Still A Doubled Standard Today

What about double standards and hypocrisy can we learn from Trump, who is from New York? Does majority of New Yorkers display signs of double standards and hypocrisy?

NYC is primarily a liberal/democratic city, but also has a disproportionate amount of millionaires and billionaires - a relatively small chunk of whom mostly vote republican for business reasons like monied people in most parts of the country.Trump was born in Queens, which was a much less cosmopolitan area at the time - much like Staten Island still is. He never fit in in Manhattan. Most NYCers saw Trump as the rude, brash con man he was and is. Trump is desperate to be accepted by NYCers, but it’s even less likely now than it was then. He is not one of us. Most candidates for President can at least count on winning the vote in their hometown.Trump didn’t. We voted for Hillary by a huge margin.You can learn about NYC by its opposition to Trump. We have huge street protests about his policies on a regular basis.

How should I deal with my boyfriend's double standards?

He does this because he is immature and selfish. He argues for freedom of action on his side yet resists offering the same to you. He also used a sexist argument (and a logically weak one at that) to defend his behavior. You might have countered his claim that “all guys do this” with “but I am not every guy’s girlfriend, and this is about us, not them.”Explain to him that he’s free to look as long as you’re free to look. Otherwise, you can both be not free to look. My suspicion is that if he agrees to one of these, he will flip-flop depending on when which arrangement is more beneficial to his interests at the moment - so build a time limit into the agreement (a week / month / whatever) that dictates how long it stays in effect. If he can’t tolerate this kind of structure and mutual compromise, he’s not ready for a relationship anyway.See, this all boils down to the issue of trust. At first you felt insecure about his tendency to check out other girls, but agreed to trust him with it so long as you can check out other guys. He, however, seems not to trust you with this. So he’s apparently not concerned with hurting you, but certainly fearful of you hurting him. This is the behavior of a boy, not a man.

What is meant by double standard of morality in our society?

There are many examples if you think about it. They can be simple or complex, but they're usually positions of convenience, or “do as I say, not as I do. “ There are sometimes more than two standards; the term “double standard” is a convenient coinage.Males who have multiple sex partners, but label similarly inclined woman as sluts or whores;As demonstrated in the Kavanaugh hearing, men and women who become outraged when victims of harassment or assault speak up, or who feel those victims actually deserved or asked for uninvited sexual conduct, and why? Because these men and women claim they have been real victims of harassment/assault/false allegations, and this must make them experts at spotting the difference between real victims and liars;Woman who have had abortions—lots of pro-life women have had abortions, sometimes more than one—then magically later decide that it was okay for them but not for other women, so they announce that they are pro-life and go on to harass, block, even injure other women who need access to those same choices available to the convenient pro-life advocate;Even worse, wealthy idiots who claim “Well, we’re God-fearing Christians who believe that an unborn fetus is life and abortion is murder!” Yet they not only rail against public welfare benefits, they still refuse to take any responsibility for their role in the lives all those needy, now post-natal, fully formed lives who are not being fed, housed, clothed, nurtured, or educated, and are no longer acknowledged as human lives worthy of public or private contributions to their education, welfare, and physical and mental health, for whom none of these basic humanitarian needs may ever be met;Everyone who supports the death penalty, but neither mandatory DNA testing to prove innocence, mandatory compensation for wrongful convictions, nor mandatory military draft;Women who take birth control but feel there is a specific class of women who should not be allowed to take birth control;Male businessmen who accuse equally assertive women of being bitches or unfeminine;A rabid animal activist who swears by the Atkins diet;Anyone who believes white people have a right to a better life, but no one else has the same right.A country that commits human rights violations lecturing or sanctioning another country for the same or similar acts.There are hundreds of examples. Got a headache though, so I'll leave the rest to you.

Is wendy's texas double still called texas double in other states?

Yes, it would, even though Texas is "like a whole other country".

My question to you is, what the heck is a Texas double, besides something you do in bed?

Why are the majority of people aware only of doubling standard deduction but not the fact that personal exemptions were taken away?

Simple, the Republican Party and Trump chose to deliberately emphasize the aspects that they wanted to and downplayed the aspects that they did not want to emphasize.Isn’t that what *all* politicians, regardless of party affiliation, do?I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve had to explain the changes regarding 1) Personal Exemption being eliminated, 2) What *PART* of the Child Tax Credit/Additional Child Tax Credit was doubled, the NON-REFUNDABLE Portion was doubled, not the REFUNDABLE Portion.That and a lot of other things that changed. It’s not a happy thought, but it’s a necessary issue to deal with. And don’t get me started on the latest proposed update to the W-4 form by the IRS that is slated to roll out next year.

A gas has a volume of 50.0 m^3 at standard pressure and temperature. Assuming no temperature change, what volu?

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
for constant temperature
P1V1 = P2V2
when P2 = 2P1
P1V1 = 2P1V2
V2 = P1V1/2P1 = V1/2 = 50.0/2 = 25.0 m^3
when P2 = 3P1
P1V1 = 3P1V2
V1 = 3V2
V2 = V1/3 = 25.0/3 = 8.33 m^3