Sort And View Preferences

Women: What is your personal penis size preference?

Now, right off the bat I'd like to point out how common this sort of question is. I know how annoying it must be to see it pop up time and time again, but the fact of the matter is that a lot of men simply don't find it easy to come to terms with simple facts when they're presented - this is probably my turn.

My main question, and I have to stress that I only want genuine answers; is to women: What is the ideal penis size range (length & girth, if possible) that would give you the most pleasure, in a purely physical sense?

I am not asking for personality traits that are more important than penis size. I'm not asking about techniques. On a purely physical scale, and nothing more.

And, with your answer could you please mention your general body size compared to the average? (Small, medium, etc.) I understand that some smaller women prefer a smaller penis, and I was wondering if the proportionality carried through to size preferences.

Why does Facebook's newsfeed reset the sort preference each session?

Facebook doesn't reset the sort preference for newsfeed every session.What Facebook does is reset your sort preference back to "Top Stories" from "Most Recent" if your most recent session was over a certain amount of time ago. (I don't recall what this time period is, but I think it is around a day.) The logic of this is that if you haven't logged in for 24 hours, you probably aren't going to want to spend the time to scroll back through all 24 hours of your newsfeed. However if you view your newsfeed when you just saw it an hour ago, showing you your most recent makes sense.Makes sense?

Why counting sort and radix sort are not given much preference while learning sorting algorithms?

Counting sort requires two iterations plus one auxiliary array to store counts. Also, it can work with integers within known range. Complexity of counting sort is O(n+k) where n is the size of the sorted array and k is the size of the helper array.Radix sort needs more memory and is less flexible than other sorts.

What influences what sort of things we like or dislike?

I believe that what defines our likes and dislikes is a mixture of genetic factors and environmental factors, such as upbringing and personal experience.I mention genetics because I have once read about a pair of twins whose tastes were so identical that they had to quit buying each other Christmas and birthday gifts, because no matter how hard they wanted to surprise each other, they always bought the exact same things. So there must be something there in our DNA that shapes our tastes to some extent.On the other hand, very early in life you learn about how your parents react to certain things, and you perceive what they like and don't like. This penetrates our subconscious very deeply and stays with us no matter what. For instance, I have a tendency to find people with visible disabilities repulsive. This is horrible of me, and I know it is, and I try hard not to feel this way, but guess what? I can still recall my grandmother reacting with disgust every time we saw a mentally disabled person when I was very little.Also, I used to like a certain dish made with cream cheese. Now I hate it to the point that I would rather stay hungry if there were nothing but this dish to eat. This dates since I ate it one day and got a severe food poisoning. Similarly, quite a few personal experiences can shape our tastes in a variety of ways.

Yelp: How to set "Sort by date" as default (rather than their "Yelp sort")?

That’s not possible within the app at this time but your question really resonated with me! Of course, your question implies that you would prefer “Sort by date” instead of Yelp Sort. Let me tell you a story.My Yelp Sort (not short)StoryA few years I worked on a contract that required insane travel! In 18 months I visited 230 locations all across the US including Alaska and Hawaii! I spent my life on planes and in hotels!I literally found 99% of my restaurants using the Yelp Mobile App (Android). We’re talking lunches, dinners, bars, etc., etc. I’m not exaggerating that I used Yelp hundreds of times during this period!My criteria for a sorting algorithm is that it provide the best match to my experience at the place of business. Kudos to Yelp as the Yelp Sort does that for me.Do I use Sort by Date? I do but only rarely and here is why. Lets say that I’m looking to spend big bucks at a restaurant that I found using Yelp Sort. I’ll switch to Sort by Date to check for any extremely current trends that Yelp Sort might have missed such as a recent chef change for the worse. Sometimes there might be a few current reviews that the Yelp Sort deems not reliable enough to make the cut. If I’m spending big $$$ I might consider them. Otherwise it’s not worth my time.I had occasion to recently visit with several experienced Yelpers. We discussed this issue. Without exception they voiced a preference for Yelp Sort. By hey, whatever floats your boat!

What sort of content do you see when you’re using the Incognito mode of Google Chrome?

When you are visiting website with incognito mode you will see ads according to user preferences because Google tracks the user activities but past preferences are unable to track because it does not record the browsing history. some data will save in user pc or phone like cookies etc when you login through browser automatically creates cookies in your browser but with incognito mode it will clear the browsing history but still chances cookies remains in your pc or phone you can see how to enable incognito mode in the video

How do I sort my Yahoo email by date, oldest to newest, and make that permanent?

From the first response in this thread, it sounds like this is not an error, but is being forced by Yahoo because of "continuous scroll" in the inbox.;_ylt=AsW.TvqdieH0iIrvTSKQkgfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130611150238AAOUWEH

It's exceptionally frustrating. Hammer Yahoo on Twitter and elsewhere, maybe they'll decide to let us control our inbox preferences for ourselves again.

What determines the viewing order of Instagram stories?

Whether there is a motive behind it or not, you don't upload an Instagram story without checking back to see who's viewed it every half an hour. But how does Instagram rank story viewers?It's literally impossible to let 24 hours pass and your story expire without religiously reopening the app to see if the guy you're currently texting, the one you hate, and the one you're trying to make jealous has viewed your latest upload.But is it just me, or does your best friend, your sibling and even the person you're texting notappear in your top five viewers? My top five goes: a guy I haven't spoken to in ages, my ex-boyfriend, two girls I kinda knew at uni and one girl I have spoken five words to in my life time. Like, how is that even possible???But what does it all MEANThe stalking theoryThere are several theories floating around the internet. After conducting an experiment,one reddit user told this thread the top people are those who stalk your Instagram the most. These stalkers don't even have to engage with your content through likes and comments, as long as they visit your account frequently enough they'll always appear first.The top 50 theoryOthers think the order is chronological for the first 50 viewers, so your viewer order will show who tapped to watch your story first. But as soon as it gets to 50 viewers, the algorithm changes……followed by another stalking theorySupposedly after the first 50 people have viewed your story, the order is then ranked by who interacts with your profile the most via page views, comments, likes, story views, DMs etc.In this theory, page views are also prioritised in this algorithm, so if you're wondering why your ex who never likes any of your Instas anymore keeps appearing on top, it's cos he's stalking you.Well it looks like these three have been stalking me for 14 WEEKSThe three signalsThe order is determined based on a number of signals, including:1) the likelihood you’ll be interested in the content;2) timeliness of the posts;3) your relationships to the person posting. The technology is powered by machine learning, which is adaptive to your behaviour and improves over time.So basically, whoever is in your top five probably stalks your account all the time, even if they don't like any of your posts or even talk to you anymore. This means every time you upload a story, you can now get an ego boost from knowing your shitty ex still misses you, or that your 'best friend' is the actual best friend they claim to be.