Someone Defecates In A Computer Store And Rubs Their Own Fresh Human Poo All Over The Computer - Is

Why does my baby red eared slider seem to be floating lopsided?

Your turtle has a respiratory infection. The lung on the side that is lower is filled with water which is creating this. You need to get it to a vet immediately as these are deadly. This is possibly the early stages of pneumonia as listing (floating sideways) is a sign of pneumonia. Raise the temps in the tank by 5 degreese and consult your vet.

My dog is throwing up foam after eating a rawhide bone? Should I take him to the vet? Please answer quickly!?

My 6 pound Yorkie ate a rawhide bone and has been throwing up white foam ever since. Should we take him to the vet? (My parents don't think we should, but I've read about it and it says 'take to vet immediatly) He is able to drink water, but I'm worried it will puncture his intestines. What should I do?


What do you do if your dog ate an entire loaf of bread?

Depending on what kind of bread it is, it could possibly cause constipation or diarrhea. So making sure he stays hydrated and has more than his usual exercise is important. Helps the digestive system process. Something like that.Also don’t feed him for the rest of the day and possibly the next day as well. Or at least until he’s pooped a few times.Keep an eye on him. Like with the constipation. Our Milton had it twice, and we had to take him to the hospital for treatment.And then of course, for the future, you must keep foods your fur baby will try and eat, away from his reach.


A neighbour was walking in the morning and heard loud mewing! She came to our door and found a baby kitten. NEWLY BORN! Either 1-3 days old. Belly cord stil there! She brought it to me because she knows knowone else that loves animals or cared for them! The thing is.. there's always the mother! I found the mother (I know this might sound strange) but there IS a ONE and ONLY mother in out street that gave birth.. a few WEEKS ago.. all her kittens look exactly the same as this newborn, but they're the length of 2 hands already! Is it possible for her to give birth again? to the last one? I dunno what to do! she came, sniffed the baby and licked it, then LEFTED! WHAT THE HELL!! what the hell do i do!? We only have normal milk. not cat milk. can i still add water to it? but how to i feed it? its mouth is so small! and its constantly crying. My dad.. definately wont let me keep her (im 16 btws. just recently turned) and I have responsibility over a 7 month pup.. please help! Tell me what do to until its old enough to be given away or something! Everthing in simple steps!! PLEASE! I dont want it to die.. currently wrapped in a towel.

Oh yea.. if im to look after her and my parents let.. i cannot go around and BUY stuff for the one kitten. they will not accept.