Somebody Tell Me Martial Law Wont Happen

What will happen if Donald Trump declares martial law?

This kind of question is why so many people refer to Trump Derangement Syndrome. First, there is not even a hint that Donald Trump would even think of Martial Law. Hillary, yeah I could see that, but not The Donald.But more to the point, the person asking the question does not seem to grasp the situation. For example, a sitting President cannot be indicted. That’s the whole reason for the impeachment process - the founding fathers recognized that a President’s enemies could interfere with the nation’s business by simply raising indictment after indictment, so you can;t indict a sitting President. So that’s out (yes, a President can be indicted after he leaves office, but there are reasons that never happens - think about Nixon, and anyway after he leaves office he wouldn’t be President, so there you go).But yes, Trump could be impeached. That happened to Bill Clinton, you know. The thing is, there is zero chance the Senate would convict Trump. Some of that is because all the Democrats have is bad-sounding accusations, which wouldn’t stand up in any legal proceeding, but also because the Republicans have a majority in the Senate, where any trial after an impeachment would take place, and it takes 67 votes to convict and remove a President. That has never happened yet in American history, and for all the wailing spite from the Left, Donald Trump is not even in the twenty worst Presidents. Seriously, if they did not convict Andrew Johnson or Lyndon Johnson, Andrew Jackson or James Buchanan, then there is simply no way a group of sound-minded Senators will remove Trump from office.What that means is that you’re not going to force Trump out of office, and believe me, he knows that very well. Trump also has tons of money to retain some of the best legal minds in his defense if he needs to.Just stop this paranoia, it’s not good for you at all.

Will Martial Law Happen?

Those rumors have been around forever, started by the racists who insist Obama is an evil commie/socialist/nazi/Muslim who is going to destroy this country. Never mind that Obama is to the right of center. They just want people afraid of the black guy.

Consider the source, a group of racists who want to instill fear of someone because of the amount of melanin in their skin. Totally irrational.

What would happen if Trump were to declare martial law in response to criminal indictments of himself or members of his administration?

Firstly, let’s get this out of the way:There is no such thing as “Martial Law” in the United States.The US Code defines all the ordinary civilian law in the USA, and is the SOLE law that covers any and all civilians in the USA.The Uniform Code of Military Justice is the body of law that covers specific individuals in specific circumstances in specific locations. It covers military folks on military property, and that’s about it. It cannot be generically expanded to cover anyone else, and can only be slightly expanded by an act of Congress in very specific areas.POTUS does not have ANY powers to change the body of law that applies to any situation whatsoever, nor does ANY member of the Executive Branch.Declaring something an “Emergency” or the like does NOT change the law in effect. Even in times of Civil War, the ability of POTUS to make any chance to Constitutional Law is very suspect, and has almost exclusively been ruled unConstitutional (eventually) when it was done.State Governors have slightly more power, in that they are able to make minor modifications to certain rights (namely, Freedom of Assembly) on a temporary basis. Even there, governors CANNOT CHANGE THE LAW. But POTUS has no such ability or power.So if Trump decided to “declare martial law”, everyone in the Federal Government not a toadie of his would go “Huh? What’s Martial Law? Sorry, Donald, no such thing exists.” If the military were commanded to perform civilian law enforcement (which it is absolutely forbidden to do outside a special Congressional bill enabling it to do so), they would rightfully balk at such an illegal order, and if commanded to do so anyway, I have no doubt that at least some of the commanders would attempt to arrest anyone trying to force them to carry out an illegal order (which they are legally REQUIRED to do).In short, Donald trying to declare Martial Law would probably be the fastest way to get himself thrown in prison, if not shot outright for treason by an outraged military.

Somebody please tell me martial law wont happen?

I would love to tell you that because the idea is troubling, but so many things have happened since Obama was elected that I never thought could happen, I really can not be completely confident.
As to being scared and paranoid, try to relax. Most things people worry about never happen.

Pros and cons of martial law?

Never any pros.Above guy is wrong.Even gun control laws never reduce crime.It always leads to more control of a central power.

What happens in the episode "Entitled: Part 2" of Law & Order?

Search "Law and order Entitled" The 2nd episode wasn't under SVU. You folks find the video stream?

What would happen if Donald Trump declared martial law and suspended all elections?

As a matter fact, I worried about this question some time ago. It turns out that the President does not have authority to stop National elections unless congress delegates that authority to him. Now also, though that is a worry with this congress, they have yet to do so, and it may take 60 votes in the Senate. In addition it is in the Constitution that the election of House members must be occur every two years so even if the November election was stopped somehow, an election MUST take place before the end of the year. Originally, Senators were not elected so that is not in the constitution.I think, or at least hope, that Sec. Defense Mattis has a tight control over the military so the President doing a coup of the government is unlikely.I am also reassured that the Sec. of State Pompeo is anti-Russian and so is the National Security Adviser Tom Bolton so I think the President cannot just give America away to the Russians. I do worry about Bolton a bit because he seems to want us to go into a hot wear with Iran. As former Sec. Defense Bob Gates said to Obama getting involved in Libya, “Can’t we finish one of the two wars we are in before we start a new one?” Of course, we are also involved in Syria.Lastly, I believe some arrangement has been made that before the red button is pushed by the President that Chief of Staff or someone (maybe the head of the Joint Chiefs) is involved. So the fear that a nuclear war might be started by “accident” may be unlikely.So my advice is to relax and enjoy life.

Can the United States government, under martial law, go door to door and seize citizens’ firearms?

Yes they can and they have! "Martial law " is a special case when the civil law enforcement gives way to the military. Your rights are very restricted and determined by a corporal, lieutenant and may be a court martial before you are shot! If it gets that bad! People were shot trying to leave, get food or water after Katrina! During riots people have been shot by the military during "Martial law "!After the earthquakes in suburban LA soldiers assisted rescue efforts, directed traffic, hand out blankets, food and water! It depends on the "Martial law" emergency!

Dream about martial law?

Last night I had a dream me and my sister were walking in the woods and we got to this fence with barb wire there was a miniature helicopter the size of a person right above us I told her to run its a fcking drone. And then all of a sudden I was in an airport but everything was shut down there were hundreds of people lined up and sitting down some where sleeping it was the parking lot maybe there were cars. There were police everywhere and my grandpa was there he tried to go to his car and leave and the cops threatened to shoot so he came back. My grandpa looked like shyt in the dream he was sweating and fatigued like he was sick and about to die I told him I loved him and asked for his keys and wallet because he was going to die he almost handed it to a stranger thats how sick he was. Then the announcement was saying code red Air Force one has landed and I saw the Air Force one from behind the fence. They rounded us into another room and I couldn't find my grandpa or sister then my alarm went off.

What does Martial Law in Mexico mean?

I'm due to fly to Mexico City on thursday, stay there for two weeks and then travel across the border into the US by land. I've heard about Martial Law being declared there, but haven't been able to find any information as to how this would affect travelers. I've also seen sites saying that it is all untrue, and others which say don't go to Mexico whatever you do.

Could anyone offer me some advice as to whether I should let this affect my trip or not?

Many Thanks