Someone Tell Me Thisss

Can someone tell me what this is?

It is a herb slicer, you just roll it backwards and forward over them.
Use for things like chives and the green of spring onions
The flaw with one of those is they have such a brief action, You can see that by the upturned bar at the near end It will not work very well try to cut fresh pasta as the others say

Can Someone Tell Me This?

There IS a way to find out what might interest you. You can go to the nearest community college and tell them that you would like to talk to a counselor. They will be able to help you take a test, probably in the career center. In the career center, you will give you a test and ask you questions about what interest you and what does not. You have to answer these questions honestly. When you are done with the test, they print out a list with several different careers that you would be good at based on the answers you gave. You can then do research on different areas that interest you and this will help you narrow down your decision. The college will be able to tell you what classes you need, and what kind of a degree you will need to pursue your new career. Good luck with everything!

Can someone tell me how to solve this?

Well.. it goes that I have been having my questions recently reported.
I have had 3 questions reported so far in almost a week..
The first one was about beauty pageants and what criteria do they have to meet

The second one was asking about a non-hollywood -ish movie and asking opinions of those whom have watched it

The third one was in Philosophy section and a kind of survey about the care people give their soul.

I had these three questions deleted. I ignored the first 2 but the 3rd one was really unjust to get deleted! I contacted Y!A and asked them to return my question but I was told that indeed it contradicts the Terms and Conditions...and I was given the list of Regulations..I read them over again but my question didn't go beyond the lines..when I asked them to tell me exactly what rule am I breaking I was again sent the same list...!

Could someone please tell me how can I have this issue solved? How can I know what rule was I breaking? Why are Y!A staff not really paying attention to trolls? As in least hand why aren't they giving the exact rule I'm breaking...

Could anyone help please?

What is this? Can someone tell me what this is? It's a bubble and it pops out when I stand up. It goes back in if I pull my toes toward my head. I have Ehlers-danlos syndrome.

I have EDS (classic type) and at first I thought molluscoid psuedotumor, but then I thought "no... they are only over knees and elbows";  But, apparently that's not true.  "Two types of soft tissue growths are observed in EDS: molluscoid pseudotumors and spheroids. Molluscoid pseudotumors are bluish-grey, spongy nodules seen over easily traumatized areas like the shin, forearm and tendo-achilles. These are herniations of subcutaneous fat through atrophic dermal scars. Spheroids are buck-shot sized, hard, calcified, subcutaneous nodules resulting from fat necrosis."from Cutaneous signs in heritable disorders of the connective tissue Arun C Inamadar, Aparna Palit I'm only a recently-diagnosed sufferer who doesn't have them.  Curious to know if you found out what it is?

Someone tell me what does this mean?

It's a bit of irony.

The "land of plenty" is a place where food is in abundance. This can extend to resources and valuables as well.

Many countries are considered "lands of plenty" by those who are born in poorer nations. However, there are poor within the rich countries, who starve for lack of access to all of this food, as well as financial resources (money).

Can anyone help me with thisss!?

x^2 + 9x + c

is the problem & the question says What value of c makes the polynomial below a perfect square? If necessary, use the slash mark ( / ) as a fraction bar.

im not asking you to do my homework, i dont wont just the answer .. i need to know step by step how to do this! because i honestly have nooo idea and its for an online class. can someone please help?

thanksss :)

Can some one help me with thisss?

More than likely it was your period. You could just be starting it that is why is is light. If you are feeling worried talk to you mother about it she will explain all there is to know. And she will take you out to get some pads. It should be okay. Don't worry.

Can someone tell me the notes of this music?

That portion from 2:10 to 2:26 comprises of these notes moving from one to the next in the direction of the arrows:B-> C-> D -> E -> F -> G -> A -> B - > C -> DIf you understand music theory, these are the notes from B Locrian mode. This mode is seldom used because of it's odd sound and that's why the portion in the song also sounds pretty weird.

Can Someone Tell Me Some Things About The Pagan Religion?

As others have already said, Pagan does not refer to a religion but a group of religions. Pagan religions have nothing in common really except that they do not belong to the Abrahamic religions.
Some people will try to say that all Pagan religions are Polytheistic (belief in multiple gods) or that all Pagan religions revere nature. While many Pagan religions are polytheistic and many do revere nature, neither of these are universal.
Check out some of the links you've been given. If you are interested in specific Pagan religions then there are many here who will be able to give more information. Some Pagan religions are Wicca, Hellenismos (Greek Reconstructionism), Celtic Reconstructionism, Kemeticism (Egyptian Reconstructionism), Asatru (Norse Reconstructionism), Druidry, Thelema, Religio Romano, and more.

There are very distinct beliefs and practices within all of those religions, so you will probably want to search them out to see which ones are in line with what you are interested in.
Good luck. Feel free to ask more questions about the specific religions you are interested in.