Stoners How Do You Deal With Judgmental People

Why do people (who have never tried pot) judge potheads?

Because that's what people do, they judge everything around them. That's what brains are for - judgement.I should also point out that simply labeling people as "potheads" involves a certain amount of judgement.But to get more specific to the core of the question, if you take a group of people who might be considered stereotypical "potheads", isn't there rather a lot for people to get judgemental about?We're talking a stereotype here, but look at the stereotype.- A person who spends an inordinate amount of their time inebriated,- who routinely breaks the law to do so,- who is typically portrayed as an underachiever,- who typically seems to have a unique and/or impaired way of thinking as a result of drug use,- who appears to achieve nothing of any worth to anyone, and,- who unlike many drug users are not so much addicted as they are users by choice, free to behave otherwise if they wished.Duuuuuude. Sorry to harsh your buzz, but maybe people passing negative judgement isn't so surprising?That stereotype didn't come from some anti drug government propaganda (which actually laughably tried to portray pot smokers as out of control, violent psychopaths). The lasting stereotype of a pothead was formed by the amused observations of pot smokers themselves.So you end up with archetypes like Cheech and Chong, Wayne and Garth, surfer dudes, etc. A stereotype, sure, but is it really so far off from the truth? I'm an artist, I have a fair number of (much-loved) stoner friends, who pretty much fit the stereotypes and float through their smoky lives as you might expect.Hey, I'm fine with someone deciding to live their life as a pothead. It's their life. But I'm not going to get outraged when others find that choice distasteful, nor do I think they have to engage in an activity before they form or express an opinion of it. I just take that fact into account when judging THEM. Like I said, judging is what people do.

Why do so many non-smokers hate people who smoke and find them repulsive?

I don't hate the smoker.  Just the smoke.  And smell.  Of everything they own and wear.  And while you excluded public smoking, the reality is they are part and parcel, which tends to affect non-smokers more negativeky than smokers realize.  Like most vices, we are barely aware and often don't want to admit that our vices could be affecting others because that would mean being critical of ourselves.   But they do.  Particularly smoking.Not showering is a great analogy.  If someone does not shower, they smell.  I have had to pull employees aside and bring up their bad grooming because it is affecting the team.  However, smokers, somehow, are not subject to this same standard.  It is just common courtesy to think of others and, frankly, disrespectful to not consider if you are creating a negative situation.I live in Berlin where there is manadatory smoking at age 14, apparently.  And many smokers here, in general, are completely disrespectful.  Again, smoking while walking down the street doesn't seem all that bad until you consider how bad it smells and how much it is actually harming non-smokers around you.I like to compare it to flatulence.  If we were standing at a bus stop outside and you started smoking near me, is it any better than me, maybe haven eaten a very spicy and bean-y burrito the night before, letting my flatulence rip through the bus stop?  I suspect you would chide me for being rude and disrespectful.  But at least flatulence is a natural process.So, in summary, smoking smells and is extremely unhealthy for the smoker and the person who has to be near the smoker.  If you can be aware of that and treat me with respect, I have no problem with smokers.  It is a hard standard to maintain, though, which is why I encourage you to quit smoking.  You will save thousands of dollars and make people around you much happier.Just don't trade smoking for not showering because we'll be right back where we started...

MY boyfriend is so judgmental?

Don't bring them around each other. You can't change your friends and you shouldn't change who you are for a guy. If he is beyone uncomfortable with it, then maybe you need a new bf...He can't say he isn't being judgemental when he always has something to say about it.

I'm not condoning smoking weed b/c I think its disgusting, but I don't think you have to change who you are, b/c if its not this, it will be something else.

How does one deal with "so called cool + enlightened" guys who smoke weed and consider it analogous to hymning to Shiva?

They commect it from the wedding ceremony of Shiva The Hindu God…when Shiva is going to Parvati fir wedding all who were with him have weed.,….But now most of sadhus are addict of this nd foreigners like it��when u go to puskar,kaashi and other places like this you can see number of foreigners nd sadhus enjoying this with jay bholenath..

Is it a bad idea to date someone who smokes weed when you don't?

Yes.Choose someone and you choose their lifestyle. Dope kills motivation. A lot of criticism about the 'system' and 'them' but no real constructive progress towards fixing their world - is what I observe about long term dope smokers. Perhaps he's not at that stage yet. But really where is he heading if he is not able to handle sweet sixteen? He could be part time working as well as going to school and the money is piling up for a car or a great holiday. No, he is buying dope. Whenever there is stress, joy, sadness he will have a smoke. Life is lived in between the important next occasion of having another one. No, the next one can't be skipped? What? It's the highlight of life, cause everything sucks but then again he is not taking any action to plan and fix his life to be great because it's so cool to sit back and inhale. Someone said once that people only choose the person that they think they deserve. Does this person attract you because you can get close to a sexy guy at last and he will accept you? Surely at 16 you can have a better choice . What , you can only have a hot guy if he is damaged goods? Can't you have a hot guy that's got it together ? You can! Don't undervalue yourself. Keep a distance of the heart because giving yourself to him plus having the dope will result in him thinking he has it all and there is no need to develop.

Your opinion of people who smoke marijuana?

I think they are narrow-minded and ignorant of the dangers of their stupid drug. It has no medicinal value and all it's used for is getting stoned, doing nothing and destroying your brain and lungs.

They have no work ethic which is what keeps our country going. They continuously boast about how much they love to smoke and how they all support legalization.

Everyone that supports legalization is a stoner who wants to smoke it all they want without worrying about the law or someone who wants to use it once it becomes legal (You're welcome to prove me wrong on this but I think you'll have a hard time proving it). Us non-stoners are constantly feeling outnumbered because of the growing tolerance and acceptance of marijuana smokers in our society. They're on your TV sets, on the radio, out in public... They don't belong there. All pot smokers belong in jail or a morgue because they're a bunch of no-good criminals who are undermining our nation.

Why do people get offended when I politely refuse to drink alcohol? And how should I deal with it?

Oh I SO get you! I don't drink alcohol, smoke, do drugs of any kind, or eat meat or sweets. People get super offended if I say no thank you, more often than not. The worse the thing is, the more offended they tend to get, in general. Saying no thank you to dessert- not that big of a deal. But say no to a line of coke, and suddenly I'm arrogant and judgmental. I think what is going on is that when people are doing something they know is bad for them, they want others to do it too, so they can feel like it wasn't their choice. And if you refuse, that brings them smack against the knowledge that they could refuse too, they just dont want to. So that upsets them. And then they need a reason to be upset. And you're the closest thing to blame, so they do.Very interesting phenomena, isn't it? In general, I try to weigh how much someone might be offended vs how much the thing is going to hurt me. Is it their birthday and they want me to have a piece of cake? Fine. Is it a toast at a wedding? Ok I'll clink glasses, and have a tiny sip. Otherwise, putting myself through hell because they don't understand what is best for my body- forget it. My best friend is a doctor. She knows very little about nutrition. (That’s a thing, in case you didn't know) if I needed antibiotics, I'd totally trust her. If I needed stitches, she'd definitely be on the list. (After a plastic surgeon- they don't leave scars) but for food and alcohol and stuff- no way! She doesn't understand my dietary needs or why they are important. That’s ok. One of the reasons we’re best friends is we can respect each other's differences.

Are loners the true non-conformist in teen culture?

You know how teens have groups. And each teen group (except the preps) think their non-conformist but their conforming to their clique, but not conforming towards adult soceity. Do think a true non-conformity is actually the loner? To me , loners are the true non-conformist because they really don't associate with any groups and tends to do what whatever they want, within society boundaries. Also they they tend to be cynical of the groups in teen society, and usually have their own moral code ( if well-read). So the only way a person could be a non-conformist if they were loners and develop thir own philosophy. But not everyone could be non-conformist because in order to a non-conformist, you have to have conformity in the general population. So is this theory true?

Can a non-stoner successfully date a stoner?

I'm like you, and I have tried several times to make it work with girlfriends who are stoners, but it never worked out because even though I was never judgmental, I just wasn't into it. But because it was a super important (necessary) part of their lives/sanity/health, the fact that I couldn't relate to them about it on their level, let alone share it, became a pretty big deal.

Dating someone with different drug habits than you is like dating someone if a different religion. It may not matter most of the time, but around certain occasions it will rise up to be a big issue of conflict that can't be resolved without someone feeling like they gave up something or did something they didn't want to.

Plus, for some stoners, getting high is a major priority. It can feel like dating someone who has a child; most of the time it's awesome, but you know that you can never truly be the most important thing in their lives (unless you share that).

Have fun while you can, but know that one of you would have to change to make things perfect --and neither of you should have to.