Still Having Heartburn Hours After I Take Prilosec

If I have heartburn every time I drink beer or alcohol, what's happening?

i used to have this problem. It turned out I had acid reflux my whole life and didn’t know it. Prilosec for one week, and I felt better than ever. A warning…. with the Prilosec I could drink every day if I wanted to. My alcoholism became apparent. The next four years were the worst of my life. I lost my mind and my wife of 20 years. In hindsight, I wish I had just given up the alcoholI spent months, even years searching for a way to end the heartburn that I suffered. This helped me no end: prevent-heartburn.scienceI am not a doctor, but alcohol is very hard on your stomach.If you drink a lot, you can develop esophageal varices (swollen veins) and stomach problems.Limit it to 1–2 glasses of wine with food and you should be fine.All this is my own opinion..

Can I just stop taking Prilosec?

Yes. There is no need to withdraw. There was some concern at one time about rebound problems, but there is no good evidence to support this.

Aloe juice, honest, etc won't really make much difference. It won't suppress excess acid like the PPI. When you say "heal my stomach" What were you taking it for in the first place? Acid reflux? Have you made diet and lifestyle changes? If despite this you are still getting reflux, then you should continue with the PPI to prevent damage to your esophagus.

If you have any concerns, speak to your MD. In fact, I advise you to do this before making any changes to your medication. FYI...PPIs are generally very well tolerated. Despite what the lying quacks try and tell you.

Does Prilosec OTC have a short shelf life?

I take Prilosec OTC once a day to control heartburn(for just over a year now). I got a new 42-pack at Walmart a week or so ago, and in the past week, I've had 3 bad acid attacks, even though I've been taking my 1 pill a day. Is it possible the pack I got was somehow too old? Not as potent somehow? Unfortunately, I cut all the pill cards and put them in a bottle to make daily dosing easier, so I don't have the original box to check the expiration date... I'm thinking of getting another fresh box to try it to see if the attacks go away, or if I'm having break-through symptoms... Thanks for any thoughts on this.

Heartburn at 16 years old?

Last week I started feeling this feeling in my chest especially after I ate, it felt like a lot of pressure and hurt immensely to swallow for days. I went to the doctor and she said it was heartburn, and prescribed me Prilosec. The medication did help, but I am still a little…unsure I guess. I am only 16 years old, and usually people get heartburn when they are over 40. Is this bad? Will it affect me even more in the future? I do know a few other people my age who have heartburn, but still.

Can I drink coffee while taking Prilosec OTC?

I have awful heartburn every single day so I need to take Prilosec OTC. I take the Prilosec at night. Recently it seems that when I drink my coffee in the morning I am getting an VERY uncomfortable feeling in my gut. It feels like I am bloated and nauseous. I still burp up the heartburn only it does not burn and feels very thick. I am guessing this is caused by mixing coffee and Prilosec because the uncomfortable feeling seems to happen the most after a coffee. Can anyone confirm this? If so, can i take my Prilosec in the morning after my coffee and still drink coffee? I need my coffee in the morning!

How long does it take for Prilosec to work?

The doctor prescribed prilosec otc and milk of magnesia for my newly diagnosed gastritits. I took prilosec in the morning when i woke up. About 2 hours later i took MOM.

So far , I still have chest tightness and heartburn. The MOM did start working tho, as in im pooping.

How long does prilosec take? Also, can anybody recommend a daily diet for gastritis?

Why do I get bloated after taking Prilosec and eating food?

Thank you for your question.Chris Kresser and many other commentators believe GERD is caused by low, not high, stomach acid.What Everybody Ought To Know (But Doesn’t) About Heartburn & GERD(as quoted)“Long-term use of Prilosec, one of the most potent acid suppressing drugs, reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach to near zero. In one trial, 30 people with GERD were treated with a high dose of Prilosec (40g/day) for at least 3 months. 11 of the 30 Prilosec-treated people had developed significant bacterial overgrowth, compared with only one of the ten people in the control group.”Just click on the successive links and he gives a good description on how this works.The main points are:stomach acid decreases with age; GERD increases with ageif high (not low) stomach acid causes GERD you’d expect to see a lot of younger people with GERD but this doesn’t happenthe lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is allowing acid through to the esophagus due to abdominal pressure. But what is causing this pressure?Carbohydrate malabsorption can cause GERD through bacterial overgrowth. Bacteria metabolise and ferment carbohydrates, the byproduct of which is gas. It is the gas that builds up in the abdomen, causing pressure against the LES and forcing stomach acid into the esophagus. GERD has a strong correlation with SIBO and IBS.It’s a vicious cycle. Low stomach acid causes the carbohydrate malabsorption (due to decreased pancreatic enzymes) which encourages even more bacterial growth, as there are more and more unabsorbed carbs available for fermentation. Also overeating can dilute stomach acid. Overeating is believed to be a major cause of GERD as well.I cured my GERD symptoms without drugs; by not overeating and by eating dinner earlier at night and through a Paleo diet.Low carb is a confusing term. Carbs are chains of glucose, but these include vegetables, which are good for you. When most people say low carb they probably mean no grains, low starch and low FODMAP, the highly fermentable carbs. Salads and low FODMAP vegetables are low in fermentables, so maybe try eating these instead.

Can I still drink alcohol while taking the medication prilosec?

I drink everyday. I went to the doctor because of heartburn. They prescribed prilosec for what they think is acid reflux. Can I still drink beer. If so how much?

Why does it say not to drink caffeine when taking Prilosec or Prevacid for acid reflux/GERD?

Mainly because caffeine has a chemical in it that promotes acid reflux, so when you drink anything with caffeine it will make the Acid Reflux worse than it is. Coffee also has a signaled effect.There’s a cool trick to kind of force your body to stop acid reflux which is worth looking at as well: Heartburn No More VideoProton pump inhibitor (PPI) is to be taken on an empty stomach as they are designed to decreases the amount of acid produced in the stomach.If you do take PPIs when consuming food/drinks (especially coffee which can increase stomach acid) the rate of effectiveness for PPIs can be significantly reduced, and in some cases, the PPI may not work.If you can address the cause of your symptoms, you will be better off in the long run.

Is it ok to take Prilosec otc everyday?

Prilosec OTC is not as strong as it use to be. It is made to repair any damage to your esophegus you may have from heartburn or acid reflux. You can take it safely for repairs as long as you need now. If you want to keep heartburn away or need fast acting or just once in awhile relief then Zantac 150 is great for that. If you stopped eating greasy, spicey fatty food and still have a problem, I would definately see a stomach doctor.