Starting To Get Depressed/anxious About Job Search. How Do I Approach This Differently

Can antidepressants just suddenly stop working?

Antidepressants can stop working or start working differently after a while. Its common for the drug effects to change within the first 3-6 months, but the effects usually stabilize after that. Everyone reacts to drugs a little differently, and nearly anything than can possibly happen, happens to someone.

Its possible that you will not find a combination of drugs that help with anxiety attacks because the basis for most anxiety attacks is not a chemical problem - its usually a learned behavior. You may be better off treating the mood problem and anxiety attacks as different problems. Instead of seeking a single med or combination of meds to control both problems, choose a pill that best treats the mood, and seek counseling for the anxiety attacks. Most people can easily learn to overcome anxiety attacks with counseling and a practicing a few simple techniques. Depression, on the other hand, is often caused by a chemical imbalance, and for some people, antidepressants are the only thing that will help.

This link describes an approach for overcoming anxiety attacks:

A question stuttering??? and depression.?

Stuttering has been a huge threshold on my life... It creates an image of me, has cause people to view me differently. People even think I am restarted from time to time... Whenever I complain to my dad especially who never had it... He acts like its not that bad... la ti ****** da.... I think it's pretty bad. Not to be pitiful on myself which I am. But my whole life I have never been able to have a real conversation... I have never been happy in my life... The last time I was truly happy was when I was like 8. I always want more... I guess you can put it. I think I do this because my whole life has been bad so I tell myself one day it all be good... And I always set ridiculous goals in my life with a certain time I have to do it... Idk... My stuttering though is just a major scar on my life. Just recently I went to the hospital it was hell I felt like I was retarded by the way people would look at me wen I would talk... They go good job, when ever I speak. Its humiliating, not only that when I talked to one girl behind a counter she asked me my name I paused and couldn't talk... and stuttered once I got my name out she asked me do you remember your birthday because they thought I must of been like hmmmm well lets see my name... is.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ya humiliating. And people don't go oh just live through it lalala. As I said before I have never had a conversasion in my life that I have enjoyed... Everyone looks at you differently... Life is just really hard. Everyone has a different view on me then what I want them to have. And I want to change but the stuttering makes it impossible. My dad says stuttering doesn't make me different lala ti da... well I look at him laugh, talk, tell jokes, have long conversations with people. Which is something I have never had... maybe never will... which is what I have dreamed of my whole life. I am only 16 and I want to stop stuttering... I am in a college clinic but they can't psychically cure it they can help a whole lot but it will always be apart of me. There is one device that stops it when you have it in something I have been promised my whole life... But I never got it. Insted I watched money put somewhere else or even given away. They don't understand how that much money could mean so so much top me the world if they just did that... well idk I just felt like writing this i guess. comment what you think.....