Solving For The Standard Deviation Of Angles With A Total Station

Statistics help?

Let X be the number of people who support building a police station in their neighborhood. X has the binomial distribution with n = 15 trials and success probability p = 0.8

In general, if X has the binomial distribution with n trials and a success probability of p then
P[X = x] = n!/(x!(n-x)!) * p^x * (1-p)^(n-x)
for values of x = 0, 1, 2, ..., n
P[X = x] = 0 for any other value of x.

The probability mass function is derived by looking at the number of combination of x objects chosen from n objects and then a total of x success and n - x failures.
Or, in other words, the binomial is the sum of n independent and identically distributed Bernoulli trials.

X ~ Binomial( n = 15 , p = 0.8 )

the mean of the binomial distribution is n * p = 12
the variance of the binomial distribution is n * p * (1 - p) = 2.4
the standard deviation is the square root of the variance = √ ( n * p * (1 - p)) = 1.549193

Let X be the number of cars recovered. X has the binomial distribution with n = 7 trials and success probability p = 0.85

In general, if X has the binomial distribution with n trials and a success probability of p then
P[X = x] = n!/(x!(n-x)!) * p^x * (1-p)^(n-x)
for values of x = 0, 1, 2, ..., n
P[X = x] = 0 for any other value of x.

The probability mass function is derived by looking at the number of combination of x objects chosen from n objects and then a total of x success and n - x failures.
Or, in other words, the binomial is the sum of n independent and identically distributed Bernoulli trials.

X ~ Binomial( n = 7 , p = 0.85 )

the mean of the binomial distribution is n * p = 5.95
the variance of the binomial distribution is n * p * (1 - p) = 0.8925
the standard deviation is the square root of the variance = √ ( n * p * (1 - p)) = 0.9447222

The Probability Mass Function, PMF,
f(X) = P(X = x) is:

P( X = 0 ) = 1.708594e-06
P( X = 1 ) = 6.777422e-05
P( X = 2 ) = 0.001152162
P( X = 3 ) = 0.01088153
P( X = 4 ) = 0.06166199
P( X = 5 ) = 0.2096508 <<<<< ANSWER
P( X = 6 ) = 0.396007
P( X = 7 ) = 0.3205771

How is the calculation of a least count of a micrometer determined?

least count is nothing but , What is the lowest value you can get from an instrument.For this what you have to do is divide Smallest division from number of divisions.Example for micrometer least count can be calculated by below formula ie;= Pitch((least division value)/ number of divisions on the scale.= 1/100 = 0.01mmSo least count of a Micrometer is 0.01mm

Minimization Problem Calculus?

Distance from S to P is 10000-x, so the cost of that cable is 1.5(10000-x) = 15000-1.5x

Let y = distance from E to P, so Pythagoras gives us:
y^2 = x^2 + 3000^2
y^2 = x^2 + 9000000
y = sqrt(x^2 + 9000000), note that y can't be negative
Cost of that cable: 2.55*sqrt(x^2 + 9000000)

Total cost of cable:
c = 15000 - 1.5x + 2.55*sqrt(x^2 + 9000000)
dc/dx = ((2.55x) / sqrt(x^2 + 9000000)) - 1.5
To minimize the cost, set the derivative to zero:
((2.55x) / sqrt(x^2 + 9000000)) - 1.5 = 0
((2.55x) / sqrt(x^2 + 9000000)) = 1.5
2.55x = 1.5*sqrt(x^2 + 9000000)
6.5025x^2 = 2.25(x^2 + 9000000)
6.5025x^2 = 2.25x^2 + 20250000
6.5025x^2 - 2.25x^2 = 20250000
4.2525x^2 = 20250000
x^2 = 20250000 / 4.2525
x^2 = 100000000 / 21
x = sqrt(100000000/21)
x =~ 2182.1789023599238126609748541562
Round that off to 2,182

If an equilateral prism is made of a material of a refractive index root 3, what’s the angle of minimum deviation for the prism?

Hope it helps…

Magnetism: What is dip angle?

Hey Sannyasin,Magnetic Declination - DipMany people state that the compass needle points to magnetic north pole. This is not geographically true. The compass points in the direction of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field at that location. The images below of the geomagnetic field and the dip show how the compass needle aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic field lines.The angle between true north (the line towards geographic north pole) and the direction towards which the compass points (horizontal component of the magnetic field) is called magnetic declination. You need to adjust for this declination when working with a map and compass. As you approach the magnetic north or south pole, there are areas of compass unreliability where the compass starts to behave erratically and eventually becomes unusable.Magnetic declination or Dip changes with time as a result of secular variation of the magnetic field, it also undergoes more rapid variations as a result of interaction with the sun.Image :geokov.comImage from slideplayer.comI hope this helps.PS if you want to actually see the dip, take an compass and after making sure is horizontal, notice it is not straight but dips, a bit.Image of the dip (