Stomache Bug On And Off Or The Food I Ate

Should I eat with stomach bug?

The most important thing is that you do not dehydrate. You think you feel bad now, dehydration makes you want to die!

Drink as much clear liquid as you can tolerate: water, juice, chicken broth. Some people like gatorade, but I think pedialyte is a much better product for this purpose.

Lots of rest, and you should be feel up to eating mild food in a few days. When you do, it should be things like bananas, rice, applesauce and toast until you see how you tolerate it.

Remember that after such a severe case, you will feel tired for quite a while, so take it easy for a few weeks.

Feel better soon!

Stomach flu vs Food posioning?

My brother came over today saying he was so sick yesterday. He was puking and had diarrhea... which made me freak out because of the swine flu and all. As I tried to kick him out of the house, he kept saying it was food posioning, that his in-laws took him out to dinner, and he had chicken which could have been bad.

He said he was feeling great before he went to help his inlaws build a deck... then it was in the 70's yesterday so he was in the hot sun for most of the day.

Then he went to eat after taking a quick shower, and within an hour started feeling punky, then a bit after that started with diarrhea, then puking... so it had to be either food posioning, working in the heat, or both... because he was feeling great before and feeling good today.

(in fact he ate about 10 of the cookies my mom made, and a plate of casserole.) I didn't really care because I had the stomach flu once and it kind of came on suddenly. I felt ok most of the day, then started feeling light headed, then just got really sick... and I wasn't going through that again. it's been 9 years since I've puked and I want it to be 90 more years before I puke again!! so I basically kicked him out of the house and proceeded to use those Lysol wipes to sanitize places he had or may have touched. (I'm usually not that bad, but with this swine flu, with having OCD when it comes to puking, and the fact that I'm asthmatic and being sick is harder than normal on me... I freaked out.)

but that makes me wonder... how do you know if it's like a 24hr stomach bug vs. heatstroke vs. the stomach flu?

Foods to eat with stomach flu??

soup is your best friends here.

Just avoid using milk of any kind, dairy is rough on your stomach.

And usually tomato soup uses milk as a base.

Eggs are pretty rough too, gatoraid would be a good idea, its basically koolaid wtih electrolytes, which youve depleted by puking them all out.

Bananas are excellent, powdered bananna is actually used to TREAT stomach problems in many countries.

Bananas signifigantly reduce stomach problems in 75% of the population.

Is it OK to eat ramen when you have the stomach flu?

Whenever you have gastroenteritis for any reason, your digestive lining is irritated and needs a rest to heal and deal with the infection if there is one. Best bet is to start with clear liquids and see how that goes. Next step if clear liquids work ok is to slowly introduce Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast (BRAT).BRAT isn’t gospel, though— these are just foods most people find easy to digest, but maybe you don’t find that, and there’s another food item you find works well and is comforting. If ramen is on that list for you, then by all means try a bit and see how it goes.Generally it’s better to stay away from foods high in fat or protein, as most people find these the most challenging to digest. Avoid eating too much, and don’t feel you need to eat when you don’t feel like it— you won’t starve in the short term, as most people’s bodies have a significant reservoir of stored food energy to tide them over for a few days.

Is it okay to eat pho when you have the stomach flu?

If you can keep it down? Sure. “Hot broth and noodles and foods that are gentle on the stomach” is perfectly fine. I wouldn’t go for spicy pho when you’re nauseous, though; that’s going to be a bit rough on your system.

I have the stomach flu...what should I eat?

With a stomach bug it's best to stick to clear liquids, so from your list that would be water and apple juice. You can have chicken broth, but the noodles may be too much for you. Crackers are good as is dry toast. Stay away from the spaghettios and pickles. Decaffeinated tea and ginger ale will also be acceptable and may help to soothe your stomach. If the nausea increases, listen to your body and stop eating- you're not ready to eat yet.
Once the nausea passes you can try introducing some other foods, but bland foods are best. Start with foods like eggs, cream of wheat or even just add jelly to the toast. Your next step would be bananas, rice and chicken. The last thing you want to do as you recover from a stomach flu is to put something heavy or difficult to digest into your belly. Avoid cheeses, raw vegetables and spicy or fried foods~ this includes chips of any kind.
Make certain you keep yourself well hydrated and that you get plenty of rest. There is little reason to see a doctor unless the nausea and vomiting become uncontrollable, you begin to have severe abdominal pain or you develop a high fever(104F). In the event that you do need to take something for fever or body aches, take Acetaminophen, not Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen tends to irritate the stomach and would be a poor choice while battling a stomach bug. A stomach flu usually lasts no more than 3-5 days, with most of that being the recovery phase.

I have stomach flu!?

i've had it since yesterday it was actually really ubrupt and i couldn't sleep through the night AT ALL it was so f*cking painful. and i vomited 2wice, felt really nauseous and headachy and had diarhea. how long will this agony last? what can i do to help it? i have no appetite, and i'm freaked that whatever i eat i'll end up vomiting. would it help to just not eat?

Is it a good idea to starve the stomach flu?

It seems like if you don't have any food in your stomach, the acid will damage the stomach lining. And your body won't have energy to fight it off without food.

I have the stomach flu and feel very hungry, yet don't feel like eating. I felt the same yesterday after an episode of nausea and ate toast, white rice and chicken noodle soup. Today I had Cheerios w/o milk, a chocolate chip chewy bar (25% less sugar), some cornbread, a single Triscuit and a little bite off of the end of a slice of toast. I started feeling ill again and have been nauseous all night. I haven't thrown up yet in these two days and had one really runny BM yesterday.

Is it possible that it's ending??? Or will it get worse because I didn't get the virus out. Since I'm starving there's nothing in my stomach but bile to get up anyway.