Sore Throat After Having My Tonsils Out

Can a person get strep throat after having tonsils removed?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to get a streptococcal infection of the oropharynx ("strep throat") after adenotonsillectomy. However, in the absence of places to hide and breed for the strep organisms, e.g. tonsillar crypts, it is less likely and the infection will not be as severe as in cases of recurrent strep tonsillitis. There will also be no danger of one of the complications of strep tonsillitis, which is tonsillar or peritonsillar abscess. Not a nice disease to have! However, in immunocompromised patients, one could still get a retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal abscess, though this would be rare.

I manage to got 2 chunks of tonsil out from my throat while coughing, now I have sore throat. Is this normal?

Whilst I am not an ENT specialist and this answer is caveated as not being medical advice. As a general rule: if bits of my body fall off, I get professional medical help.The sore throat is probably normal in the circumstances, the event itself, less so.Edited for a modicum of seriousness: It’s probably not pieces of tonsil, but ignoring questions such as “are you a smoker? Drink alcohol?” get thee to a physician. Take the bloody “chunks of tonsil”.

Why would you need to have tonsils removed for strep throat when you can treat it with antibiotics?

In Chronic Recurrent Tonsillitis, the bugs in the tonsils have become multidrug resistant superbugs and these have created a barrier within the tonsils which no antibiotics can penetrate. The antibiotics can merely kill the bugs circulating in your bloodstream without that protective barrier! So it may get your fever and body aches down BUT YOUR TONSILS WILL NOT SHRINK AND RETURN TO NORMAL STATE! Also the draining lymphnodes in your neck(LEVELS 2 & 3) will no longer be tender but THEY TO WILL REMAIN ENLARGED! This is a sign that you NEED SURGERY!In other words, your tonsils are now a sitting timebomb just with these superbugs just waiting for an opportune moment to attack and destroy you vital organs( kidneys- Acute Glomerulonephritis leading to Chronic Renal Failure and life condemned to regular dialysis)( heart - Rheumatic Heart Disease needing complex Valvuloplasties by Open Heart Surgery).Once upon a time, Tonsil Surgery was risky and patients sometimes bled to death. It also had a long painful 2–3 week recovery period(I underwent one when I was in Med School), however with the advent of LASERs and Coblation Wands, it is much less painful and a whole lot safer!Once we realise that the tonsillitis has gone multi-drug resistant, it is imperative that it be removed, and it would be scandalous if the patient were not made aware of this situation and he/she went on to lose one of their vital organs!

Getting my tonsils out what to expect?

I didn't need a urine test for my tonsils when I got them removed two years ago.

Tonsil surgery is one of the most common types of surgery; don't worry, you'll be fine.
I've had several surgeries in my life and tonsil surgery takes about 2 weeks to fully recover from.

That said, you'll be tired a lot at first and your throat will hurt. This is because they burned the skin at the back of your throat after removing the tonsils to prevent bleeding. This will fall off and be digested in a week.

You'll have to eat soft/liquid food for about two weeks to a month. Other than that, life goes on.

You'll be okay~!

Is getting your wisdom teeth taken out or having your tonsils taken out worse?

I had my wisdom teeth taken out 2 years ago, and my face was swollen up for about a week. Since I was knocked out during the procedure, it didn't hurt at all. Now I'm thinking about getting my tonsils taken out because I get a sore throat very easily and I'm so tired of it! So is the procedure for getting your tonsils taken out worse, the same, or better, and does your face swell up after you get your tonsils taken out also?

Does it hurt getting your tonsils removed?

You’ll be asleep under general anesthesia for tonsillectomy there’s a breathing tube down your throat so you’ll still be able to breathe, you’ll be sedated and won’t feel any pain. The hurt actually comes during recovery, because you’ll feel pressure in your ears and your throat will be raw until it heals. You’ll likely be restricted diet because you’ll be too sore to eat much, cold popsicles maybe or broth. Nothing heavy. Nothing salty as your mouth will be raw and sore. But the BEST part about having tonsils removed is that you’ll likely be instantly healthier than you were before. In the sense that you’ll avoid getting strep throat and certainly no more tonsillitis. And tonsils are kinda gross anyways so who really likes them anyhow? I certainly don’t miss mine one bit. Also if you are older in your early twenties the recovery from surgery you’ll never forget the best and worst. Best because you’ll never get ill from bad tonsils and worst because the pressure in your ears afterwards is awful. But still I’d recommend getting them out if you’ve got problems. It was still the best surgery I’ve ever had. But the worst toughest recovery. Good luck!

I'm getting my tonsils out. What can I do to have a quick recovery?

So I'm 19 and I have to get my tonsils taken out. I get sore throats all the time and well... my doctor has decided to taken 'em out. I'm scared as hell and really nervous. I know I'll be on good pain killers. But my question is what can I do to have a quick recovery?

Ohhh & this sounds silly... but how early can I kiss my boyfriend? I don't think I'd feel comfortable asking my doctor about that. lol!