Sociopathworld Not As Good As You Think You

Can a sociopath love?

I don’t know if i’m truly capable of feeling love because I see how different others are when they are in love or how they love family members. I am however very possessive and protective over the ones I value in life. Like my mother for instance. I can like someone though.How do I know i’m different from normal people loving another human being? I just don’t understand why people do things they normally wouldn’t do when they are in love with someone or why they would stay in a abusive relationship just because they’re in love. I can’t comprehend the feeling of giving everything you have to someone else because you love them so much, while suffering from it in the progress. Why do people think they can change a person just because they love them? I act on logic rather than emotion and I know and see that people are not able to do that when in love or when any other strong emotion come into play.The only reason I stayed in my previous relationship was for my own personal gain. I liked him in the beginning but he was disappointing.When I no longer have any interest in a person, I just become cold and distant.I stayed with him longer than necessary because of two things; the regular sex was convenient and because I wanted to actually hurt him. Not physically but mentally. Especially when I found out he cheated. And then lied about it.It was entertaining to watch him try and convince me he didn’t do it. He actually cried and begged me to trust him at one point because I kept pushing the issue. Later, his best friend told me he not only cheated on me once but twice. With the ex girlfriend of the best friend. How his best friend was able to stay friends with him, I have no clue. I am loyal to my friends and I don’t accept disloyalty.Back to the point. Was I hurt by this? No. Did I care? No. Did I like him? In the beginning, yes. But the feeling of liking him changed immediately when he showed signs I didn’t like.

How do I stop seeing the world in terms of good and evil?

When you are more concerned about survival, you are right. When you exceed your requirements, understand you are exploiting some resources. When you don't need something, but you take it just for your passing fancy, its exploitation. You need not dominate anyone. For survival you can do that. But for luxury, you shouldn't. And that's the whole point of right and wrong. You should never exceed the norms of requirement. If you do that, its wrong. Somewhere something or someone is getting exploited just for your luxury. Thus do things, as much is required. 1. Eat, only the amount enough to keep you charged. Don't eat unnecessarily, if possible don't eat animal meat. 2. Drink water, alcohol isn't necessary. 3. Educate chidren in decent schools, high-funda schools isn't necessary.4. Take service from people when you are unable to get up from bed or walk. 5. Earn as much you require.  When you learn to live in the above discipline, people will be effortlessly dominated by you.

Is it dangerous to hang out with a sociopath?

I've sort of made new friends with someone who I just found out is a sociopath, his best friend told me this. Anyways, he wants to hang out alone and I'm somewhat nervous now because I don't know if he's going to try to do anything to me. I'm pretty sure he wants to hook up but I don't want to get hurt. At the same time, he's really nice and I just want to have fun.

Can a sociopath understand whats right and wrong?

Sociopaths are people who do not feel any kind of remorse or sympathy towards other human beings; they will only act 'kind' or charming to get what they want. That's what makes them so frightening.
I'm not sure if they can't differentiate right from wrong- they may acknowledge that other people view their actions as wrong, but they certainly wouldn't care. And yes, it would be possible for them to know that they are socipathic, however, it's impossible to 'cure' adult sociopaths. They often have an almost godlike view of themselves or believe they're 'special', and would probably think that being a sociopath makes them superior to other people.