Some Important Facts About Driving Under The Influence

How do they test for driving under the influence of marijuana?

Respectfully, you're going to get a different answer to this question depending on whether you ask a cop, a criminal defense attorney/lawyer, or a scientist/physiologist.Driving Under The Influence of Marijuana is a crime just like Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol-- only the substance causing impairment is different. From my perspective as a former prosecutor and current criminal defense attorney, the way that law enforcement currently tests for marijuana impairment might as well be wizardry, witchcraft, voodoo, or alchemy. We have cops in Oregon who literally think that a green tongue is evidence of marijuana impairment. In other words, it's completely unscientific. The government currently uses a combination of two key pieces of evidence: (1) the officer's subjective observations of the the driver's physical and mental condition, and (2) the THC metabolites in the driver's blood or urine. In California, the fact that a driver looks tired or has red eyes combined with the fact that the driver has marijuana metabolites in their urine will presumptively constitute being under the influence of marijuana. The problem is that THC metabolites stay in urine for up to a month-- even though no scientist/physiologist would argue that the effects of marijuana would last that long.In fairness to the government, they do use Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) to attempt to gauge mental and physical impairment. But from a scientific standpoint, the tests are sloppy because they were standardized and validated with a test group that was highly intoxicated. For more information on this concept (and a good laugh), take a look at: 15 Insane Things That Correlate With Each Other. There's a huge difference between correlation and causation.

Does anyone have an essay on driving under the influence?

I'm sure if you need to study, you can find plenty of resources out on the web. Does your school have access to online journals? If so, check with them about accessing some of the references.

Driving under the influence of alcohol?

death of self, death of others, jail

Urgent---- Mothers Against Drunk Driving Info?

does anyone know some legit information about the organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)? thanks. its kind of urgent since i have report on this due in two days.

What is the main aim of autonomous car driving?

I think the answer is twofold. The first is safety. With people addicted to their electronics and no way to curtail it much, the fact that many people are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and just our overall inattentivness while driving, autonomous driving cars is the logical next step now that the technology has caught up with the need.The second reason is society's love affair with the automobile driving is waning. When I was a kid I could hardly wait to turn 16 to get my license and drive. I have had the nicest, sportiest, fun cars over the last 50 years . I LOVE driving! Always have and until I physically can't do it I will continue to derive pleasure from driving. I just purchased a new Mazda MX-5 Miata, my 12th sports car since I was 16…and my 43rd car overall.I sold cars for 3 years AFTER I retired and it amazed me how many times I saw parents and especially grandparents bring their son/grandson into the dealership to buy him his first car and the kid was completely disinterested. Most times he had his nose in his cell phone texting his girlfriend. There was no excitement there. It was like they were taking him shopping to buy school clothes. Now these kids are adults and probably look at driving as "work" and would be completely satisfied with crawling in the back seat and letting the car autonomously deliver him to his destination. It's sad that there isn't an emotional attachment to the experience of owning and driving a car like there used to be because cars have never been better than they are right now. They are more fast, fun, reliable and efficient than they have ever been. And now people are getting so lazy and so preoccupied with other things they look at driving as a chore that they would just as soon not be bothered with.

What are interesting websites to check out under the influence of cannabis?

RSOE EDIS - Emergency and Disaster Information Service   this one is pretty interesting. Shows different natural emergencies happening around the world in real time. Sound Composition: Calm_Thunder_Storm  You can weld different sounds together, this should occupy a few hours while high.  What's Your Poop Telling You? [infographic]  its good to know what your poop is telling you. Thought I'd Cheer You UP!! So I'm Sending you This! #8 Is AWESOME  this will just make you laugh.

Is drunk driving a criminal case?

In the context of Indian Law,he law on drunk driving says that anybody:caught driving under the influence of alcohol ora drugto such an extent that she is incapable of exercising proper control over the vehicle, is guilty of drunk driving. The punishment is:For a first offence, jail up to 6 months or fine up to Rs 2000 or both.For a second offence within 3 years, jail up to 2 years or fine up to Rs 3000 or both.What is the legal blood alcohol limit?The permissible limit in India is Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) 0.03% which works out to 30 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood.There is no hard and fast rule, but generally 1 pint (330 ml) of beer or 30 ml of whiskey/rum is within the permissible limit.Apart from the amount of alcohol consumed, BAC also depends on the weight and metabolism of the drinker as well as the amount of time elapsed between consumption of alcohol and administration of test.Read this simple guide to know more about this What is the exact crime of drunk driving?

Can I get a DUI for huffing duster while driving?

You can get a DUI for driving under the influence of anything that can impair your driving. The fact that it doesn't show on a urine test isn't nearly as important as the officer's sworn testimony concerning your driving and demeanor, and the can of duster found in your car.

I normally don't care about people using drugs, but huffing duster is just so, so stupid. That s*** causes actual brain damage, and pretty quickly too. You can't become a functional inhalant abuser either like with some other drugs. You're pretty much doomed to becoming a slobbering mess.

Why is drunk driving dangerous?

1000000009 yearly deaths are caused bu dui.