Sometimes I Just Want Her To Say It

Why do i hate my bestfriend sometimes?

Oh. It's because she seems to be changing for other people so she can be an all around great person. She probably wants to do the things that you do because you're best friends and she wants to be around you and probably likes those things too. She seems like she just wants to get on people's good side and you don't seem to like it because she's, in a way, changing who she is and there's a twinge of jealousy in there. I think you should just stick to being yourself and...I don't think she's trying to be better than you. She's just trying to make those friends like her, not necessarily more than you. I really don't think there's anything you could do. Just do your own thing and get some space from her because I think the real problem might be that she's just around you a lot and you need some space.

My gf always says ily b4 she hangs up and sometimes i dont have enough time to say it back. Wat should i do???

She maybe saying it to reassure u
or she may sat it to hear it back
i think she means it and would like to hear it back.
It doesn't have to be everytime.
Talk about this with her.

Sometimes i just want to hold her tight for a little?

she's a friend... I don't want to date her... but sometimes after she has had a rough day r I have I just want to hug her for a bit longer than a simple hug....
how do I get this to happen without making her feel weird or getting the wrong idea?

Do girls sometimes say they dont like a guy even if they do, and act like they do?

Certainly, and guys do it too. From a woman's point of view, the only type of relationship that makes sense is a long-term mutual commitment. If a woman is attracted strongly enough to a man to consider dedicating her life to a long-term relationship with him, it's essential that he be absolutely gone on her. Any sensible woman knows that the time will come when she's got the flu, she's pregnant out to HERE, the other kids are leaking at both ends, the house is hip-deep in diapers, and she's too sick to do anything about it at all. If he's really smitten with her, he'll stick around and help her through it instead of running off.A woman who wants to know how attracted he is may push him away. If he goes away, he wasn’t attracted enough. Women can sometimes tell when a man's strongly attracted. That is called female intuition. Men ridicule it and fear it because they don't understand it, but God gave a woman the ability to see into a man's heart if she looks, but if she has any sense, she will seek confirmation.If you aren't strongly attracted to her, it's somewhat dishonest to go after her because you won't stick with her when life gets tough. The more independent she is, the stronger she is, the more strongly you have to express attraction to her.If you're attracted to her, it would help if you showed that you understood a bit about what women need and were willing to learn. This articleWhat My Wife Told Me Before We Were Marriedexplains what my wife told me about herself. What she said made me confident that I could meet her needs by taking care of her and it also made me very much want to marry her. We found later that it applies to many women so we wrote it down for our granddaughter. One way to start the ball rolling would be to tell her you found this blog post which claims to explain women, and ask her if it makes any sense to her? That would at least start a conversation.

Usually i love my girlfriend.. but sometimes i feel i dont love her at all?

Usually i love my girlfriend and im always thinking about her and wishing she was with me but after we hung out today i have this feeling like i stopped loving her out of no where. We've been together for 4months and it's weird but i feel like i just randomly stopped loving her but idk because somedays im just VERY unemotional but as of right now i really dont feel like i love her. Its almost like im sick of her even tho i only see her like twice a week. Do you think im just having a weird day and i will go back to loving her or i really stopped loving her?

Sometimes my girlfriend gets quiet and doesn't want me to touch her. Why?

There could be a lot of reason why she is acting the way she is towards you. If she doesn't want you to touch her at times, than chances are she's been abused in someway at some point in her life. She gets quiet because she is thinking about it, and she doesn't want you to touch her because it reminds her of whatever happened.

Another possibility is rape. Survivors of rape do act this way sometimes. How much do you know about this girl? By what you said, it doesn't seem like much. You've been together for four months, and she doesn't open up to you.

Or maybe she's had bad past relationships? Do you know her ex's - if she has any? If so, do you know how they treated her? Could you ask a friend of hers how she's been treated?

There is a million possibilties of why this girl is distant from you. She nods her head that she wants to tell you, but she can't. So maybe she was abused or raped, and the abuser/rapist threatened her and told her not to say. Maybe she is embarrassed by whatever is hurting her. Or maybe, it's just to hard for her to say.

To get her to let you in will take time, patience and work. When she's acting that way, keep sitting with her. Don't leave, don't get mad, don't pressure her. Tell her it's okay and she can tell you. Tell her that you won't tell anyone what she has to say.

My wife always tries to help solve my problems, but I just want her to listen to me complain without trying to fix things. How do I explain that to her nicely?

The words you use matter. She is not psychic. She cannot read your mind. If you rant - “I wish I knew what to do!” and she tells you “Here are some ways to solve the exact problem you just asked for.” Then the only thing she is guilty of is giving you EXACTLY what you seem to be asking for and you are the one being very unreasonable.Change the words you use. “This makes me so frustrated!” or “I know this crap happens and I know I just have to deal with it, but I hate it!” These are more the words that will get her to just listen and sympathize. She still won’t be a mindreader, but it is less confusing. You can learn to express your frustration without it seeming to be a need/request for help, which means she’s more likely to ask if you WANT or NEED help before just offering it. It will also make her more receptive to your saying “I’m just ranting. I don’t really need help. I’m just upset.”In other words… you aren’t supposed to try and change the people you love to make your life convenient and comfortable. You’re a team. It’s on you both. YOUR words matter. Her being there to help you is part of her job as YOUR WIFE, just as it’s yours to care about her when she’s upset. And seriously, think about it, you’re complaining about her wanting to help you. She’s listening to you and trying to help. She’s probably upset and worried for you and so, when you resent her for trying to help, it’s a painful rejection of her caring for you which will make her defensive and could lead to arguing.Communicate. “I’m just frustrated. I’m just ranting. I really am okay.”

I just wanna win her heart, how can i?

Well, I'm a girl, and in ur girls position. I think to really win her heart is to do something courages, really show that u like her and are not afraid to tell the world, this will melt her like butter!!! Also if she doesnt talk to u, maybe she just wants space, as I do sometimes, or just isnt in the mood, don't take it to heart. Also make sure u never let her forget u like her!!! Be sweet and romantic but also her friend because come on we are only young!! Hope this helps

Nicest way to tell someone to grow up?

Just be straight with her and tell her what she is doing to herself, tell her sometimes age let ask act in a special way and its about time we change the way we act, stuff like this, be nice and cool and dont push it too much on her.

PS. i think no one cant delete an answer, just reporting, correct me pls if am wrong.

Please help me here

Best Trap