Stephen King - Thinner - What Edition Is This Book From

What is the book "Thinner" by Stephen King about?

The book is about many things, as all Stephen King books are.The story itself is about taking responsibility for your actions... And all the unimaginable things people are capable of doing just to not take responsibility for their actions.According to the inspiration for the novel was, in Mr. King’s own words:"I used to weigh 236 pounds, and I smoked heavily. I went to see the doctor and he told me 'Listen, man, your triglycerides are really high. In case you haven't noticed it, you've entered heart attack country.' I used that line in the book. He told me that I should quit smoking and lose some weight. I spent a very angry weekend off by myself. I thought about it and how awful they were to make me do all these terrible things to save my life. I did lose the weight, and pretty much quit smoking. Once the weight actually started to come off, I began to realize that I was attached to it, somehow, that I didn't really want to lose it. I began to think about what would happen if somebody started to lose weight and couldn't stop. It was a pretty serious situation at first. Then I remembered all the things I did when I weighed a lot. I had a paranoid conviction that the scales weighed heavy, no matter what. I would refuse to weigh myself, except in the morning, and then after I had taken off all my clothes. It was so existential that the humor crept in after a while."

Is 'Thinner' by Stephen King good?

Thinner is a great book....i read it before i watched the movie and the book was way better....Tommyknockers is okay (i kind of grew bored with it but trudged through it anyway)....its about a woman who is in the woods and comes across the remnants of an alien spaceship which start to put off this bright green neon light and emits a gas which starts to make her more like the aliens of the ship.....only thing is her euphoria is actually her going insane as she becomes addicted to the craft and she doesnt realize it....further she has a friend with whom she was close but he is an alcoholic and their relationship goes downhill only even though he has his own demons and addiction he is able to see what is happening to more for you - you have to read it

Thinner Book Report By:Stephen King help?

this might help the process

I need help with the book Thinner by Stephen King!?

this is all i found:
The novel deals with social issues such as materialism and how people gain and express power within their daily life. Additionally, the Gypsy curse provides ample opportunity for numerous musings on the nature of guilt. Justice is also a heavy theme throughout, including the chapter titled "The Scales of Justice."

Summary of chapters 1-9 of the book thinner by stephen king?

i need a ten sentence summary of the book up until chapter ten. I will admit that i held off on reading the book and know i have a summary of those chapters that i have to write due tomorrow. please help!!!!!!!!

The Ending For The Stephen King Movie Thinner?

Thanks everybody for your input. But look at my question. This is what I asked:

HOW DOES THE BOOK END? THE BOOK! THE BOOK! People say that the movie ending is diferent from the book. I saw the moving ending. I want to know how the book ends. Maybe I should just go ask this in the book forum.

Stephen kings thinner the movie?

read the book, so much is missing from all of stephen kings movies, his movies are never even close to how the book is. Read the book LOL

Have you read all of Stephen King’s books?

I have not.I had, at one point, read all of Stephen King’s books.But more recently, I tired of the repetition, and I lost my joy in the novelty of his writing style… when you read that many of his books, they start to become… routine. He’s a craftsman, but he uses the same tools again and again to turn out the work that his audience wants. I’ve just… had my fill.I don’t read much anymore, either, that’s certainly a part of the issue. My wife listens to audiobooks to fall asleep, and I can’t focus on a book while another book is playing.But the other thing is, I read a much better author who shares Mr. King’s abilities, but who was more free with them, more willing to explore them, to take risks, to go off the deep end. And after reading everything he wrote before his unfortunate and lamented demise, well, King’s works are a little… Thinner.I speak, of course, of the not quite as immortal as I would have wished Richard Bachman.Read “The Long Walk” and it may just ruin all King for you forever.