Softmore Math Help Algebra 2 Been Out For Surgery Make Up Work.

Can someone help me with my Algebra 2 homework?

After trying to solve problem after problem on yahooanswers, I honestly think most people dont learn a lot if I give them the answers. Heres a VERY similar problem. Just fill in the values from your own problem. (Hint: you will need to use the Quadratic Formula at the end!) Goodluck!!! QUESTION: The hypotenuse of a right triangle has a length of 13 cm. The sum of the lengths of the two legs is 17 cm. Find the lengths of the legs. Let a = length of one leg Let b = length of other leg We are told that: a + b = 10.23 --> b = 10.23 - b [1] The hypotenuse is 8.312. From Pythagorus: a² + b² = 8.312² [2] Substitute [1] into [2]: a² + (8.312 - b)² = 169 This simplifies to: 2a² - 34a + 120 = 0 Divide by 2: a² - 17a + 60 = 0 which factors: (a - 5)(a - 12) = 0 and has roots: a = 5, 12 Substitute into [1] and get: b = 12, 5 The lengths of the legs are 5 and 12 cm.

Algebra 1 homework help? ( 5 problems )?

Which point lies in the solution set for the following system of inequalities?
y > x + 4
y > -2x + 2

(-4, 0)

(-3, 2)

(2, -1)

(0, 6)

2)What is the value of the x variable in the solution to the following system of equations?
4x + 3y = 10
4x + 5y = 14





3)For the following system, if you isolated x in the second equation to use the Substitution Method, what expression would you substitute into the first equation?

3x + y = 8
-x - 2y = -10

-2y + 10

2y + 10

2y - 10

-2y - 10

4)There were 150 freshman and sophomores at the high school musical Reese and her friends attended. Freshman tickets were $2.00 each and sophomore tickets were $3.00 each. The receipts for freshman and sophomore tickets totaled $400. How many sophomores bought tickets?





5)Part 1:
Solve the following system of equations. Please show your work to receive full credit.
x - y = 10
2x + y = 2

Part 2:
Explain which method you chose to solve the system and why you felt it was the best choice.

High school math help - algebra 1?

First step is to distribute or get rid of the parenthesis.
Second, move numbers onto one side of the equation and then move the variables to the other side of the equation
Last, solve for the variable or letter
1) 2y+18 = 12-6(y+7)

2y+18= 12-6y-42 <----getting rid of the parenthesis
2y+18= -6y-30
-18 = -18
2y =-6y-48
+6y = +6y
8y =-48
y = -6

2. 2(9x - 1) = 99-7(3 - 4x)

18x-2 =99-21+28x
18x-2 =78+28x
-18x = -18x
-2 =78+10x
-78 =-78
-80 = 10x
-8 =x

3. -x - (13 + 4x) = -3(5 - 9x) +2
-x - 13+4x = -15 +27x +2
3x-13 = -13 +27x
-3x = -3x
-13 =-13+24x
+13 = +13
0 = 24x
0 =x

Taking both Geometrey and Algebra 2 over the summer, do you think I'll make it?

If math isn't your strongest subject, I think it might be an overkill. Taking Geometry over the summer should be enough. So, as a Junior, you'll be in Algebra 2, which (overall) isn't too bad, because Juniors in Algebra 2 isn't something people laugh at (unlike, say, a senior in algebra 1).

However, if you want to pursue a career with a Math Major (doesn't sound like it from your description though), then maybe you could have a crack at taking 2 math courses over the summer. Geometry and Algebra 2 aren't very alike, so it's not like you'll fail Algebra 2 just because you haven't learnt all the concepts in Geometry yet.

I need help in math. Thinking of getting a tutor?

Technically I'm a year ahead in math being I'm a sophomore in an algebra 2 class. I barely passed geometry last year. School started a month ago or so. We're in chapter 2, we're only there due to block schedule. But anyway, I was starting to feel confident because I understood all but one or two things. I took our chap. 1 test last week & I got a D. It probably sounds weird but I started to cry a little because like last year we used our notes. The only time I've done well in math since middle school was 7th grade. I'm in 10th now & haven't gotten anything higher than a C for my final grade and I almost never pass the exam. I'm scared I won't pass the NSPE because it's required for graduation and we're already I think the lowest in the country for education. I absolutely will NOT ask a friend. Last time I did she didn't help at all. She talked about some guy or whatever & just told me the answers which clearly won't help me. I can't stay after school because I have no way of getting home. Or before because I take the bus & can't get there early.

The NSPE is in march. If I don't pass I have to retake them until I do. It's only once a year. In desperate need of advice. I really want to graduate & go to a good college

Thank you :)

Math teacher sucks, what to do?

When a teacher fails it's up to you, perhaps you can get a tutor or extra help from someone else in the school. Even the teacher is paid to have extra help for students, this goes for every teaching institution. So worse comes to worse go to extra help with the teacher, she might not be helpful but if she realizes that shes doing something wrong she may change.

In addition, there should be good tutors in the library at your school, ask around(teachers, librarians). I'm sorry she sucks but this is a lesson in life that everyone learns... One day you will be given a situation similar to this and hopefully you can act accordingly and overcome it.

Chemistry without taking Algebra II?

i'm a sophomore in high school and for me to graduate i need 3 lab sciences (Bio I, Chem, and Physics). however in your sophomore year, everyone is recommended for Physical Science which isn't required for you to graduate. i overrode my teacher's recommendation for Physical Science so that i could go straight to Chemistry, but i'm realizing now that the reason teachers don't want you to take Chemistry until your Junior year is because most sophomores haven't started Algebra II (i'm just now starting Geometry!). i don't have all of the math knowledge needed to do well in Chemistry.. if i totally apply myself and take great notes (i tend to zone out) will i survive? or does the math problem totally cancel out my chances of passing this class? i have no choice but to take this class. since i overrode the teacher's recommendation i'm not allowed to transfer. please someone give me some hope!

Should I double up on math in my Sophomore year?

In my high school, only 4 maths are required to graduate. I've already finished Algebra 1 with a 98% and I am currently halfway through Honors Geometry with a 98% as well. The next two classes are Algebra 2 and a higher math (Pre-Cal, Discrete, Adv. Functions & Modeling, or AP Statistics).

Next year I am going to be a sophomore and I'm just wondering if I should double up on math. BTW, I am interested in business BUT I'm not sure if that's really what I want to do, and I don't know if Calculus and/or Statistics would look good when applying for business school. My original plan is to take:

1) H. Algebra 2 (required, 1st semester)
2) Pre-Calculus (req. for graduation, 2nd semester)
3) H. Chemistry (Algebra 2 is HIGHLY recommended, so hopefully 2nd semester)
4) H. English 2 (req.)
5) H. Civics & Economics (req.)
6) Spanish 2
7) Principles of Business & Finance (would help me see if I want to go into business)
8) Anything else (free choice)
Extra-Curricular) Cross Country, maybe Track

"H." means that it is an Honors class. If I take Pre-Cal my sophomore year, then the rest would go AP Calculus in my junior year, and then AP Statistics in my senior year. If I don't double up, I could just do Pre-Cal in junior year and AP Cal my senior year.

The thing is, they say the first 5 weeks of Pre-Cal is basically reviewing Algebra 2, so taking it right after Alg. 2 would be great and I won't forget things as easily.

Whatever plan I choose to work with is still going to give me tons of electives in my Senior year, which I could fill with more business classes, go all the way with the Spanish classes, or just take other AP classes in different subjects (I like to learn).

Anyway, what to you think? Thanks and God bless your heart if you read all of that!

You want an underrated characteristic that can pull you through life?Grit.Angela Lee Duckworth, a psychologist who did a TedTalk, was the person who informed me about it.She poses the question that what if your ability “to do well in life (and school) depends on much more than your ability to learn quickly and easily?”She and a team of researchers went on and did some studies on people who were in difficult situations and observed who was successful and why. They went to boot camp, spelling bees, and salespeople.They discovered one factor that seemed to predict success. And that, my friend, is grit.The dictionary defines girt as “firmness of character; indomitable spirit.” Angela Duckworth added her own definition to be “perseverance and passion for long-term goals”.When you start scratching the surface of being gritty, you get heaps of inspirational stories from successful people.Sylvester StalloneYou may have heard of the movie “Rocky”. Mr. Stallone was homeless and had already sold his dog when he starred as Rocky Balboa. He was rejected multiple times by producers – but he had grit. He was going to sell the screenplay and be Rocky.It doesn’t end there. Rocky won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1977 and this series launched Mr. Stallone’s acting career. (Ironically, the movie is also about grit.)And that’s not the only success story out there that required a little grit. I’d encourage you to do your own research.IQ does not necessary determine how successful you’ll be.Grit does, get passionate for long term goals.Get gritty.Watch the video yourself:Grit: The power of passion and perseveranceRocky info:Sylvester Stallone story, rags to riches