Stetson University Vocal Auditions For Admission To The School Of Music

Stetson University: Vocal auditions for admission to the School of Music?

The faculty choose the sight-singing and rhythmic examples and that the examples stay consistent with each student. For keyboard skills the faculty may ask students to play a simple melody with one hand or both as well as a few chords to see their depth of knowledge. Prior keyboarding skills are not required, however, they do supplement your audition.

All undergraduate applicants will take a short music theory test immediately following the audition. The exam time will be indicated in your audition schedule. This is a basic assessment and is used to compliment the audition. Please know that a lack of background in music theory is not prohibitive to your admission into the School of Music. The faculty recognizes there are differences in applicants' backgrounds and prior opportunities.

Best wishes, we're looking forward to meeting you!

What can I do in high school if I'm a sophomore and plan to pursue a career in music education?

Pretty much what every high-school student is expected to do.Keep your nose clean, grow up a bit every day, study hard, participate in a variety of activities, and enjoy being young.It’s a great advantage that you have found a career interest already. Obviously, you will want to make music a big part of your activities roster. Learn to play several instruments, play in the school orchestra, join a combo or other performing group, and compete in whatever musical competitions are available.But don’t make music your entire life. Do at least one athletic activity. Join the little theater or Thespian troupe, get into student government, participate in debate, or be part of one other energetic activity. First and foremost, make sure you exceptionalism's in al of your classes —math, science, languages, history, and the rest.All of that will be useful preparation for college, and for being a music educator. At the same time, keep your mind and heart open to other possibilities. The fact is, most kids who choose a life’s work early during high school, will change their mind before graduation, or else sometime during college. That’s OK, if it happens. One of the benefits of a broad activities program, and hard studying in all of your classes, is that you will have some background and preparation if you decide to change your mind.You are at an exciting and enjoyable time of life. Have at it, and good luck.