Stomping Off Is For Children Right

How Can I Get My Neighbors To Stomp The Stomping?

I live in a townhouse style duplex, and everything was nice and quiet until one night we came home to see that the vacant duplex right next to ours had new neighbors, and that's when the hell started...from the moment i wake until the moment i go to bed on my days off it is a constant stomp fest. And as far as i can see its all coming from a 6 year old boy. I have tried stomping back, turning the tv loud, and blaring music but nothing works, my girlfriend wont let me go talk to them and make things awkward but i am at my wits end. Can i take this matter to the police? And the landlord doesn't live in the area. Which makes things oh so much better. Please someone give me an answer.

Do all children have a tendency to kill insects out of curiosity or is that a sign of psychopathy?

I'd say curiosity but also fascination. Empathy skills are not fully developed in children and certainly not for insects. I've done all of these as a kid: cut a worm in half to see if it became two worms; sprinkled salt on slugs to watch the fascinating way they withered up; used a magnifying glass to burn an ant to death — the curiosity here was about the magnifying glass not the ant; when I lived in Malaysia for a few years, I'd have to drown hundreds of ants in the sink before I could wash my face in the morning, so my sister and I would lay bets on the last one to survive; we’d also stomp cockroaches in the laundryroom. But death is one thing, torture another: I don't remember pulling wings off flies or legs off spiders — I hope I'd have felt bad about the immobile blobs that were left — but if I was young enough I might not have.Anyway, I’ve never hurt an animal or a person, and rank high in empathy now. So don't be too quick to diagnose!

Stuff falling off apartment walls because of upstairs neighbor stomping around. What to do?

Ok, I get apartment living has it's downfalls. I understand there will be noise, but the upstairs neighbor child has been running so hard that stuff has literally started falling off the walls.

I had my great grandmother's china put on the cabinet above the fridge so no one would try to use it. The child is stomping around so hard that one of the plates fell off and cracked!

We've talked to the neighbors before and they said they would put some rugs down (2 months ago) and have yet to do that.

The landlord kicked us out for a week to spray more insulation into the ceiling to try and reduce the noise, but that didn't help either.

So, my question is, after having attempted to fix this issue with our neighbor to now have our property being destroyed, what do we do? I can't deal with this much longer. Can we break lease over this? Or keep trying to get the landlord involved?

The landlord hasn't really done more than give us more problems since we've been here to be honest tho... So I don't know if he'd even bother to help at this point.

Agh, I'm just frustrated, please advise.

What will happen if we accidentally stamp a lizard with our right foot?

Long ago, someone who was afraid of lizards, or who loathed their “frightening” appearance, stomped on one and crushed it.Another person, seeing the gratuitous mayhem, probably a child, may have rebuked the killer. And to defend or justify himself/herself, the killer said something like “Oh, stomping on a lizard with your right foot is good luck. Now I am going to (win a lottery)(have a boy child)(get a good crop)(have good health).”Children find it easy to believe such things. And they remember them. And they repeat them.That is how old wive’s tales and superstitions are born. And they persist, because everyone wants to know ways to have good luck. Or to avoid back luck.Another example is that breaking a mirror will bring seven years bad luck. That is because around 400 years ago, mirrors were luxury items. Very costly, owned only by royalty and the wealthy. Servants and sd children were told horrifying stories about bad luck, should they break that costly mirror. Now, even though mirrors re cheap and ubiquitous, people still believe it is “bad luck” to break one.Killing a lizard, in any way, is not going to make wither good luck or bad luck in your future. It would just be an act of cruelty and thoughtlessness — a very bad mark of poor character.

Was our school wrong for banning shoes that light up?

We just got a mass email from our school about changes this upcoming year it says that shoes and clothing that light up are banned this upcoming semester. It says that the shoes were a distraction. I believe this because my daughter has told me that she and some other kids have been so bad about stomping during class that the teacher made them take off their shoes and leave them by their backpacks until they left the classroom for lunch, recess, end of school, etc. I've stop letting her wear them to school for this reason anyways so she only wears them after school and on the weekends.

I'm fine with the ban but some of my neighbors with kids attending the same school are upset about it. One of them got her kids some for Christmas and is going to complain loudly to the principle. Do you think my friend is justified in her anger?