Stabbing Chest Pains But Not A Heart Attack.

How can you tell if your sharp chest pains are not a sign of heart attack?

If you take an antacid or slippery elm and it goes away it could be heartburn. My heartburn comes as severe pain in my chest and the first time I thought I was having a heart attack. Other than foods and sugary drinks, supplements such as Curcumin and 5-htp can cause this as well.Slippery Elm tincture can be found at places like Whole Foods and the Vitamin Shoppe and works within a few minutes to calm the entire digestive tract. I personally like Nature’s Answer brand.If in doubt go to the closest walk in clinic, er, or dial 911. It’s better to be safe than sorry in this situation.I’m unsure if antacids can mask heart attack symptoms and delay treatment. This would be a question for a doctor.*I am not a doctor*

Stabbing pain in chest?

chest pain that is stubbing is usually nothing orther than muscular or intestinal gas... however because the pain resolved soon and was not assosiated with any nausea, vomiting, back pain, limb or jaw tingling,... or any dyspnea or opressise chest pain it must be not important. but if u have any family history of coronary artery disease, and u have risk factors such as smoker, alcoholic, diabetic and dyslipedimic,... u should rule out any cardiac disease by testing your cardiac enzymes and doing an ECG...

What does severe chest pain imply if not a heart attack?

DH often has severe chest pain;  we've stopped taking him into ER for it, although I still do take a BP and watch his resps.See, the last time we took him in, as a 51 year old, first we sat in the ER waiting room because they "forgot" about him;  after an hour, I went up and reminded them they had a middle-aged, male veteran with severe chest pain sitting there-  did they maybe want to get him on a monitor?  And they did-  oops, so very sorry.But he hadn't turned blue or started gasping or passed out or anything, so I wasn't worried about imminent death, but I was sick and tired of him having chest pains out of the blue.  So, we ended up spending the night in the ER-  comfy!  with him being monitored and then in the morning an angiogram was done to be sure it matched the labs.Nothing.  The cardiologist said he wished his own arteries were so clean.  Nope-  heart's good, see you later.  Well, DH had been trapped between two track vehicles once while out in the field;  broke his collarbone, cracked a few ribs, bruised him up pretty good, but being an ate-up, gung-ho, drive-on soldier, he didn't even allow the medics to tape his ribs.  I've never indicated DH was a really smart guy about his health, have I?  Good-  cause if I had, I'd've been lying.What seems to be happening is, when DH gets a cold with cough or pulls a muscle in his thoracic area, or is just under a lot of physical stress, the little muscles-  the intercostals- between his ribs, which are mostly cartilage which doesn't heal well, cramp up, they sieze up, and so his chest really flippin' hurts.It isn't his heart, and there's nothing to be done about it, and DH just has to learn how to relax his body.  Which comes under the heading "Yeah, right".  Of course, if he doesn't, I threaten him with the ER again....

Stabbing chest pain on left side?

I have been having a stabbing pain on my left side of my chest. i went to the doctor and he checked my heart and my lungs and said they were fine. I have been having them for almost a week. The pain starts to go into my arms sometimes and i keep getting really lightheaded. It hurts the most when i take a deep breath or bending over. it also hurts really bad if i do any kind of straining. any advice

Why am I having heart/chest pains?

YES---the best thing to do is take bayer( dissolves best) aspirin on a semi-full stomach----this will aleviate the pain by clearing the partial blockage for better blood flow.....the same thing was said to me by a doctor about pinched nerve bullshit....i had a heart attack at 30 yrs. of age.....then the cardiologist said take aspirin it will prevent many people from having a second heart attack....ive had some close calls---at one time i was taking 6 aspirin a day to relieve the pain now since being in florida( which thins your blood naturally) for 10 yrs. i take 1-2 per day works ....i am now 65 yrs. of age & told by a doctor yrs. ago i would never see 40....aspirin is a miracle drug without the normal stumbling block of a prescription by a doctor that does not really care...........remember 1 thing doctors practice medicine---if while practising you die, well they say ooops --better try something else next are just a name & a number.....learn to protect yourself read any vitamin & MINERAL BOOKS , your heart needs magnesium desperately to function properly....start with 100 mg. magnesium to relieve this pain also......along with 1 aspirin per day-----if you bruise more easily cut back on aspirin--- 1 every other day or two---by the way if your heart is having problems sometimes you will have referred pain ---where the heart will not emit pain but refer pain to other parts of the chest---have you ever felt a sharp pain from your right nipple----this usually means angina pectoris ----the pectoris is your chest muscles--- angina means referred heart pain--to the chest muscles---angina pectoris usually happens when you exert yourself physically---lifting or going up stairs.....shortness of breath sometimes also......

Stabbing pains in the center of my chest?

I ate a lot of spicy cheese and other junk food the past couple of days. I'm only 15, but I keep getting these extremely painful stabbing pains in the center of my chest. I got it at about midnight last night and was up all night crying and throwing up because it hurt so bad. It almost feels like a heart attack.

My friend said it might be acid reflux, but it's not a burning feeling - It's a stabbing feeling, like somebody is taking a huge knife and jamming it into my chest and twisting it around. The pain is now on and off, but when I get it, its so severe I'm practically screaming in pain. I've still been nauseous all day, and threw up during one of these "attacks". What could it be? My heart, or something else, like acid reflux?

I'm not overweight, underweight if anything, and I usually don't be so much crap food, but the past couple days I have been.

Why would a 15 year old girl keep getting stabbing chest pains?

Well if you haven't done so, get to a doctor. It will help if you can describe the pain well. Here are some good starting points:Where is the pain? Can you point to it, or does it cover a big area? Is it always in the same place? Does it radiate to your neck, back, arm, face?What is the quality of the pain? Is it: sharp, dull, aching, heavy, pulsating, constant, stabbing etc?How long does it last each time?Does anything make it worse?Does anything make it feel better? Is it worse with movement, or is it constant?Does it happen after exercise or activity, or at rest, or both?Does it happen any specific time of day more, or does it seem random? Is it happening at the same time in your cycle, or not related?How long has it been going on, and how often does it happen? If 0 is no pain, 5 is constant and troubling pain, and 10 is "run into a brick wall at full speed with no safety gear on", how would you rate the pain out of 10 on most occasions?If you can go through those before you see your doctor, it will help to give her a better picture of what's happening. Also, try an antacid the next time you get it and see if it makes a difference.Important:If, when you are getting the chest pain, you feel:Shortness of breath (like you've just been running really fast)Crushing chest pain - like someone is sitting on your chestPain that radiates down your armCall an ambulance!! You may be having a heart attack.