Strange Dreaming Pattern

Dead stranger communicating with me in my dream and asks me to give a message to her family?

My dreams are kind of like that, except I dream of upcoming events.

I saw this one girl in my dreams before, just sitting down on a park bench eating an ice cream cone. Her mother called, "Sarah!" and she ran off. The next month I met a girl at the park who looked exactly like her on the bench. Her name was the same, too. She was wearing the same dress, and eating the same flavour ice cream. She turned out to be my best friend.

I've been studying paranormal and ghostly experiences for quite a while now, demons, spirits, angels, etc. Usually when a person gets dreams like that repeatedly, spirits are trying to contact you to do something. Have you ever heard of the artist who stayed the night at a hotel? He had a dream of the dead owner, but he didn't know it was him. He sketched a drawing of what he saw.

I myself have had a few dreams like that spending the night in supposedly haunted places. It's not an ability, it's normal. You are allowing yourself to believe, therefore you are allowing contact from the "spirit world". I wasn't in your dreams, so I don't know exactly what you saw. Maybe you met the person before, and just don't remember. There are a number of possibilities. It may just be a coincidence though. Give it a weeks notice, and record all of your dreams in a dream journal. You may notice patterns.

Once again, there are numerous reports of things happening like this. If you wish to have it stop, pray every night and keep yourself from thinking about stuff like that.

A priest may be a good person to talk to, they are very open and understanding about the "demons". Don't think of yourself as a psycho freak if you talk to someone about it. You are still a living breathing human (hopefullly), maybe you should read about other people's paranormal experiences too.

Good luck!

Strange music in dreams?

Do you play an instrument? Many musicians, even beginners, can have dreams that include music. Write it down or try to play the same notes that you heard! It is normal.

This is from the website I found: November 13, 2007
Music in dreams:

From a footnote on p282 of Oliver Sacks Musicophilia:

There have been very few systematic studies of music in dreams, though one such [pdf], by Valeria Uga and her colleagues at the University of Florence in 2006, compared the dream logs of thirty-five professional musicians and thirty non-musicians. The researchers concluded that "musicians dreams of music more than twice as much as non-musicians [and] musical dream frequency is related to the age of commencement of musical instruction, but not to the daily load of musical activity. Nearly half of all recalled music was non-standard, suggesting that original music can be created in dreams." While there have been many anecdotal stories of composers creating original compositions in dreams, this is the first study to lend support to the idea.

The finding has an interesting parallel with findings on the 'age-of-acquisition effect' in language research.

It was known for years that things like the ability to name objects or remember words was influenced by the how common the word is, and how 'concrete' it is. For example, concrete words like tree, apple and house tend to be more robust than abstract words like hope, love or like.

Largely due to the work Andy Ellis it's been found that many of these effects are actually a function of at what age the word was first learnt, with earlier words being more robust in terms of being more easily processed or accessed during cognitive processing.

The Uga study hints that a similar process may be at work with music.

Why do I dream of this stranger every night?

This guy saves me every night from whatever is trying to hurt me, I have never seen his face, I do not know who it is, but he knows me, and loves me. He is my hero, why am I dreaming of him? What do these dreams mean?

Strange violent and disturbing dreams?

Your ex-girlfriend is secretly part of the Illuminati and is trying to lure you into the dark side through your dreams. Things get disturbing in your dreams because they're threatening to murder you and possess you and make you murder your loved ones if you don't join the Illuminati. Watch out! Sleep with a wooden steak so you can kill them in your dreams.

Can You Interpret This Dream?

I've been dreaming a lot lately, but not being able to remember any of them. Last night I had a very strange dream and I definately remember it! Here it goes...

My husband, my brother-in-law, and two of our friends were hanging out at our friend's house. When I arrived there, I had been stabbed by 2 knives in my groin area. The knives were stuck completely through me and the tips were coming out through my very lower back in an X type pattern. I don't remember how I got stabbed, but I do know that it wasn't self-inflicted.

I arrived and told everyone that I needed to go to the hospital NOW! I felt no pain, just stiffness and was afraid to take the knives out or sit down. They all said they wanted to "smoke a joint" first! So, they did and I waited ALL DAY and no one would take me. Finally, I threw a fit and forced my brother-in-law to take me... before we even got into the car, I woke up.

Strange, huh? Anyone know what to make of this?

Constant dreams about war?

I am a 21 year old female, and I have noticed this weird recurring pattern in my dreams for the past year and a half. The weird thing is, 90% of them are about something related to in a war. An example, once I had a dream I was in Japan and was in the explosion on Hiroshima. Another example, I was walking to college in the afternoon and a bomber airplane came and started dropping explosions all over the campus. One more example is when I dreamed I was running and captured by foreign soldiers. I find it strange that these dreams keep coming up, and almost every one of them ends with an explosion followed by me waking up. I find it weird because I don't think about those kinds of things when I'm conscious and I have never been in the military or anything. I thought at first it would go away but it's been more than a year now and I'm beginning to think maybe something isn't right... does anyone know what might be causing this? possibly something related to life situations being unconsciously stressed in my brain?

...I must say thanks to anyone who may take the time to read and answer my question, any and all are appreciated : )