.The current situation in Syria is hidden from none.Armies enter these countries ignoring their regional sovereignty, in the name of prevailing peace,fight for their own interests and once they have been fulfilled they leave. No one cares for the hundreds of thousands that have that and the ones that are being killed daily either by terrorists or the ambassadors of peace.The only thing these cowards care about is gaining control natural resources of the region at any cost of all.

What influences that feudalism had upon medieval society?

There was a distinct chain of command, starting with serfs at the bottom and eventually leading to the king. Serfs lived by working the lands owned by the lords, in exchange they would fight to defend the lord or the king if called upon to do so. The lords were granted their lands by the king, and in return were expected to contribute to the country by attending the royal court, providing entertainment or defense if necessary, acting as politicians etc etc. Each class was distinctly different in income, rights, and education.

How did life in Europe change after the fall of the Roman Empire?

When the western Roman empire collapsed in 476 AD, the unifying force for most of Europe was gone. Along with the loss of the government, much of the engineering abilities and "modern amenities" were also lost. The "barbarians" of Europe did not, for the most part, have the abilities or knowledge to build roads, aqueducts or the other marvels of the Roman Empire, which is why the period immediately after Rome's collapse is often referred to as the "Dark Ages".

The only unifying force of any sort left would be Constantine's Roman Catholic church, which did manage to preserve some of the knowledge and vestiges of the empire. As the only thing left really, it became the main power in the European world throughout the Middle Ages, functioning almost as an imperial government until Luther set off the Reformation in 1546.