Something Keeps Biting Me

My puppy keeps biting me.. Hard!?

sorry to "omNom' who said to yelp when your puppy bites you, do not do this. If you have watched puppies play in a pack the weaker puppy yelps and the stronger puppy over rules it. if you you yelp you are telling it that it is boss of the game etc etc if you take notice of the mother dog while she is raising her puppies, if the pup is playing to hard with her or annoying her she will give a deep growl, if the puppy does not listen she will give a gentle but firm snap to remind the puppy of his manners. she does not yelp or show weakness, she says "im boss and i don't like what your doing so stop it". simple as that. if your puppy bites you use a deep growl tone of voice and say "no" or "ahhh" what ever you feel comfortable with. if he does not get the message you can also give a little push around the puppy's shoulder area with your finger tips, i say finger tips because it mimics another dogs teeth against the skin. once he stops biting you can give him a toy and when he bites the toy reward him for biting the toy and not you.

some people may not agree with this but you can also grab the puppy by the scruff and gently pull him to the ground (BEING GENTLE), making sure he is lying on his side with his head resting against the ground. this is not actually cruel though some people would disagree. this is a submissive body posture and only let him up once he is entirely relaxed. this is very natural for a dog to be put in this position, you will notice this if you watch a pack of dogs, this is a form of communicating. i would recommend reading a few of Cesar millan's books as they are very helpful.

toys and bones are also very good of course. reward your puppy for playing and biting on his own toys. :) worked for my dogs and they never bite and are never disrespectful.

What invisible bug keeps biting me?

There's this lotion stuff that people wear to keep bugs and things away from them- so the bugs won't go anywhere near them. It smells like cheap perfume.. but you don't wanna get bitten again, right? I'm guessing it may be some type of spider and spiders are excellant hiders (is hiders a word?? So I'd just try going to walgreens or some grocery store or walmart to look for the lotion stuff insect repellor. I'll pray that no more bugs bite you =).

- Elijah -

My dog keeps biting my leg or foot whenever he wants something. How can I stop it?

Biting can never, ever work. If biting gets attention, even just once every month or two, he'll keep doing it. Biting gets a stern "NO" and nothing else. No attention, no further scolding, no eye contact. Turn your back, fold your arms, and look away. Put your nose up and refuse to acknowledge the dog's existence. He's biting to get something out of you. And if biting means a reduction in attention, he'll eventually give up and try something else. At first he'll try biting again, especially if biting worked in the past. And the next time he'll try it, just to see if it works again. After time, he'll do it less and less. You also have to give him acceptable ways to ask for attention/treats/walks. "Don't do A" alone is not enough. He needs to know what he SHOULD do. Imagine you're playing a game and the prize is a $20 bill. But you don't know what to do to get the prize. You are just told what NOT to do. Sound frustrating? It is. Dogs want to make us happy but for some reason we focus too much on telling them what not to do. If we give them something to do instead they're happy to do it.Years ago a friend had a dog who absolutely adored me. He was a mini Australian Shepherd and his way of greeting me was to bounce up to my face and try to lick me. Having a dog jumping up on me was not exactly fun. It got old quickly. I did the same thing I described above (crossed arms, nose in the air) until he stopped bouncing and then told him to sit. The instant his rump was on the ground I would sit down with him and cuddle him. If he bounced, I stood back up. He learned quickly. Bouncing got ignored, sitting got cuddles. If I hadn't seen him in a week or two he might forget and bounce once or twice but a stern look had him sitting.

Something keeps biting me when I go to sleep. How do I find out what it is and get rid of it?

1- Check your mattress’s seems for any small black dots, which (if found) are probably either:Bed Bugs (above)-Or-Pantry Beetles (below)2- Remove the mattress from the bed and inspect the frame and surrounding area for the shells that the larvae of both bugs leave behind which look like this:3- Call professional insect or pest inspectors to help you; remove all food from the room as well4- Identifying the type of bite may help as well, the bites from Pantry Beetles and Bed Bugs look almost identical:In reality, it’s your safest bet to call up an inspector because they’ll do the job right and assess the costs and what must be done; if you find bugs you can’t do anything by yourself.

My sugar glider keeps biting me?

I've had my sugar glider for a year now (I got him when he was a baby), and he finally bonded with me by about a month. When I first got him of course he bit me, but after I got him tamed he never bit. Now it's been about a year and all of a sudden he's just...mean. I took him out of his cage about a week ago like I do every night and started playing with him around the room. He was on the floor and I tapped my fingers to make a tapping noise (I always have done this while playing with him) and he bit me. And he bit me hard, he even wouldn't let go for a few seconds and he finally let go of my finger and it was bleeding. He's never bit me like that before, even when he wasn't tamed.
Since then he keeps biting me. Even when I put my hand in his cage to give him new food he attacks my hand. He doesn't even seem mad, he doesn't make that weird sound Sugar gliders make when they're pissed. He just bites me really hard all the time for no reason. I don't know what the hell his problem is. It hurts like a ***** too, that little f-er can bite hard.
So what's his problem? I don't know why he's suddenly acting like this. I haven't changed anything or done anything different. He doesn't seem sick or anything. How can I get him to stop biting?
Help appreciated.

What kind of bugs keep biting me in bed?!?

It's bed bugs and you need to take care of the problem immediately otherwise it escalates. I'm afraid the only thing that's really helpful is silicone spray, which bed bug experts (or bed bug exterminators) use - it's harmless to the human being but of course it may irritate you a little.

You can start, if you really don't want to go to a pest-eliminator, by removing the mattress slowly and carefully, vacuum cleaning (with a really powerful vacuum cleaner) every corner of the rooms and every bit of furniture, including cracks on floors and walls.

Then, put every sheet and bed cloth (including your clothes) inside the dryer for one hours. You don't have to wash anything just dry it at really high temperature.

If the problem persists, though, you will have to call the exterminators. Bed bugs are an increasing problem and they are really difficult to eradicate if left untreated.

My husband keeps biting me how should i stop him?

Sounds a little childish. I would treat him just like I did when my kids when through a biting stage. Get down to his level (if he's sitting) look him directly in the eyes and say very firmly "NO, That hurts!"

I bet he'd figure out in a hurry that you don't actually like it.

My cat keeps biting & scratching me what should I do ?

I have been having the same problem with my cat, Jasper. Jasper bites me so much that my hand turns red, and it leaves scars. Your cat is probably just playing, and he doesn't understand that biting hurts you. I haven't tried this yet, but someone told me that when a cat is biting you, you use treats to get it to stop. As soon as the cat starts to bite you, you say "NO" in a loud, strong voice. Then you slowly pull your hand away, and every time it bites you, keep saying "NO". When it stops biting you, give it a treat. I have friends who say this works. Good luck!

My roommates dog keeps biting me. What should I do?

When I first met my friends dog, the day she got her, the dog was very social and sweet. However a couple weeks later I came over again and was growled at and bitten by the dog twice. Now me and that friend are roommates and her dog constantly bites me. I don't acknowledge the dogs presence, interact with her, or invade her space. However, the dog is over protective. One time I was within arm distance of my roommate, removing my headphones out of her laptop while it was her hand and the dog bit me. It's been four months and the dogs behavior hasn't changed. She's not getting rid of the dog nor do I expect her to but at this point it's frustrating. She doesn't take my concerns seriously and thinks the dogs behavior "isn't that bad". Besides this we're good friends so whenever I try to keep to my self she calls me out to hang out, or gets upset that I don't want to. I feel silly that I'm actually starting to get scared that the dog could hurt me because she hasn't broken skin. It makes want to stay away from her until I move out.

My friend keeps biting me for no reason. What should I do?

First option - You should ask them, nicely, to stop doing that as it bothers you.If that doesn’t work, second option - You should tell them, angrily, to stop doing that as it is bothering you.If that too doesn’t work, third option - You can be physically aggressive without any regret.alis grave nilHope to see you again!Aditi Goyal