Some Type Of Neck Cancer At 19

Head and neck cancer?

Has anybody here ever had head and neck cancer?? Im only 19 years old and im scared.. What are the symptoms?
I smoke but i am not a heavy smoker at all. I go thru a pack in about 3 days tops. And ive been smoking since like last year or 2 years ago really tbh. I had this sore throat for months now not really sore but the back of my throat is all bumpy. I have a hoarse voice and swollen lymph node on one side of my neck but it is tender to touch and today on the other side of my neck i have a smaller swollen lymph node. No other symptoms. Im scared i could have cancer. I have no family history of cancer but it just terrifys me.
My neck constantly aches of pain and i feel like im gonna be doomed if i go to the dr.

Could this be oral cancer at 19?

Many of the oral cancer symptoms may be caused by other problems that are not dangerous. But since early detection is important for successful treatment of oral cancer, see your doctor or dentist if you notice abnormal areas in the mouth or throat or other symptoms.

Leukoplakia is a white area or spot in the oral cavity. About 25% of leukoplakias are cancerous or precancerous.

Erythroplakia is a red, raised area or spot that bleeds if scraped. About 70% of erythroplakias are cancerous or precancerous.

Erythroleukoplakia is a spot with both red and white areas.

Other oral cancer symptoms include:

* Sore in the mouth or throat that doesn't heal
* Loose teeth
* Lump or thickening in the neck, face, jaw, cheek, tongue or gums
* Difficulty swallowing or the sensation that something is caught in the throat
* Earache or sore throat that does not go away
* Dentures that cause discomfort or do not fit well
* Difficulty chewing, swallowing or moving the tongue or jaw
* Persistent bad breath
* Unexplained weight loss
* Change in voice

Which is the best radiotherapy technology for CA plates cancer (head and neck cancer) treatment?

I assume you are speaking about carcinoma of the palate? Is it involving the hard palate or the soft palate?Generally, when RT is required for these sites, ‘adaptive IMRT/adaptive VMAT’ would be an optimal technology.Know your Cancer, better

If you have any type of cancer, is it detected through any abnormality in a routine blood test?

Remember: Cancer is not one disease, but hundreds of different diseases. All of them will be detected in different ways (though a biopsy is the general confirmatory test).Most “routine blood tests” your doctor will order are a CBC (complete blood count), a metabolic profile (kidney and liver function tests), thyroid function and cholesterol tests. Sometimes the CBC shows anemia, and that makes the doctor suspect some types of cancer (cancers of the blood, or cancers of the gastrointestinal tract leading to occult blood loss). In rare occasions, abnormal liver function tests may lead the doctor to do scans and those may show cancer spread to the liver. But if the question is whether the general doctor’s blood test include a “cancer screening test”, the answer is: no.There’s no effective blood test for cancer screening. The blood test “PSA” (prostatic specific antigen) was previously used to detect prostate cancer, but it’s no longer recommended routinely because it led to too many false positives and unnecessary biopsies. If patients are interested (for example, they have a significant family history of prostate cancer) the recommendation is that they discuss the pros and cons of PSA testing with their physicians.Other blood tumor markers such as CA-125 for ovarian cancer, CEA for colon cancer, CA-19–9 for pancreatic cancer or CA-15–3 for breast cancer failed to show any impact on early detection of cancer in the general population. Their use is limited to patients who have already been diagnosed with those cancer types, to monitor response to therapy. Only CEA is recommended to detect colon cancer recurrence in patient’s with a history of colon cancer (and only if they had a positive CEA test before their cancer surgery.)For more than a decade, researchers have been working on “circulating tumor cells” and some laboratories offer it, but as far as I know, they have only been studied to evaluate response to therapy on patients already diagnosed with cancer—not to detect the cancer in the first place.

Which types of cancer can be detected by a CBC blood test?

Lymphoma or leukemia and potentially bowel or stomach cancer if there is blood loss associated with a lesion.Alteration in white cell count and thrombocytopenia is more likely caused by chemo. And CBCs are not a good screening tool for other cancers.

Im 19 can i have throat cancer?

IM 19 and idk if im just paranoid or what but i have what looks like to be strep throat i only have one swollen "ball" i guess u would call it in the back rihgt of my throat im justr scared that it might be throat cancer i think im jsut paranoid but im not sure i use to use chewing tobacco for about a year but quite a few months back i dont smoek cigs and i do smoke marijuana my throat doenst hurt only hurts a tad bit when i swallow. my neck is a bit swollen to the right of my atoms apple.....does it sound like i have throat cancer or am i just paranoid?

Can an MRI scan detect cancer?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role in detecting cancer. Using radiofrequency waves, powerful magnets and a computer, an MRI system can tell between normal and diseased tissue. It is especially effective in detecting some types of brain tumors, primary bone tumors, soft tissue sarcomas and the tumors affecting the spinal cord. An MRI scan can be used to find a tumor, stage of a cancer (how big it is and whether it has spread) and to measure blood flow. The scan results allow physicians to plan cancer treatment such as surgery or radiation.Physicians may suggest an MRI scan instead of a computed tomography (CT) scan, especially if the CT fails to give complete information that they need. According to Cancer Research UK, in some early cancers, such as cervix or bladder cancer, MRI is better than CT at showing how deeply the tumor has grown into body tissues. MRI can be particularly useful for showing whether the tissue left behind after treatment is cancer or not.The procedure is painless and generally takes 30-60 minutes. Even though no special preparations are necessary to get ready for this test, it is very important to tell your physician and scanner staff about any operations you have had before and whether you have any metal implants or other metals in your body. MRI uses strong magnetism and therefore cannot be used on patients with heart pacemakers, metal implants, or metal chips or clips in or around the eyes.

Does a routine blood test check for cancer?

Yes, within limits. A routine blood test generally comprises of a complete blood count (CBC) and electrolytes, basic ions in the blood plasma. A CBC will give an automated count on the number of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils in decreasing order), immature cell types, and platelets. In addition to a blood smear, a CBC is the diagnostic test for leukemias and lymphomas. An excess of a particular type of cell or abnormalities in development of different types of cells are the main criteria for clinical diagnosis of blood born cancers. In addition, fatigue and malaise is often part of the initial presentation of cancer - an assessment in the number and quality of red blood cells are essential in the cancer work-up and to rule out anemia and other reasons for fatigue. Electrolytes, the basic metabolic panel, is composed of serum potassium, glucose, nitrogen (urea), bicarb, creatinine, cholride, carbon dioxide, and other essential ingredients in blood. Often cancers present as gross disturbances in the levels of these basic electrolytes. Elevated calcium is a sign of paraneoplastic syndrome and can be the result of many types of cancers. Outside of routine blood tests, other types of cancer screening mechanisms are also for blood borne markers. These include AFP (for liver cancer), CA125 (for ovarian cancer), PSA (for prostate cancer), and CEA (for some types of lung cancer). The sensitivity and selectivity of these markers are a whole other issue, but they are also blood tests.