Son Has Had A Cold Every Few Weeks For About 8 Months

My 7 month old baby wakes up every hour!?

I did, but I kind of dug the hole myself. My baby started having trouble sleeping thru the night when he started teething at about 7 months. I work outside the home during the day, so I was desperate to get sleep. I started hauling him into my bed when he woke up rather than trying to get him back into his. I finally decided this would not work for me----He'll never have a sister if he doesn't get out of my bed.:) I have been working on getting him back in his bed for about 2 weeks now and at first, he was up every hour.

These are the things I have done. I'm not sure which one works best or if it is the combination. I'm like a baseball player that doesn't want to change his socks when he's on a winning streak, you know!

1. I started putting him in Huggies Overnites for bedtime because he's a super soaker and is sopping by morning otherwise.

2. I follow a pretty strict evening routine. No naps after 5 pm. Just play play play. He has solids around 6 pm, plays til 8pm. Then bath time (more playing), warm bottle and bed.

3. I let him fall asleep or get drowsy in my arms and then put him in his bed. When I've put him down, I don't pick him back up unless he's really crying (not the crocodile tears they do to get attention). I just lay him back down and pat his back.

4. Soothing music, a night light, and a humidifier---especially this time of year. He gets congested. White noise, like a fan (not pointed at the baby) helps too.

5. But...and I think this is the thing that really works...after I put the baby down in the bed, I take off my shirt and tuck it down beside him. Last night, I heard him cry out on the monitor like he was about to wake up. When I went in to check, he had wrapped his arms around my shirt and gone back to sleep and was sleeping like a log.

He slept all night long.

BTW---the cry it out method doesn't work with all babies. Mine would just keep crying and crying... I prefer the other "CIO" method. "Cuddle it Out" :)

My almost 4 month old son has an ugly cough, he wheezes sometimes, he had a runny nose this morning,?

it can be a whooping cough. its very dangerous. mistake we make as parents is not taking them to the doctor when we NEED to. see this is called pertussis and symptoms are very similar to the common cold accept with when they cough (may not be always). but when they do its a very dry cough with a whooping sound tours the end. they my eat less too b/c its difficult for them to do so. also it can be something in their lungs like mucus. or maybe just the norml cold. i just know its scary. my son hd cough real bad. good thing it went away. by the way hows he doing now?

Can an infant 2 months old die from RSV and phnemonia if they have them at same time?

Yes, RSV will cause extreme dehydration in some infants, but coupled with pneumonia, thats not good. What you have is an extremely immune compromised infant who cannot keep in fluids or breathe with out difficulties. Either one of these could become life threatening, but the combination of the two is horrific.

Good Luck and God Bless. I hope your little guy is doing better.

What happens to your body if you do not shower for a month?

Lots of stuff. Bad stuff.  You've probably gone a few days without showering, which is fine, but what'd happen if you didn't shower/bathe for a month?  First of all, you're body is crawling with up to 1000 species of bacteria and fungi. But don't worry. These bacteria benefit us by getting rid of nasty pathogens that could harm us. But what happens if they can't get rid of them? Occasionally, your bacteria will not be able to get rid of certain pathogens. That's when showering comes in. Our second line of defence against pathogens is to shower, wash, or use soap. But by not showering these pathogens will quickly transfer to our eyes, nose and mouth where they can get inside us causing diarrhoea, influenza and other nasty infections. Skin microbes will also be able to wipe out the good bacteria and cause skin infections. Not good.  By not washing you could allow dirt to pile up onto your skin causing something called dermatitis neglecta where brown lumps will form on your skin.    Also, you're gonna start to stink.   You may think that it's the sweat that smells, but surprisingly sweat is odourless. That smelly smelly smell that arises from your armpits, after a few days without a shower, is caused by little bacteria that feed on proteins and fatty acids in sweat. This is why it's common for armpits to smell because of the abundance of sweat glands. They then convert these into multiple bad smelling chemicals. A condition called Bromhidrosis or B.O can occur, this is when body odour is excessive and much higher than normal levels.  In the feet it will be no surprise if they start to smell like cheese. This is because isovaleric acid is present.Hopefully not as bad as this   So overall, you need to shower, but showering too much or too little can be detrimental to your health.

I feel like i am failing as a mother... a little help?

Hi Mamma Mia

I have been having the same issues with Sienna as she had a temperature and a bad cough over Chrissy so we started helping her get passed the blocked nose which we thought was stopping her from sleeping by tapping and rocking her. She also turned her nose up to non sweet foods, so we offered her fruits only.

She will 7 months in a few days so the choices that were given to you with the previous answerers wont work for you and I. I have spoken to friends of mine who suggested (apparently this worked for them) making 1/2 fruit and 1/2 savoury (eg potatoes or rice cereal as it's packed with iron).

If however you daughter is not even consuming bland foods she used to like or fruits and is happy with b/milk or formula then keep offering her that. I would however suggest that you continue to offer her something at each meal time (to save money and time making food that you may have to throw out, I would suggest just some rice cereal)

What am I doing about Sienna's inability to sleep on her own anymore (just when I thought I had her on a wonderful routine) I'm putting her to bed and saying the same thing, sssh sleepy time and leaving, she is screaming and I go back in about 5 minutes and say the same thing, giver the dummy and keep doing it. It hasn't worked for me (it worked for my first daughter) so now I'm tapping her to sleep in her cot (it's much better than rocking). During the day, she is now sleeping by herself and hopefully the tapping of an evening may stop too

So it's all about stages, just like you put your daughter on a routine in stages, you'll have to start again but this time with some bad habits. Nip 'em in the bud now but dont panic if it's over the next few weeks.

Now about how your feeling. Who wouldn't be feeling negative over everything with what you've been through. Stuck in a rut, looking at four corners and probably very sleep deprived yourself. I know because I am still going through it myself. I also have a NYE birthday party to put on and it's 4:55am in Australia and I can't go back to sleep. So take one day at a time (that's my slogan for anyone with a baby) and know that everything is temporary and thats so true particularly for those with young children.

2 week old newborn, yellow puss at the eyes.?

My daughter is 2 weeks old today and for the past day and a half, she's had this yellow-like substance coming out of the corner of her eyes. It's look like what people call 'Cold coming out the eye.' I've seen it in my little niece recently and my daughter's problem is looking quite the same. I've also read that it could be because of her tear ducts have not totally developed, is that right? Could someone please give me some help to this, so I'll know what to do?

Have you ever saved your child's life?

Actually, yes. But not because I knew what I was doing. My middle son was born premature. I can’t remember the number of weeks but I wasn’t quite 8 months pregnant. He weighed 4 pounds, 14 ounces and gained two ounces during his four days in the hospital, so they sent him home with me. I was scared to death. What were they thinking? Preemies sleep much more than healthy newborns, and will even sleep when they need to be fed, so he had to be wakened every two hours, or at least that’s what they told me to do. I was exhausted after just a few weeks.One night I put him to bed in his little bassinet, turned off the light, and went to bed myself. I was just dozing off when I heard a funny gurgle. I wondered if I should get up and check and started to blow it off, but then I changed my mind and turned on the bathroom light to take a peek. He wasn’t breathing and the skin below his nose to his upper lip was blue.I panicked when I realized he had spit up and inhaled it causing him to choke. I tried to think where the aspirator was and remembered it was downstairs in his diaper bag. Down the stairs I ran, pounding him on the back. I laid him on the floor while I groped through the bag until I found the aspirator. I used it on his nose and down his throat. I sprayed the contents away from us not caring one bit where it went. All the while I was calling for my mother who had come to meet him from out of state. She finally woke up just as my little bugger started coughing. My mother and I both took turns cradling him and trembling at what had just nearly happened.For the next two months, he slept on my chest at night and during the day next to me at all times. I learned to live with hardly any sleep…just dozing here and there.He’s 31 years old today.

My 2 years 3 month child still doesn't speak. Should I be worried?

Usually newborns are screened for hearing at birth. And later in life, during the paediatrician visits for immunization or regular checkups, if the doctor sees any red flags for developmental milestones, they would recommend or suggest ways.That said, every child is different and reaches their milestones at different ages. A normal child this age would say two to three words short sentences and would have at least a hundred words in their vocabulary, even if the child does not necessarily uses those words. I was concerned for my baby as he would not speak until about 2 years. I asked the doctor and was referred to a speech therapist because I was scared to death. The therapist mentioned many reasons, one of those being since he is the youngest in the family and gets his way out without talking much, he does not feel the NEED to communicate using words because his needs are met without asking. So I was asked to question when he babbles. Do you want milk or water? Do you want to sleep or play? Do you want yellow or purple? In short give them choices and they will choose. Read a lot, even if there is no attention. Talk to the child about every day things, chores, errands you are running. And DO NOT force them to talk. Just keep repeating. Hardly 3 months later, he is a chatter box, going non stop!!!

Almost positive my 2 yr old has a cold sore :( The doctor says its infant-ago?

Do you mean impetego? Impetego is a skin infection/irritation that is really quite common in young children and spreads easily through skin to skin contact. It looks kinda like a cross between a cold sore and a patch of eczema. As it spreads you'll find more spots in other areas. It's itchy but not painful. Children with impetego usually need to stay away from daycare/kinder etc until it's cleared up or you can cover the area with clothing so that the skin isn't, impetego on the arm would mean you'd need a long sleeve top to prevent the skin bug spreading. It's not life threatening or anything it's just one of those annoying things to get rid of. I think my son used a cortisone cream from the doctor to get rid of it. It was a few years ago now.
Hope this link helps.