Socially Awkward Help

How can I help my socially awkward sister?

you sound like an amazing sister tbh, I'm glad that you're looking out for her. Well assuming she's in the 8th grade and she'a entering high school in August or September, You've plenty of time to help her, and a person can change a lot in such a short amount of time,

starting off; coverse with her more often, get her to truly open up to you so you can discover her position and how she feels

by the looks of it it seems you're probably already comfortable with her, if you're worried about her being picked on the best thing to do is work on her appearance ( I know it's shallow and superficial but with today's norms it's important to work on your outer self ) make sure there isn't anything weird and awkward about her clothes, because that's probably the first thing others will notice about her,

and for friends, it's something that will gradually happen. I used to be the socially awkward one, too. I was a loner ill admit, barely had any friends. I was sort of bullied, not directly but I knew I was made fun of. it's cruel. overtime I got used to being lonely, and then it was just one year in 7th grade where I opened up and I forced myself to interact with others: and what do you know? I made plenty of good friends :) just a couple but enough for me to be satisfied. being in the 9th now I have friends and I don't feel lonely.

I KNOW your sister will get out if the awkward stage. Atleast she talks to others (being too enthusiastic or not interested Is a start)

everyone tells me to join clubs, have fun! blah blah; gosh never will I join any clubs I hate socializing like that.

that inner awkward is still with me LOL and being shy ; I am always shy first meeting someone, when I get comfortable with them I open up

I feel the same way about your sister, she will learn! maybe she hasn't had the chance to get comfortable with other people

Invite your friends over and tell her to join into the conversations so she will grasp what teens talk about,

maybe your friends have sisters that are the same age as yours- try to get her to talk to them outside of school, it's SOOO much easier tbh.

Your job in this is to convince her with all the effort you can :)

hope I helped x

good luck!!

I am shy, quiet, and socially awkward. Help :\?

Don't worry, everyone goes through this. Build your self confidence. As they say "fake it til you make it" just fake your confidence, and it will come naturally. smile, say what's on your mind, be genuine. Just be yourself. Nobody's judging you as much as you are. think about it- how much time are they spending thinking about you? they're thinking about themselves, and so are you. Also remember-

you can't change what people say or think
what others say isn't true- only what you believe to be true is true
personality is everything- looks are nice but what people will remember most is how you treated people, how you carried yourself.

If you're having trouble talking with people- ask them questions about everyone's favorite subject- themselves! ask them what they do, what are their hobbies, what do they want to do when they go to college, where are they from, etc. They will walk away from the conversation thinking you're the coolest person in the world and not know a thing about you.

My brother is socially awkward, Help?

My brother is 21 and im 17, he still lives at home has had a girlfriend i believe but he has no friends he doesnt care at all what people think about him, the consequences for his actions and doesnt have a drive to get up and do anything. Hes not into drugs or anything but he just only thinks about himself and idk why. We both went to a private school till 7th grade then we went to public school and since then he hasnt had any friends in junior high or highschool. Maybe he became socially awkward from the transfer to public school or something but i feel bad for him. We fight alot and we say we hate each other but deep down i love my brother and i want him to succeed and do good in life but he has no drive to meet people or even go out and be his own person. He shuts himself out to the computer and such. Can someone help me please because i feel horrible thinking about my brother not going far in life.
Thanks, Nick.

How do I help my 10 yo socially awkward kid?

Our 10 year old son does not make friends at all and he says that everyone hates him. We know that he is socially awkward with kids and he seems to be a loner and fine with it (what he says but doesn't act like he is okay with it). We have tried to help him to learn how to "get along" with other kids but it does not seem to be working. The "straw that broke the camels back" was when he came home from school and started crying about how the kids hate him. I know that he tries but because of his awkwardness, it comes through as not geniune. He says the kids call him "wierd" and I'm just at a loss on how to help him.

Have you ever experienced anything like this with your child or do you have any suggestions that could help?

I've even gone as far as talking with the teacher for suggestions and an unbiased opinion on how he interacts with the other kids but there was not anything she could really suggest.


My brother is socially awkward.. little help?

I think that such type of behavior at his age is completely normal. It is important for teenagers to get accepted by their peers and to make meaningful interactions. In my opinion, the fact that he may act impulsively in certain social interactions exacerbates the problem and makes him seem socially awkward. I think it would help if you he tries to develop a deeper friendship with a limited number of friends (2-3), but that will normally happen with age.

However, I would definitely encourage you to seek a solution to the bullying problem as soon as you can, because this is an essential part of the problem and it can have a number of negative long-term consequences. For example, he may develop low self-esteem, which will discourage him from social interactions.

One comforting thought to you may be the fact that the symptoms of ADHD become less pronounced in the early twenties and, in fact, many people with this type of disorder can function normally in society, have family, job, normal social interactions, etc.

Help! I'm becoming socially awkward!?

I don't know why, but I have this problem where every time my friends invite me to hang out with them, I begin to get panic attacks and I try to think of an excuse not to go. I automatically think that I'm going to die and I start thinking about my parents. I feel really bad because I don't want to be this way. I'm too young to be shut in at home all day. I'm a college student, and I think I'm entitled to have fun every now and then.

I've also become extremely shy and socially awkward. People who've known me for a long time tell me that I'm an extrovert, but I think otherwise. Just yesterday, I had to do an oral report and I was panicking at the thought. I almost didn't show up to class and I just wanted to cry. Also, I can't even make friends anymore because of this. I have difficulty asking classmates simple school-related questions because I'm afraid I'm going to look like an idiot. And when I DO have to socialize with them, I can't think straight and oftentimes I'll just come off as a ditz.

When it comes to boys, I'm a train wreck. I'll only talk to them if they approach me first--and that rarely happens. However there are times where I have the perfect opportunities to talk to them...but I let them pass by. Again, yesterday I saw a guy from my class, (wich I used to have a crush on) and although I could have been friendly and smiled, I just pretended not to see him. He probably thinks I'm a b*tch now and I probably won't even be able to befriend him anymore.

I wasn't always this way and I would really like to be my old, fun self again. Someone please help :( And I'm sorry if my writing doesn't make sense. I'm just pouring out everything I feel and I'm not even thinking about grammar. Lol

Socially awkward guy. does he like me?

so i'm a sophmore in highschool. and i've known this guy a really long time, probably since we were about ten. he told me he liked me in eighth grade, but I didn't like him back that way, so nothing ever happened. we went to the ninth grade dance together, but just as friends. this year we only have two classes. we talk online all the time and text a lot. i'm not really big on online conversations, but he always initiates them and they're fun with him. I mean we talk about EVERYTHING. we're both really sarcastic too, so it's always interesting. he's not one to share his feelings easily though. and we almost never talk face to face. I try to start a conversation, but he's not very good at carrying them on. his friends say he's just socially awkward. but recently i've kinda started liking him. he grew up a lot and he's really cute and easy to talk to. but I don't know how to get through to him and actually have a real conversation. any ideas? and do you think he likes me back? we kinda got into a discussion about our dream guy/girl haha and he basically described me ... i'm not being stuck up or anything. like really, it coulda been my twin. i'm still stuck though. any help would be much appreciated :] thanks ♥