Stitches Or Food Stuck In Wisdom Teeth Hole

Stitches or food stuck in wisdom teeth hole?

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed last week, and one of the stitches just fell out today. There's a small hole now but it looks like there is a piece of something in there. However, it doesn't look like food, but the end of the stitches, even though they just fell out!
Can there be stitches inside the hole or is it just food?
It doesn't have the nasty food's stuck smell or taste an it doesn't hut at all either.

When I use the syringe to shirt water, it doesn't even budge.
I'm so tempted to just take some tweezers and pull it out but if it is the stitches then that would hurt.

What should I do?

Also, I've been doing salt water and baking soda rinses to disinfect the area.

Thanks for any help!!!

What should I do if my wisdom teeth stitches came out?

If the stitches were placed very recently ,say only a few days,you should inform the office where the work was done..If there is little or no bleeding it is unlikely to be harmful except that the extraction site may be sensitive and become a trap for debris.Of course if there is any substantial bleeding you must call the office immediately. In the meantime, biting firmly on a gauze pack should control bleedingIt's likely that the sutures were of the resorbable kind and would have dissolved anyway but that wouldn't happen for about 3 weeks.Sutures are placed for a couple of reasons. They conttol bleeding but also bring the edges of the wound together for good healing.Leaving loose edges could encourage poor adaptation of the tissues and lead to periodontal problems. They cover the exposed bone and prevent sensitivity. They keep out food debris and bacteria to prevent infection.Make sure to keep the area clean by rinsing carefully with warm water and a maybe a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide .And make sure to notify your dentist.

I have food stuck in my stitches after wisdom teeth surgery?

Try swishing with salt water, or ask your oral surgeon for the irrigating syringe. If you keep the food in there for too long or when the hole closes up, you could get an infection. Don't put a q-tip in your mouth, as that could irritate the surgical site.

Food stuck under wisdom teeth dissolvable stitches!!!?

Okay, so I got the 4 of my wisdom teeth out on tuesday morning and it's thursday night now and I was eating crackers earlier and i was chewing them with my front teeth and then swallowing them and a piece of cracker got stuck underneath the stitches, i'm freaking out because i'm terrified of getting it infected, or getting dry socket or prolonging the healing process in any way!!!! Is it okay that i got some food there? I keep compulsively checking the back of my mouth to see if the piece of food is still there and it is. anyways i tried eating a sandwich my dad got me and although im trying to hard to not get food back there, and it did, anyways the area where the stitches is is starting to look a tiny bit red and i'm so scared. I take all my meds and everything is there anything i can do!!! im freaking out!

Wisdom Teeth Urgent Help, Plz! Food Stuck?

so i got my wisdom teeth taken out saturday... so its been like 5 days, its all good into i looked at the hole and i see that there is something inside of it.. so i grabbed salt+water and rinse it out then i see like another string looking thing... this one was hard to take out..but i did..
so i looked again and i see more stuff inside the hole? why is this normal?

if anything gets stuck in the hole? and the hole closes would i catch an infection? im pretty sure its food but i can be wrong! all i see are like whitteishh/yellow strings.. i have try rinsing this out but have not succeeded.

So basically, if the hole closes with that stuff in there would i catch an infection? do you think the stuff inside there would come out on its own?

Help, Thanks!

*NOTE i have not picked at the hole or poked it or anything cuz i know that would hurt, the only thing i've done is rinse with salt + water! a lot.. and with a lil pressure while rinsing! thats it!

Small amount of food stuck in stitches from wisdom teeth removal...?

it's Okay: it may not be food; usually white dead gum cells (from the surgery) stick on to the stiches. they may be hard to remove.
in any case, after 3 days, your gum must be healing, and you can rinse more thoroughly. the mouth washes and brushing your doing seem more than enough. carry on, and don't forget your next appointement to remove the stiches.

Wisdom tooth stitches?

You probably don't need another suture, you may still have one there anyway. Avoid vigorous rinsing, only gentle swishing for now. Don't want to break the clot out, so no picking at it. If you can't gently swish it out, leave it, probably won't hurt you anyway. If your unsure you should call your Dentist and ask him, just leave a message tomorrow letting him know what happened and if he needs to see you to please return your call. That way if you're treating it wrong he can call you back. After all he knows how extensive your extraction was, or if losing that stitch could result in the tissue blowing up or not healing properly. I can't tell if it was surgical or simple so you're just getting standard post-op extraction advice. But I can tell you that most do just fine without any sutures placed. Good luck, he won't mind the call if it will put you at ease.

I have Food stuck in wisdom tooth socket, how do i clean it?

Hmm I wouldn't risk getting a toothpick there so soon!The same thing happened to me and the first time I had it quickly removed by a fellow dental student at my college, but the next times I was able to clean by myself with a surgical toothbrush. These are acquired at pharmacies and they are very soft, like plushie fur. They are mostly harmless to the stitches and the wound, and they are very effective on cleaning, even if they don't feel like it. I highly recomend them, no pain, no bleeding, no food stuck on your socket!

I can't tell if i have food stuck in my socket where I got my wisdom teeth out?

I got my wisdom teeth taken out 4 days ago and I was just looking in the mirror at one of the sockets. The stitches from that socket has already come out (day 2) and now i just see something kind of not sure if its food, and if it is food, what should i do?

Can I eat normal after my stitches are removed from my wisdom teeth?

After the extractions, you should consume only liquid diet for the first week. Anything that you can swallow without chewing (anything you can put in a blender) is fine. Examples: milkshakes, Jello, pudding, mashed potatoes, gravy, apple juice, protein shake, ice cream, etc. DO NOT USE A STRAW. Into the second week, you may eat mushy solid food as tolerated. Examples: pasta, scrambled eggs, pancakes. If you start to consume regular food sooner than suggested, you may experience increased pain or possibly get infection.