Son Has Bad Dreams About Death What Should I Do

I saw death of my son in my dream. What is the meaning of this? I am worried.

No, no, there is nothing to worry about. You should understand the mechanism of any dream. It had been established that dreams are nothing but a way of cleaning itself or unburdening itself by or mind. Whatever informations it gathers in our daily life, it cleans some of our, it is a regular process and is on 24 hours and when our active mind is asleep, we tend to see dreams.Now, you love your son and constantly thinking of his welfare, any parent would do so, you love him and always worried about his health, well-being, this thought is so deep that you are not even aware of this emotion. The emotions related with one's children ought to be very strong and very deep, we don't always express them but they are there.We are always worried about our children and always feel very much protective towards them and we know love is always insecure. It always makes a person to think that something drastic will happen to their loved ones. They don't wish that, they don't mean it either, it is simply the insecurity of love trigger these thoughts.These morbid thoughts takes a shape of dream when your mind is expelling these thoughts in a cleaning process and though you never intended it, your mere imagination in worrying about your son has given this dream.There is absolutely nothing to worry about and I cannot ask you not to worry about your son, that we will always do since we love our children and their well-being is of utmost importance to us. Relax, the meaning of this dream is that you love your son and be assured that you will keep on seeing these dreams. No harm, your love, your worrying are being shown to you.

Keep having bad dreams about my dead grandmother?

First of all, let me say that I am sorry for your loss.

Second, it is very normal to have these types of dreams after you lose someone you love. I was reading a book about dreams and they mentioned that these types of dreams (in which your loved one is walking around like a zombie) are part of the grieving process. You're still trying to make sense of the loss and come to terms with the fact that you lost someone important to you. In the first few months or even years, it's hard to accept that the person you loved could possibly be permanently dead. These dreams are part of your process of accepting that. Everyone I've talked to who has lost a close loved one has had at least one dream confronting the loss.

I do believe that you will start to have these dreams less frequently. My mother passed away when I was a teenager and it took me about 6 years after her death to start having these dreams and they happened every night for a month or two. They upset me a lot, but since the dreams have stopped I have come more to terms with her death in a way that I wasn't able to before. I stopped feeling constantly depressed about it. I mean, it's never a happy thing and there are always going to be special moments when we miss the ones we love but after awhile we can often reach a point when it hurts a little less because we accept it more. Dreams are funny things, though, and my mother is often in mine but she's usually alive. Sometimes it takes a long time for our minds to catch up with the reality.

If the dreams continue or really start to bother you, I would suggest going to a therapist who could help you work through the issues. It's not that there's anything wrong with having these dreams because it is normal in your situation, but it might help to talk about your loss. I don't know if you have ever lost a close loved one before, but the grief comes and goes in stages. It's never something that's fully resolved and it's okay to feel sad and miss her--even years later. It's part of the grieving process.

Best of luck to you.

Why do I keep having bad dreams about my dead father?

Dear Ashley,

I am sorry for your loss.

Do not be afraid about dreams. Look into yourself from waking life perspective - you've faced hard life experiences and you've lost your dad. But you remain strong and brave to look into bright future. Past is always following us in our dreams. It is natural process. It's normal.
Death of your father is very fresh (just three weeks) so it is very hard to accept for your mind and everything you see in your dream is subconscious manifestation of your loss. Bad dreams about your dead father will follow you in sleep for few upcoming months (up to three months in average). But still you will have him in your dreams for one or two years. But they will become more and more blurrier. After manifestation (about three months) will be new period - acceptance of loss. In this period your sleep will become better and dreams will transform from nightmares to normal dreams. And at the end (after one year) you will dream your dead father just once in a month or maybe less.

So, don't be afraid, remain strong and you will be the winner in your own life.

Please, look now into professional dream dictionary and read about interpretations and meanings of dead relatives in dreams:
In the dream appears decease people, they usually refer strong emotions, both positive and negative, that the dreamer has experienced in connection with these people. An occasion for such dreams cannot be processed as a senses of guilt or aggression. To dream deceased is this way, is the single possibility, to put an end to the relationship and connection with them.

Don't be afraid! Remain strong before sleep and good luck!
Mis Eagle.

Do bad dreams relate to hidden fears?

I always dream that someone is hurting my child and I'm trying to help him and I'm so upset in my dream I wake up. Either he is missing, dying or being abused. I hate it..its not every night but a lot and after one of those dreams I don't want to go back to sleep for fear of dreaming something bad again.

What does it mean if you dream your dad died?

Death in dream implies change. On the bright side, death dreams usually have positive symbolism.Seeing your dad die in dream may imply a change in your understanding level with your dad. Perhaps your dad is going to accept some new facts about you that would bring a change in the relationship with your dad.Dream is a reflection of our own self. When you see a person in your dream, you actually see an aspect of your own self. Your mind projects the impression of that person that is registered in your memory. So, death of your dad may imply change in certain qualities like your beliefs, judgements & attitude - that are influenced by your dad.If you are anxious about the well being of your dad, dreaming of death of your parents is just a reaction to your fear. It doesn't necessarily mean your dad is going to die.Few people among us sometimes get a glimpse of their probable future in their dreams. Since you've asked this question, you are not one of them. So, again no worries.Sometimes, what you see in dream is exactly the opposite of what happens in reality. That too implies your dad is fine.Don't worry. Don't take your dreams too seriously. Have a good day!

Why do I dream about my dead father suddenly being alive again and again?

The Dream Moods Dictionary is a very comprehensive site where you can look up and discover the meaning to just about anything. Below is their section on Death, but check it out for yourself: Dream Moods A-Z Dream DictionaryDeadTo see or talk to the dead in your dream forewarns that you are being influenced by negative people and are hanging around the wrong crowd. This dream may also be a way for you to resolve your feelings with those who have passed on. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes material loss.If you dream of a person who has died a long time ago, then it suggests that a current situation or relationship in your life resembles the quality of that deceased person. The dream may depict how you need to let this situation or relationship die and end it.If you dream of someone who has recently passed away, then it means that their death is still freshly in your mind. Dreams can also be a way for you to keep loved ones who have past away alive and still be in some aspect of your life. You are still trying to grasp the notion that he or she is really gone. If the dead is trying to get you to go somewhere with him or her, then it signifies that you are trying to understand their death. You also don't want to be alone.To see and talk with your dead parents in your dreams represent your fears of losing them or your way of coping with the loss. You are using your dream as a last opportunity to say your final good-byes to them.To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend alive in your dream indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, your dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.To dream of your dead child is a way for you to keep your child alive through your dreams. For a parent to lose a child is extremely difficult. Such dreams occur because you still cannot accept or understand how or why your child was taken from you so soon.Dreaming of a dead person who passes away again in your dream means that you wished they were still around to experience and share certain aspects of your life with you. Such dreams are more likely to occur during happy times or during important milestones in your life.*Please see also Death

What does it mean if you have a dream about your mom or dad dying?

This is a very common dream. Our parents are the most potently symbolic people in our lifetimes. Through our parents we form our relationships to the core principles of the masculine and the feminine, which fundamental to our psyches. When we dream that they die, or one of them dies, this is an important psychological event in our lives.When a person, who is an external symbol, dies in a dream, that usually means that those qualities (what the symbol stands for) are being integrated into your personality. In this case, you are embodying the masculine or feminine that your parent represents. You are withdrawing the psychic projection onto them and transforming yourself, “growing up”. This is a healthy psychological progression.

I dreamed that my 1.5-year-old son died. What does it mean?

I used to dream quite frequently that my youngest son did not live to adulthood. Sometimes he died as a young child and in one dream my brother in law accidentally ran over him and he died. But mostly it was about him not living to adulthood because of some disease or something. I would sometimes become so overwhelmed with sadness that when I woke up the sadness was so intense. These dreams started when he was about 6 or 7 and stopped when he was about 10. I don't know why I dreamt this so often and I don't know why you dreamed about your son dying. But I will say this, my son is now 39 years old and very healthy. As upsetting as these dreams are, the fact is, they're only dreams and sad as they are don't have any meaning. Don't worry about it.

I had a dream that my mom died,,, what does it mean?

Dreams are very symbolic. Death in a dream is a symbol for some type of change in life. So when we dream that a loved one dies, it simply means that someone is going to be experiencing some type of life change. For example, as my sons get older and pretty much deal with their own lives as young adults, I have to make changes in my own life. Such as finding other things to fill my time with, new hobbies, friends, stuff to do, because my focus isn't on my sons as much as they needed when they were younger. This can be fun (for me and my sons too) and at the same time.. sad.. for all of us.. because it means things won't be the same, comfy type of life we're all used to. Does that make sense? It's as if our lives are dead and we mourn how it used to be. Your mom could also have this same type of dream about you, since you both are likely going thru some changes in your life. (A mom could have this kind of dream when her child begins school, for example. A teenager could have this kind of dream when he/she gets their first apt). Pay attention to the FEELING a dream leaves you with. That usually is an important part of the message in the dream. In your dream, your brother was crying, you weren't that shocked, but when you woke up, you wanted to cry. Sounds like your brother wasn't expecting life to be the way you figured it might have turned out to be. Things didn't seem to have surprised you, but looking at it has left you sad. Yes, changes in life can be sad. Acknowledge that there are things you'll miss. Then look forward to the future and the new things you and your loved ones can share together. I am loving getting to know 'the men' my sons have become, even tho I can still see in them, the cute lil babies they once were. And in turn, they are getting to know me as a person, not just their mom. Am thinking similiar stuff might be happening for you and your mom. One of the hardest things in life, both for parents and for young adult 'kids'... is learning to let go and face life together in new and different ways. Good luck to you!

What does a dream about losing a child mean?

You don't give the complete dream nor do you give the genders of the dream figures. The complete dream is always necessary to get a more complete answer.Because you didn't give the complete dream I can only give a broad general answer.A child in a dream especially a young child (giving the age of the child is important) is generally symbolic of a new potential. In addition a child is open to life. They represent spontaneity, joy, fun, for they are open to life. A child has not yet been educated out of being receptive to new experiences. A child has not yet been educated with how one is supposed to behave and what to believe.Therefore, in a dream to lose a child is to lose what the child represents. To lose what the child represents can be related to living life in a less than open way even living life in a more ridged dogmatic way.It's in your best interest to reflect on how you are living your life. To live life perhaps in a more ridged or dogmatic way can lead to missing other opportunities including missing other ways of being and living.Best wishes.