Solve 4n Over 5 Minus N Over 10 Equals 7

How do you solve this?

6/n - 1/2 = 9/2n

put all the n's together then solve

6/n - 9/2n = 1/2

12/2n - 9/2n = 1/2

3/2n = 1/2

2n = 6

1/2 + 2x - 5/2x = 14/x - 1/3

hmmm, you need to use brackets in here

is this
1/2 + (2x-5)/2x = 14/x - 1/3

or 1/2 + (2x) - 5/2x = 14/x - 1/3

and there are other combinations too ...

1/2 + (2x-5)/2x = 14/x - 1/3
x/2x + (2x+5)/2x = 42/3x - x/3x
(3x+5)/2x = (42-x)/3x
this is gonna get messy

9x^2 + 15x = 84x - 2x^2
7x^2 - 69x = 0
x(7x - 69) = 0

x = 0 or 69/7

but is it really the question you asked?

5/2 - (3z-6)/3z = (z-8)/2z

you need brackets here too

you know ... just repost it with all the brackets so we know exactly what sums we are answering

looking back you could be asking a totally different thing for (1) even

(6/(n-1))/2 = 9/2n for instance - exceedingly messy, but possibly the sum you have described.

(3n - 2)/5 = 7/10 solve for N?

So that last question I posted? I meant to post this one *facepalm*
Math saddens me :(

A n = 225
B n = 1.833
C no solution
D n = -1/5
E n = 3.5
F true for all n

I think the answer is C. Am I right??
Thanks in advance for any help.

Problem Solving: If 3+2=7, 5+4=23, 7+6=47 and 9+8=79 to what is 10+9 equal?

it's quite easy... most people are forgetting the hidden steps....Question3   2   = 75   4   = 237   6   = 479   8  = 7910   9 = ?as you can see, first numbers are continuous odd numbers ( 3, 5, 7 & 9) & second numbers are continuous even numbers (2, 4, 6 & 8) except the last line (tats the hint). So there are some lines are hiding inside. Check below for the solution.2 x 1 + 0 = 23 x 2 + 1 = 74 x 3 + 2 = 145 x 4 + 3 = 236 x 5 + 4 = 347 x 6 + 5 = 478 x 7 + 6 = 629 x 8 + 7 = 7910 x 9 + 8 = 9811 x 10 + 9 = 119    thats it....         98 is the winnerYou guys can check with any steps, you will get the same ans.

If f(x) is a polynomial such that f(1) =1, f(2) =2, f(3) =3 and f(4) =16. Find the value of f(5)?

Let us assume : [math]f(x) = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d [/math]Then we get, [math]f(1) = a + b + c + d = 1 ... (1)[/math][math]f(2) = 8a + 4b + 2c + d = 2 ... (2)[/math][math]f(3) = 27a + 9b + 3c + d = 3 ...(3)[/math][math]f (4) = 64a + 16b + 4c + d = 16 ...(4)[/math]Solving (1) and (2), We get[math]7a + 3b + c = 1 ...(5)[/math]Solving (1) and (3), We get[math]26a + 8b + 2c = 2 ...(6)[/math]Solving (1) and (4), We get[math]63a + 15b + 3c = 15 ...(7)[/math]Solving (5) and (6)[math]6a + b = 0[/math]Solving (5) and (7)[math]7a + b = 2[/math]This gives, a = 2, b = -12And then, c = 23 and d = - 12Thus,[math] f(x) = 2x^3 - 12x^2 + 23x - 12[/math]And So, [math]f(5) = 2*(5)^3 - 12*(5)^2 + 23(5) - 12 = 53[/math]The required answer is f(5) = 53

What is the shortcut to solve the following problem: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+...+49=?

There are many answers that look at it in terms of series of natural numbers, let us look at a way to solve it without any specific formula.Let us consider another number in the series and make it  Sum =1+2+3+.....+49+50 Thus we have a total of 50 numbers,i.e 25 pairs  of numbers . In the series we can see that : 1+50=51 2+49=513+48=51...25+26=51Therefore the total sum = 51 * 25 ( Since there are 25 such pairs) Sum =1275 But we had included an extra term 50 , thus subtracting 50 from the obtained sum we get ,1+2+3+4+5+.....+48+49 = 1275-50 =1225

Plz can you help me with school work?

1) a=-21/40
5) subtract 3/10
6)subtract then multiply
7) subtract 1/8
8) 24 inches
9)n=1 2/3
10)multiply by 4

Algebra help. =( =( ='(?

1. Solve: −2(x − 3) = −6

-2x + 6 = -6
-2x = -12

x = 6
2.Solve: 5x − 10 + 12 = 22

5x + 2 = 22
5x = 20

x = 4
3. Solve: 5(x − 1) − (x + 5) = 2

5x - 5 - x + 5 = 2
4x = 2

x = 2
4. Solve: −2(2x + 5) − 3 = −3(x − 1)

-4x - 10 - 3 = -3x + 3
-4x - 13 = -3x + 3
-4x = -3x +16
-1x = 16

x = -16
5. Solve: 4(x − 1) = 2(x + 2) + 6

4x - 4 = 2x + 4 + 6
4x - 4 = 2x + 10
4x = 2x + 14
2x = 14

6. Which equation could be used to find two consecutive odd integers whose sum is 32?
15 + 17 = 32

n + n = 32
There are two number 6.
6. The sum of two consecutive odd integers is 236. What is the smaller integer?
117+119 = 236

7. Solve for x: 2 over 5 (x − 2) = 4x.

(2/5)(x - 2) = 4x
(2x - 4)/5 = 4x
(2x - 4) = 20x
2x - 4 = 20x
-4 = 18x
x = (-4/18)

x = (-2/9)
8. Solve for H: A = L • W • H

divide both sides by LW

(A/LW) = H

H equals A over L times W
9. The formula for degrees Celsius is: C = 9 over 5 (F – 32), where F stands for degrees Fahrenheit.
Part 1: Solve the formula for F. Show all steps.

C = (9/5)(F-32)
C = (9F - 288)/5
5C = 9F - 288
5C + 288 = 9F
(5C + 288)/9 = F

F = (5C + 288)/9

Part 2: Determine how many degrees Fahrenheit 6 degrees Celsius is.

F = [5(6) + 288]/9
F = (30 + 288)/9
F = 318/9

F = 35.34 or 35.3 repeating