Sprained Shoulder Pain And Recovery

How do I get relief from shoulder pain?

I feel like most muscle pain can be helped or at least give relief by topical pain relief products. My brother has been a pitcher for a college team back in his younger days. He used to get really bad shoulder pain and had to sit out many of the games because the recovery time took too long and his pitching ended up suffering from it. A couple years ago, I was painting my house and fell off of a ladder. When I landed, I severely injured my shoulder and couldn’t sleep because of the pain. I called my brother and he told me about a technique he used from a coach that helped me recover quicker. He said to take a hot shower and let the warm water run over your shoulders. Letting the warm water run under the bottom side of your arm and rub your arm, while working the muscles and receiving the warm damp heat. The shoulder pain and arm pain (for me) kinda go hand in hand.While your in the shower/bath, let a bath towel soak in hot water - NOT SCALDING (very important).When you come out of the shower/bath, dry off, you should rub Absorbine Jr. | Home and over your shoulders, You'll want to do this while the pours of your skin are still open from the shower/bath.DO NOT not apply Absorbine Jr. under your arms (arm pits), nor on the neck or face, and not on the groin area (trust me I learned the hard way).After the Absorbine Jr. has been rubbed in, take the hot towel that's been soaking in hot water. Use a face towel to wring out the hot water - that way you won't be grabbing on to the hot water - the face towel will insulate your hands. Now wrap the hot towel gently around your shoulder and arm by first draping the towel over your shoulder and back so about 12 inches hangs of your shoulder blade.This warm moist heat combined with the Absorbine Jr. | Home that rubbed in well, will offer a relaxing condition to your muscles that will not only promote a great bounce back -for the next day. but you'll be far more sensitive to strains and other conditions that you wouldn't feel otherwise.This method that he taught me made all the difference.So try it for yourself and I hope it works like it did for me.

Can you practice BJJ with a shoulder injury?

If it was a different sport that you don’t need a lot of movement and pressure on the shoulder then yes, but BJJ puts a lot of strain on your shoulder. Even if you’re only on your back trying to defend a guard pass, I mean even the basic shrimp will put pressure on your shoulder. If it’s a torn labrum or a torn rotator cuff, I would definitely just go and get a surgery if I’m planning on doing it for a long time in my life.Source: Had injured shoulder during promotion, decided to get surgery after a month, got back a year and a half later. Still not fully recovered, but better when I injured it.

Shoulder injury, possible recovery time?

So, I was doing weight lifting and noticed that my left shoulder was stronger than my right shoulder. no big deal. About 6 hours pass and I'm in massive pain. Go to the hospital and they take an x-ray. It was a shoulder separation. AC Joint

Since its an x-ray, I'm guessing they can't tell if I have a torn muscle, or ligament. They said that i might.

I have an appointment with a specialist in 2 weeks who will obviously be able to give me more definite answers, but just out of curiosity....

I can move my arm from my elbow down, no problem. I can use my other to lift my extended right arm to about eye level. I can barely lift my right arm by myself.

Can anyone guess what it is, or if I need surgery. How much time will it take for me to be able to lift weights again, or play any sports?

What are some exercises I can do to recover from an AC joint sprain?

Thanks for the A2A.When did you injure your shoulder? It's usually best to wait 2-3 weeks before doing any exercises, to allow the ligaments to heal. Try applying ice and immobilizing the joint for a while. Take an anti-inflammatory if you're in pain (like ibuprofen), and just rest. Exercising while the joint is still damaged can make things worse.After that, Pendulum Exercises are a good starting point. You shouldn't feel pain at all doing this, so if you do, stop immediately and ice the joint. I'd suggest you talk to a doctor or physical therapist before attempting anything more intense.

Does a dislocated shoulder ever heal?

First of all, pain is subjective and should not be questioned. If someone says it hurts "this much", then that is exactly how much it hurts.

Second, in answer to your question, No. Shoulder dislocations are usually lifetime injuries. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and therefore the most easily dislocated. It is a ball and socket joint and unlike the hip, it's socket does not surround the ball. The joint capsule does not hold the joint together as much as the surrounding muscles. Once it is dislocated the chances of it being dislocatd again are usually quite high.
When it is dislocated completely, the "relocation" causes damage to the ball, which is called the head of the humerus. In the joint it is covered with slick cartilage which gives it the smooth, frictionless movement. The damage can be small and not require surgery but if the damage covers a signifcant portion it will be an arthritic joint for life and may require surgery to replace the damaged head. In this case the surgery is called "hemiarthroplasty" which means "half joint reconstruction". If the socket, which is called the glenoid fossa, is also damaged, the entire joint must be replaced- Arthoplasty.

I suffered a triple dislocation a couple of years ago and it required a hemiarthroplasty. The pain was excrutiating for months.

In your husbands case, he should seek a qualified neuromuscular massage therapist. They can help with some of the pain and range of motion.

You should be a lot more empathetic and sympathetic to your husbands condition. I was lucky that my wife is an awesome massage therapist. I am a neuromuscular therapist so I was able to help her by telling her what to do.

If you want to find a qualified therapist look at the NMT Midwest discussion board on their website:

How to treat a pulled shoulder muscle?

I think i pulled a muscle in my shoulder. It hurts to move it. I was playing softball after not playing for a while. How do I treat this. How can i manage the pain. What excersizes can I do to get it better. Thanks in advance!

Dislocated Shoulder: Should I be Concerned?

Two days ago I slipped in the snow while trying to clean my car and dislocated my right shoulder. For several moments it was immobilized and hurt worse than anything I've ever felt in my life. I managed to get it back into the joint with a hard shove and decided not to go to the ER since I really couldn't afford it. I can move the arm now but its movement is limited; trying to lift it up or reach behind my back is rather painful. I can grasp things but only weakly and the feeling in it doesn't feel as sharp as it my uninjured arm. It's always sore and only feels alright when I have it completely still on my lap. I'm going to my doctor tomorrow, what should I expect? If it's moving and has feeling it should be okay, right? I have to miss a lab (for a class) to go see the doctor but I'm starting to worry I made a mistake by doing it this way.