Solve For X 5/6 = X/24

How do you solve 1 - 2/3y = 12/5 - y/5?

I think you mean:

1 - (2/3)y = 12/5 - y/5
1 - 2y/3 = 12/5 - y/5 as I prefer to type it. By this i mean the y is NOT in the denominator as 2/3y implies. (I hope this makes sense

Step 1 - get rid of all fractions by multiplying through by 15 (LCM of 3 and 5)

15(1 - 2y/3) = 15(12/5 - y/5)
15 - 10y = 36 - 3y

Step 2: add 10y to both sides and subtract 36 from both sides

-21 = 7y

Step 3: Divide by 7

y = -3

How can I solve x/5+1/4=x/2?

The purpose of this question is to figure out what x is.There are three fractions with different denominators—which makes us feel little annoyed.Therefore, we need to make it simpler by artificially modifying the equation to share the same denominator. For the efficiency, the Least Common Denominator, in this case, 5 * 4 = 20, will work.(1) 4*x/4*5 + 5*1/5*4 = 10*x/10*2I use * symbol as multiplication. This is how I applied the Least Common Denominator.(2) 4x/20 + 5/20 = 10x/20The clear version of (1). If u see it, you might have a feeling to do something with fractions that have x.(3) 5/20 = 10x/20 - 4x/20Therefore, you move the x to the same side(4) 5/20 = 6x/20The clear version of (3).(5) 5 = 6xThe equally shared denominator could be eliminated.FYI, 5 = 6x/20 * 20(6) 5/6 = xThis is the answer.

How do I solve for x and y in x + y =5 and xy=6?

Let’s first solve this problem by inspection. Notice that x and y can’t both be negative because then their addition will not produce the positive result required by the equation x + y = 5. And one of the unknowns cannot be negative (and the other positive) because then the product will not produce a positive result as required by the equation x y = 6. So x and y must both be positive and add up to 5. So the candidate solutions for the equation x + y = 5 are (0, 5), (1, 4) and (2, 3). Of these, only the pair (2, 3) will satisfy the equation x y = 6. So by inspection, we have that the solution is x = 2 and y = 3 as well as x = 3 and y = 2.Now let’s solve the problem analytically. From the first equation, we have that x = 5 – y. Plug this into the second equation, collect terms, and simplify to get y^2 – 5y + 6 = 0. This is a quadratic equation of the form ay^2 + by + c = 0, whose two solutions can be written as y = {-b ± (b^2 – 4ac)^1/2 }/2a. Substitute a =1, b = -5 and c = 6 into this result to find that our quadratic equation for y has two solutions: y = 3 and y = 2. Substitute these solutions for y back into the equation x = 5 – y to find that x = 2 and x = 3. This is the same result we found above by inspection.

Solve 3/5 (x-12) >x-24?

I'd multiply by 5 first.... gives....

3(x - 12) > 5x - 120 distribute the left side...

3x - 36 > 5x - 120 subtract 3x from both sides...

-36 > 2x - 120 add 120 to both sides...

84 > 2x switch...

2x < 84 divide by 2...

x < 42 done.

What are the steps to solve this equation: [math]\frac{x}{x-5} + \frac{3}{2x-10} - \frac{1-x}{6x-30} + \frac{7}{15-3x} =1[/math]?

Without doing all of the math, which is tedious, the way to solve this problem is to:(1) Convert the fraction to a polynomial with no denominators by finding the “common denominator” and multiplying each term of this equation by the common denominator. This will make it easier to manage your work in solving for x.(2) Now, with no denominators to contend with you can simplify the polynomial by combining like terms where possible and doing the math of addition and subtraction.(3) The last step is to move x including any coefficients to one side of the equation and get rid of the coefficients by division leaving x = solution.These are the basic steps in solving problems of this kind.C.H.

X-2/3=4/5 solve using addition principle? have to know the inverse properties when solving equations.

when you see addition you should subtract, and vice versa.
when you see division you should multiply, and vice versa.

1st one...subtracting 2/ to cancel you must add 2/3.
2nd dividing 11x, so to cancel first multiply 11x.
youget 2 = 88x <--now its multiplication so divide to solve for x.

3rd similar but negative sign so take that into account.

4th they are like so -5x-9x can be combined into -14x

the rest you should be able to do 6, 7, 8.

8 need g, its multipied by m, so to get rid of m you need to do the inverse of m (divide by m)

for can factor out the b= y(w+1) and then divide by y and subtract 1 after.

10...8% of 4400 is 8/100 * 4400, because 8% = 8/100 and if its "OF" you multiply.

Solve 5/6=x/24 please help?

b. 20

24 * 5/6 = 20

What is x if the average of 1/4 and 1/6 = 1/x?

As you are probably aware the way to get the average of two fractions is no different than getting the average of any other two numbers, with the exception of the fact you must first convert the fractions in a common denominator, the easiest way being to multiply by 1 but having 1 written in the form of the other fractions denominator divided by itself:1/4 * 6/6 = 6/241/6 * 4/4 = 4/244/24 + 6/24 = (10/24)/2 (dividing by two because they want the average of 1/4 and 1/6) = 1/xBecause the question has it in a 1/x form we must make the 5 into a 1 and whatever we do to the 5 we must do to the 24 to keep the fraction equivalent:5/24 = 1/4.8(I divided the 5 and 24 by 5 to make the 5 one and the 24 into the form it is in for our answer)x = 4.8Whaaaaaa? Decimals in fractions?????? Yes. That is perfectly okay and happens often.The longer more algebraic and less logic based way to go from 5/24 = 1/x to x = 4.8:5/24 = 1/x(24/50)*(5/24) = (24/5)*(1/x)120/120 = 24/5x1 = 24/5x1(5x) = 24/5x(5x)5x = 245x/5 = 24/5x = 4.8Again, terminating decimals (decimals that stop going at some point and don’t continue with “random” numbers forever) are okay to have in fractions.

Find the Phase Shift of the Following function (10 Points!)?

y = 4 sin( 5/6 x - 5π/24) ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ factor out x's multiplier
y = 4 sin[ 5/6 (x - π/4) ] ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ and read the phase shift as π/4

your phase shift is the value of x that makes sin( fn(x) ) = sin(0) = 0
so you could also solve
5/6 x - 5π/24 = 0
5/6 x = 5π/24
x = π/4

If 2x + 5 = 29, what is x?

To solve the given linear equation, 2x + 5 = 29, for x begin by subtracting 5 from both sides of the equation in order to begin isolating the variable x on one side, in this case the left side, as follows:2x + 5 = 29 (Given)2x + 5 - 5 = 29 - 52x + 0 = 242x = 24Now, divide both sides of the equation by 2 in order to isolate x on the left side, thus finally solving the equation for x as follows:(2x)/2 = 24/2(2/2)x = 24/2(1)x = 12x = 12CHECK (ALWAYS PERFORM THIS STEP AND DO SO BACK IN THE ORIGINAL, GIVEN EQUATION!):2x + 5 = 29 2(12) + 5 = 29 24 + 5 = 29 29 = 29Therefore, x = 12 is indeed the solution to the given equation.REMEMBER: For solving equations, WHATEVER YOU DO TO ONE SIDE OF THE EQUATION, YOU MUST DO TO THE OTHER SIDE.