Sore Throat When Swallowing Neck Painful To The Touch Painful To Talk

Sore throat when swallowing, neck painful to the touch, painful to talk?

If you have eaten anything hot you could have Thermal Burn of Mouth or Tongue these include red skin, Blisters and loss of taste.

The other is Viral Pharyngitis This causes Throat pain when swallowing Swollen lymphs glands in the neck and jaw Viral Pharyngitis is is caused by a virus which usually occurs with a cold or flu Along with throat pain runny or stuffy nose, Coughing, Fever and headache. Symptoms usually get better with self care antibiotics will not treat a viral sore throat. If you work that's is probably why like if you are a teacher health care worker anything that involves in contact with many people.

The other most common one is Tonsillitis Which is found in your throat and can be seen it causes pain in the throat and jaw symptoms are difficulty swallowing, ear ache, headache, fever, bad breath, fatigue, drooling, raspy voice and mouth breathing. What you can do to prevent it is Drinking alot of water Surgery, Antibiotics for bacterial infections. I hope this helped I know alot about this so if you need more questions just ask me And some remedies are Warm water with salt in it and gargle it Strictly do not swallow! and that should relive the pain if you do want surgery and have tonsillitis you'll have to wait.

Pain on right side of throat when swallowing or moving neck?

The most visible thing about sinus is swelling.

The easiest way to control swelling is to give up water and all other liquids for 24 hours. In 24 hours there will be no significant dehydration to cause organ failure. But to be double sure one can stay indoors for 24 hours.

Now if you decided to try it the next problem is that one who is used to drinking water or other liquids feel thirsty quite often. They find it very difficult to manage without water for more than 6 hours. For that follow the following routine.

First thing in the morning drink tea (on empty stomach). It should be normal tea not too strong nor too light. One should not take anything with tea. No water or anything before or after tea for atleast 1 hour. Tea on empty stomach leaves a bitter taste in mouth. Resist drinking water or any other liquid for next 3-4 hours. After this the bitter taste will be gone. AFter this there will be no thirst signals. For the next 48 hours there will be enough fluid in your mouth and food pipe. You can eat your normal meals minus any liquids for next 24 hours. This will resolve all health issues including poor digestion.

In 24 hours the reduction in the fluids will be about 3 litres or about 5% of the total body weight of a normal adult.

Never the swelling due to sinus or cold and cough is more than 5% of the body volume.

During this period of 24 hours the lose of water from the body does not reduce even by 1% to offset reduced water intake.

The reduction in loss of body water thru urine or sweating starts after 48 hours in most of people. But to be on safe side giving up water and liquids for 24 hours will do the trick.

The reduced swelling will give immediate relief from pain. It will make is much more easier to eliminate the cough thru nose without any pain.

That will also improve the blood acid levels by about 5%. This makes changes at the cell level as well. Blood acid levels are the first line of defense against the infections.

So swelling gone, pain gone, cough moving out, infections taken care of. Now what remains in the body for the next change of season time. Obviously nothing.

So it has already given u long term relief from sinus.

You may refer to Kole on yahoo answers. He posted that he got lot of relief. You may check his comment on my best answers of 14.8.2011

Why do I feel a stabbing throat pain when I swallow?

As some others have answered, this may be strep throat. What the other responders did not add is that strep throat is extremely contagious, so you want to find out very fast if that is what you have, before you give it to friends and relatives. My dad and my sister both used to get it, and I can remember that we actually boiled the silverware that each of them used for each meal to kill all of the germs that got on the fork or spoon that they put in their mouth. Please do not delay — go see a doctor NOW!

Neck pain hurts that hurts when swallowing.?

Your neck muscles tightened up and that restricts everything inside your throat as well to make you have the pain while swallowing. To get rid of the pains you have to free up your neck muscles and here's how to do that:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about two minutes, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Really sore throat when I yawn or swallow?

Your neck aching is a sign of swollen glands, in addition to your sore throat. Look in the mirror with a flashlight at the back of your throat... if it is red and swollen or has white spots this is a sign of infection and if it doesn't go away within a couple days I would recommend seeing a doctor. In the mean time get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids, orange juice is very good for you but the acid may sting your throat. I hope you feel better soon!

I have throat pain while swallowing saliva. Why is it happening? What are the remedies?

So I have had swollen/sore tonsils and soft palate for 4 days now. I went to the doctor yesterday who advised rest and fluid, which is what I have been doing for the past few days. It does not seem to be getting any better, in fact on Day 1 it was a mild sore throat, and by Day 2 throat pain had gone away but the tonsils become very sore, so much so that it hurts to swallow saliva. On Thursday, I was shouting a lot and I inhaled some really bad firework smoke, it burned a little at the time. When I went to the doctor yesterday, they said my strep test was negative. My question is what should I do? Nothing seems to be working and I'm in such pain that I am missing work. I do not seem to have any other symptoms other than being tired. I have been sleeping and napping, but everytime I wake up it seems to be worse. Any advice?

My throat hurts when I swallow but not when I talk ?

U too! My friend at school said her throat really hurt when she swallowed and now I woke up at like 3AM and I have it -__- gargle with Salt water or keep drinking hot tea or milk

Hurts to swallow, eat, and talk. Not sore throat?

Tight neck muscles will press into your throat with enough pressure to cause those pains. Freeing up your neck muscles should get rid of the pains for you and here's how to free them up:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about one minute, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

The left side of my throat hurts when i swallow?

You have tight neck muscles pressing into your throat with enough pressure to trap your tongue muscle there to cause it to be hard and painful to swallow. When this is happening it also presses into the nasal passageway to block up your nose, the two parts of a cold. Freeing up your neck muscles will release the pressure in your throat and help with the other problems and here's how to free them up:
Neck Release:
Place your hands behind your head touching your fingers. Press into the back of your neck with them and hold the pressure on them. After 45 seconds slowly lower your head until your neck is fully extended. Release the pressure but hold your head there for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

The VERY bottom of my throat hurts to even touch and swallow alot! Could there be something bad wrong?

I go through strep with no fever ever. The top of my throat is not red or swollen but i have a really bad headache and the bottom of my throat is very tender to even tap. What do you think the doctors will do? or what is wrong with me?