Solve This If You Can

How can one solve 2-2×3+3?

I’m bored, so let’s give it a go.According to the calculation rule, decision and multiple goes first, add and abstract goes after.And do it from left to right.Thus, 2–2*3+3Do the multiple first, then you got 2–6+3And then you can do the abstract and add now, which leads to the answer -1Just in case you don’t know what that mean, it is called negative one, it’s a negative number , it is a number below zero.Got it?Peace out~~

Solve this IF U CAN ?

There is a farm which contains super hens which r genetically made to lay eggs of double size than the normal ones. But as genetic engg. is not well understood there is only 50-50% chance of a super hen laying large egg.The farm is such tht it keeps the hen as long as it lays large eggs and removes the hen out of the farm as soon as it lays one normal egg. The farm followed the same process for one year and counted all the eggs laid by all the super hens.At the end of the year the ratio of large eggs to the normal ones is?

Let see if you can solve this ...?

Three friends went to a hotel. The bill was $75. Each one contributed $25.

The waiter took the bill to the cashier. The cashier was happy & decided to give them a discount of $5 & asked the waiter to return them $5

Now the waiter was confused. How to distribute $5 among 3 persons. He kept $2 in his pocket & gave one dollar to each one of the 3 persons.

So initially each one had contributed $25. Now as they are given 1 dollar back, their contribution reduces to $24. They all contributed $24 -- that is 24x3=72 & 2 dollars are in the waiter's pocket.

The total becomes 74. But they had paid $75. Where is the remaining 1 dollar?

If you can solve this please let me know

Solve this Puzzle if u can...?


Let's see if you can solve this brain basher!!!?

6. DYnamITE
7. ImPaTIEnT
8. FLamInGO
9. ImPORTanT
10. GRamOPHOnE
14. ABnORmaL
15. SaCRAmEnT
17. DOmINanCE

i tried :c

IF u can solve this riddle, you are a genius?

Some people actually got very close to solving it...well here is d answer
Cannibal A and kid a
Cannibal B and kid b
Cannibal C and kid c
shore 1 --------------------------------shore 2

a and b ----------------> shore 2
a -------------------------> shore 1
a and c ----------------> shore 2
a--------------------------> shore 1
B and C ---------------> shore 2
B and b ----------------> shore 1
B and A ---------------> shore 2
c -------------------------> shore 1
a and b ----------------> shore 2
a -------------------------> shore 1
a and c ----------------> shore 2

How would I solve problems if I were from Mars?

I think men is pseudoly from Mars. according to writer JOHN GRAY.his book MEN ARE FROM MARS WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS" introduced about men behavior.there men show as a Martian .he said that Imagine that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, one day long ago the Martian looking through their telescope, discovered the Venusian.just glimpsing the Venusian awakened feeling they had never known.we can say men's thinking paradox from mars.

Is this even possible to solve and if u can how?

The answer is that the mayor knew 29 people. And, although you didn't ask it, there were 57 people on the float.

Given a group of n people, if everybody shakes hands once with every other member of the group then there will be (n(n-1))/2 handshakes in total.
1. If there were 58 people on the float then there would have been ((58*57)/2)=1653 handshakes. But this is more than the total number of handshakes specified in the question so there must have been less than 58 people on the float.
2. If there were 56 people on the float then there would have been ((56*55)/2)=1540 handshakes. This would mean that the mayor would have had to shake hands with 85 people in order for the total number of handshakes to equal 1625. But if there were only 56 people on the float then it is impossible for the mayor to shake hands 85 times (assuming he only shakes hands once with each person he knows). So there must be more than 56 people on the float.
2. If there were 57 people on the float then there would have been ((57*56)/2)=1596 handshakes. If the mayor shakes hands with 29 of the 57 people on the float then there would have been 1596+29=1625 handshakes which is what you wanted to know.

BTW: Next time vote for a female mayor - she might have been gracious enough to shake hands with everybody on the float :)

I can solve the rubiks i smart?

It doesnt necessarily prove your intelligence, it just means your good at solving puzzles.