Sore Muscles From Gymnastics

Headaches in gymnastics?

When you are doing your routines you are using a lot of upper body strength and your neck muscles get a good workout as well. It's your neck muscles going tight from that workout that is causing your headaches. The neck muscles go to the top of your head where they connect to muscles going around your head. When the neck muscles get tight they pull the head muscles into pain and that's your headache. When you rest the pressure is off your neck muscles so the pain will go away. To get rid of the pains and to keep them from happening again you have to free up your neck muscles and here's how to free them up:
Neck Release:
Place your hands behind your head touching your fingers. Press into the back of your neck with them and hold the pressure on them. After 45 seconds slowly lower your head until your neck is fully extended. Release the pressure but hold your head there for another 30 seconds. repeat if needed. For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed. This should work even better without the headache because the muscles will be a bit looser at that point.

I am so sore from gymnastics...remedies?

I've never done gymnastics in my life. I'm 14, female, and going to be a freshmen. There has only been 3 practices, and I've been able to work through them. But today is Saturday, and I can't move. My abs hurt so muchh, and my ribcage feels like collapsing. My shins, ankles, and a little bit of my thighs are sore as anything. And my back, shoulders, and upper arm, and a little bit of my wrists feel like they're going to rip open. What can I do to soothe all this pain? I walk like I'm crippled around the house. I need something that will work. Practice starts again Monday. =[

I've done cross country, track, and field hockey so my legs don't hurt as much, but they're still pretty sore. But my hips feel dislocated (not literally)

And words of inspiration please, because I feel like I want to quit.

My ribs / muscles hurt really bad. I think it could be from gymnastics?

You probably never did so much gymnastics over two days before though. Make sure you warm up well at the beginning of your sessions and warm-down at the end. Take a hot bath preferably or a hot shower if you don't have a bath. Try and get a good nights sleep. It'll fade in a couple of days, but if it is really bad take a couple of ibuprofen.

Is it safe to exercise when your muscles are sore?

Yes.I’ve written about soreness in the past.The quick story on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is:It usually happens when you perform a strenuous activity for the first timeIt’s usually worse when you focus on eccentric movementsThere are a number of hypotheses about why it happens, but no solid theories:Lactic acid build up from anaerobic fermentationMicrotearsOther metabolites not being relieved quickly enoughWhen you do the same exercise later, you don’t get as sore, this is known as the “repeated-bout effect”[1]So how do you work out?First, it’s okay to do a low impact (between 50 and 80% intensity) workout repeatedly even while sore. You can do 5–10k (or longer) daily, for instance, or if you’re a gymnast, do your gymnastic exercises which shouldn’t be terribly difficult for you at that point.Second, don’t work the same muscles two days in a row. Experiments have shown that 1–2 days rest for an untrained individual will return the muscle group to being at least as strong as it was before the workout.[2] In trained individuals, optimal recover may take between 2 and 6 days after a particularly strenuous lift.[3] You won’t be able to get as much weight up if you get into it too soon, so it probably won’t be as beneficial to work the same muscle twice in a row for strength and size purposes.If you’re still sore after 2 days, you probably have your strength back, but the problem then is that you might have a painful psychological blocker: the soreness may prevent you from mentally lifting how you should. If you can push through that pain you should be fine, but I’d suggest trying a different tactic, like working a different part of your body or doing cardiovascular or agility training so that you can get the most out of your time.Footnotes[1] Skeletal Muscle Damage and Repair[2] Recovery in Training[3] Recovery after heavy resistance exercise and skeletal muscle androgen receptor and insulin-like growth factor-I isoform expression in strength trai... - PubMed - NCBI

Gymnastics?? Please Help!!?

So i started gymnastics yesterday. And went again today. The head coach told us to do a pullover into a back hip circle. And i did it with help from him.

Now my hands are soo sore and have blisters on them. What should i do to get rid of the blisters? Also my arms and shoulders are in soooo much pain.
How do i get rid of the pain?? Do i take an ice bath?? How to properly take an ice bath??

Thank you soooo much


Sounds like your muscles are in spasm, and need to be stretched to enable them to get better blood supply. As you go down steps, the muscle in back of your lower leg becomes contracted, and hurts.
You need a 'wedge'. Find a piece of wood about a foot long. And a brick turned on its side near a wall. Put the wood on it so that the wood is sloped, and stand on it, facing the wall. That will stretch the muscles and get better circulation to them. Do it several times, and your gymnastics program needs better "cool down".

Why do gymnast take ice baths?

when a person is sore it's an inflammation of the muscles, taking an ice bath prevents sore muscles, injury and when you submerge your muscles in ice water it forces the blood out of your blood vessels this is beneficial because when you get out you will be pumping new blood to your muscles instead of blood that contained acids you get built up from rigorous exercise.

Does soreness mean muscle growth?

after you workout your muscle stretches a lot (it actually depends on how strenuous the workout is) that's the soreness. your body then puts protein to rebuild the muscle and it ends up bigger/stronger/wtvr you wanna call it. that is also why it is recommended you ingest protein after the workout.
so in a way yes soreness does mean muscle growth.
now if you meant soreness during a workout then it's probably because of lactic acid that builds up in/around the muscle and ferments thats because its not getting enough blood flow to the muscle to deliver Oxygen and take away the 'garbage molecules' and that's why your body speeds the heart in order to deliver more blood flow.
so it depends on what you meant
hope this helped