Squat Help Lol .

Why is it when I squat down I can't get up by myself?

lol, you must have VERY weak leg musels. lol, certain excersizes will help with that!

Doing squats make you taller?


I Want A BIG BOOTY(: help? lol?

I couldnt get the pics to open but :
ways to make it look bigger:
1. Build muscle. You can actually make your butt rounder and larger by altering the appearance of the muscles in it (Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, and Gluteus minimus).

2.Adjust your weight. Whether you should gain weight or lose weight in order to make your butt bigger (relative to the rest of your body) depends on your natural body type, which is controlled by genetics. When you gain weight, where does the fat go first?If it tends to go to the butt and hip area, gaining a little weight will help fill things out. See How to Gain Weight.If fat goes to your arms, stomach, or back first, losing some weight will make your body more petite in relation to your butt, which makes your butt look bigger. This is especially true if you carry extra weight on your waistline. Getting a smaller waist can make your butt look bigger, even if it didn't change a bit.
3.Choose the right clothing. Shop carefully and find clothes, especially jeans, that are cut in such a way to emphasize your buttocks. Usually they contain spandex in the blend so that the denim "hugs" your butt, supporting it and emphasizing its distinction from the thighs. The waistline should be snug, and as low as it can go without creating a muffin top or showing a plumber's crack. You can also purchase undergarments that "shape" your butt (but that won't help much if you wear baggy jeans over them).
4.You may want to try sticking your butt out further. Be sure not too stick it out too far and over-arch your back, though, since this can lead to back problems. Sticking your butt out and Arching your back can be some help, take a deep breath, and throw your shoulders back. This will not only make your butt more prominent, but it'll also slim your torso a bit and make your chest look bigger. In addition, sticking your butt out when you're walking is essential for good posture, strengthening your core muscles as they fully support your spine.Be sure not too stick your butt out too far and over-arch your back, though, since this can lead to back problems.

Also i saw on tmz that they are making padded underwear to make buts look bigger lol
hope i helped :)

How many squats do I have to do to at least get a nice butt?

Depends on the size of your butt and if you intend to make it more defined, or bigger. If you are trying to add mass to that ass, you’ll need to do a lot of squats, lunges, etc. with a moderate to heavy amount of weight. If you want to lose weight in your butt and define it, you’ll need to eat a healthy diet, and do much more squatting with low weighgt and many reps, air squatting and body weight to lightweight lunges and other exercises.

Do biceps get trained when you only do the big three (squats, deadlift, bench)?

The absolutely do! The biceps are an antagonist (meaning provide opposing force) on the bench press, on deadlifts the biceps actively contract as you grasp the bar and on squats the biceps work to stabilize the bar.However, if looking to maximize results, even the greatest powerlifters in the world include accessory work in their program. Accessory work would be strengthening the individual muscles involved in the Big 3 movements. This addresses potential imbalances and also helps power through sticking points in the lift, such as the middle of a bench press (this requires a lot of triceps activation, which can be addressed through accessory work).Here is a great example powerlifting program that includes accessory work: 5 Day Powerlifting Split - 16 Week Long Term Meet PrepBest of luck building those big biceps and getting as strong as possible!

How does doing squats help increase upper body strength?

The body generally works with two groups is muscles to aid in strength and mobility. Biceps and triceps, abdominal muscles and lower back muscles, quads and hamstrings . When one of the muscles become weak due to imbalance in training, you end up getting joint pains.This duality of muscles is applicable to even the entire body with the upper body working together with lower body to generate power for movements. The connection is the core muscles.Generally when a person focuses on upper body strength alone, the weaknesses in the lower body results in back pain etc. Many gym goers with enhanced upper bodies and minimal lower body development will attest to this. This becomes worse as the core muscles get weaker.So, to answer your question, while the testosterone level does go up while training the lower body, the important aspect is that the duality in the Human body. You can develop your upper body strength only to certain level beyond which you won't be able to leverage your strength without using the lower body muscles.While it might be OK to have an aesthetically pleasing upper body and weak legs, when it comes to matters of strength, the strength of the legs determine overall capacity to lift, push, pull and generate explosive power.

What are the best squat techniques?

Squat is the best exercises among all as well as it is very difficult to learn.If you are a beginner you should take more practice on how to perform squat. You have to learn with some light weights. Doing squat will involve the several joints and also it requires various part in your body to work together as a single unit.While doing squat it will improve the mobility of your joints. It will help you to reduce the pain in your body. When you squat, it will make your entire body to involve in this. Your ankles will bend, then your knees flex and at the same time your hips will drop while your back & abs will work together to keep your upright balanced.How to perform squat in a best way:As a starting position, you should stand with your feet over shoulder width apart.You should keep your back in a neutral position while keeping your knees centered over your feet.You should keep your head up and the chest out.Now slowly bend your knees, hip and ankles.Keep your weight loaded into the heels and outer foot while pushing the hips and butt back.Now return to the starting position.Repeat it for 15 to 20 times for 3 to 4 sets.You should breathe in when you lower yourself and breathe out when you return to the starting position.If you don’t perform the squat properly then it will be dangerous to your knees. But when it done correctly it will improve your knee stability and also it will strengthen the connective tissue.

Will power lifting (hang clean, squats, deadlift, and bench) help me reduce bodily injuries?

No. Being stronger is great but if you’re reckless, you’re probably going to suffer injuries from time to time. You will just be a stronger, larger version of yourself getting injured.If the question were “will being stronger and more muscular help me reduce bodily injuries” I might change my answer to “sometimes.”If, for instance say you’re playing baseball and you’re up to bat. Let’s say you have built up big 3” thick pectoral muscles. The pitcher throws a wild 90 mph fastball and it hits you right over the heart. Without that padding you might suffer a broken rib. But with it, just a bruise. Building a thick layer of muscles all over your body is akin to putting on a suit of armor. Your bones won’t take as many direct hits with thicker muscles over them.I also believe a strong, thick muscular neck might help you avoid whiplash in a car accident, or something similar that whips your head around, such as maybe a roller coaster, or falling off a trampoline, etc..I personally find hang cleans to be a bit dangerous. These are CrossFit staples and Crossfitters seem to get a lot of injuries. You can go on YouTube and search CrossFit fails to see what I’m talking about. Jerking heavy weight to thrust it up isn’t friendly to your tendons. Also, deadlifters are well aware of the threat the exercise poses to the biceps tendon attachment at the elbow joint. Lots of YouTube videos of biceps tearing loose in powerlifting competitions.My advice is lift to get strong. Do some stretching to maximize your flexibility potential. Push yourself, but know when you’re having a bad day or you’re a bit under the weather or didn’t sleep well, etc., and take it easier on yourself. And avoid being reckless. Or, if you really enjoy being reckless (hell, I do sometimes!) then know the possible consequences before you take that leap and decide if it would still be worth it if you were injured. Mostly it isn’t, but, sometimes, it is.