Strange Aching Pain In Bladder

SUPER cloudy urine and a bit of stomach pain?

15 Fem.115lbs. For a couple weeks now, my urine has been extremely cloudy. Not every time I go, but I'll get a few days in a row where its so cloudy, it looks like melted ice cream in the toilet. (not the thickness, just the color). I do feel like I have to go to the bathroom more, and there isn't much a lot of the times. And now I notice slight pain on my lower left side, right where my bladder is. my mom says its because I never drink any water AT ALL. I don't drink anything at breakfast, I have about 4 oz of juice @ lunch, a glass of soy milk at din, and a lot of pop. So could it just be from dehydration? Or could it be a bladder infection. Even if it is I'm not sure that I would go to the doctor, probably until it makes me bed-sick. Or spreads to kidneys. thanks for any input.

Strange Flesh Pain Under Thighs?

Briefly, I attended a birthday party today and I casually at on this plastic white chair beside the pool with my helper. however, I did feel this strange pain under my thighs once it got into contact with the surface of the chair. Since then, even when I got up, there is still this very painful sensation under my thighs when touched, it kinda feels like little knives poking you. I don't know what I should do now.

I am 5 1/2 months pregnant and I am having horrible back pain on the whole right side of my back?

It's not something I would ignore. I'm also 51/2 months and most of the pains I'm experiencing are coming from the round ligaments and it can spread nastily. I'm sure this is probably what you're getting (and perfectly normal) but f it's really painful, I'd call your Dr and just run it by them to be on the safeside.

I hope it is just normal pregnancy aches and pains :)

Look after yourself.

Pain in Lower urethra when dehydrated ?

i m 22 years old ,Male , i feel pain in lower urethra when dehydrated , it all started 3 years back , i had tests for bladder and kidney stones but they werent found ,i also had UTI which went away , when i become dehydrated i have strange painful sensation in urine , gas in stomach , strange gasious sensation in mouth , like pressure in mouth , i once went to neurologist too and they suspected that it may be a neuro problem on the lower urethra pain , but the problem still persists , the pain on right lower urethra starts , so does gasious content in stomach , dehydration causes pain in urine , it sometimes go till behind , like burning sensation going from urethra till behind towards anus , like anus starts burning, if it gets worse , when i drink water 2 glass constant at that time , then it all starts to get back to normal after the first urination of drinking the water , things slowly return to normal , my hands also sometimes get much dry in these conditions and mouth also get bitter ... i am very confused that what can this be , do any of you have the same problem ?