Strange Stomache Pain

Strange Stomach Pain?

I have this really bad stomach pain. It seems ok, as long as I don't eat, but I have to eat, I can't starve. As soon as I eat and the food hits my stomach, I get this overwhelming pain, that kinda burns, and it only last for about 10 seconds, then stops. When I take another bite of food, it's the same thing all over again. Sometimes even when I don't eat, I still have this pain. Last night, the pain was so bad it woke me up 3 times in the middle of the night. It hurts when I drink as well, even when it's plain water. This has been going on for about 3 or 4 days. I'M FRICKEN HUNGRY, and I can't eat. Could this be something serious, like an ulcer? Anyone with any advice, please help me!

Strange stomach pain?

I've been having strange stomach pain for about 2 weeks now. It doesn't feel internal like cramping or bloating or squeezing or like other typical stomach pain (ie stomach flu, cramps), it seems more on the surface.

When it first started it would hurt when I touched or rubbed my stomach around my belly button. Now it's gotten worse, it hurts when I stretch even the slightest bit, bend down and exert strength to pick up my backpack, raise my arms, or cough.

The pain isn't too deep but it STINGS sort of like when you have a cut and you rub it the wrong way or pull a cut hurts like that.

I don't think anything's torn - I'm sure I'd be in a LOT more pain than I am in right now, but I'm kind of paranoid because it's getting worse now!

Strange Stomach ache waht should i do?

Im having really bad stomach pains and im at work and i really cant leave. Its feels like im hungry but i ate and now its worse. the pain is about two inches below where my ribs meet. it feels like someone is ripping out my insides. i dont feel the need to throw up use the restroom, but it hurts really really bad, and its not period cramps either. Do you have any idea what it may be? i dont want to leave work if i dont have to and if i choose to go to the hospital now i will be waiting in an emergency room (with a bunch of other sick and contaigious people) for hours. if i still have the pain tommorow morning i will make a same day appointment for as soon as i can, what should i do in the mean time

Very strange stomach pains.?

Recently I've been having some very strange stomach pains. Over the past two days I've ate very little, mainly just dinner and a few drinks of juice or pop. Even though I've been eating this little, I've felt very, very full, almost too full. A lot of the times I won't even eat during the day, simply because I'm not hungry. Often times I get the need to almost... throw up for some odd reason due to my stomach being so full.

Anyone familiar with this problem?

I have mid back and stomach pain? HELP!?

Your back pain is caused by pinched muscles. Pinched muscles in your back can press into the nerves, as they leave the spine, going to the organs to cause pains in them. Pressure on the nerves to your stomach will cause it to release more gastric acid which is painful. Pinched muscles don't show up on the scans so they get missed for that reason. To get rid of your pains and to keep them from coming back you have to free up your back muscles and here's how to do that:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Strange stretching pain in my lower stomach and crotch?

That sounds like the tendon of your leg is giving your trouble. While you were sitting the way you were on the bed, you put your thigh muscle in a position it must not have been used to. In times of trauma the tendons shorten themselves up in a way that must be to protect the body. You tendon saw some trauma from how you were sitting and that made it shorten itself up. The tendon that we are talking about here is the one that comes in around the pelvis and is attached to the inside of the pelvic bones. What usually happens is that the thigh is pulled into the hip and then it goes to the next area of least resistance, the tendons it's attached to. Here it can feel like a cramp but it is pulling on the inside of your pelvic area no matter what it feels like. That is where your stretchy pain is coming from. Here is how to release it:
Pelvic tendon
With only shorts on lay on a bed and pull your legs up and bend them at the knee so your feet are flat on the bed. Take your hand and run it down the crease between your thigh and body. When you reach the area of your pelvis you will feel a bump in that crease. That is the tendon to work on. Take it between your fingers and thumb and press and hold a good amount of pressure on it. Then relax, take a deep breath and exhale and don’t tense up any part of your body. After 30 seconds slowly lower your leg outward until it has gone as far as it will. Then release the pressure but rest your leg there for one minute longer. As a side note, if you cannot get a grip on the tendon, press on it near the pelvis with as much pressure as you can. Don’t let it slip out from under that pressure. Then continue with the rest of the exercise.
Be in something that allow you access to the skin so it's easy to find the tendon.

Strange stomach pain and discomfort... I feel like my organs are jumbled?

A month or more ago, I went to the doctor for lower abdominal pain and irregularity in bowl movements. The pain could sometimes be dull and other times very sharp. But one sensation that puzzled me was that something just didn't feel right. When I would exercise, and specifically run, I could feel this one spot in my stomach that just seemed like it wasn't there before.

The doctor took an x-ray and said I was constipated so I went on stool softener and laxatives. Since then my bowels have been regular, but I still feel like something just isn't quite right. While the sharp pains have ceased, I still feel this weird dull pain every now and again. I've also been getting bloated more often.

Could this be something more serious or am I just over thinking things?

I am certain I am not pregnant.

Sudden stomach pains and nausea......?

Yesterday I wasn't feeling too good so I took two extra strenghth asprin becasue I had a headache and my throat was hurting.But then at night I had diarrhea(sorry I know it's nasty) and a little pain in my lower stomach but I thought nothing of the stomach pain becasue I though it was my period coming but it turns out it wasn't. Then this morining I woke up at around 6ish and my abdomen was hurting and I was feeling very nauseas. Since then I've thrown up 4 times and my stomach pains has gotten much worse. Ohter than the nausea and stomach pains I fell fine so what could be up? Im 16 by the way.

I started going vegan, but now I'm getting stomach cramps. What am I doing wrong?

I agree with what Dhaval is saying. I would ask yourself two questions:Specifically, what brand new foods that you've never eaten before have you added to your diet?What are you now eating much more of than you have before?We can deduct that the problem is what you are eating rather than what you are not eating.A common response to switching the diet quickly before your body has time to adjust is a "withdrawal" phase, where you can be extra tired, have headaches, feel faint, etc. This is similar to caffeine withdrawal. Say, for instance, you used to have a dependence on dairy products or sugar. Casein, the protein in milk, has been proven to be highly addictive. So has refined sugar. You will have a reaction when you eliminate those from your diet with no ease.However, stomach cramps would seem to indicate either an allergic response, an intolerance, or more fiberous foods being added. Vegetables, fruits, oats, and beans are loaded - absolutely loaded - with fiber. If you used to have meat and cheese where now you have beans and are eating more vegetables than usual... It is pretty obvious your system will feel bombarded, trying to process it in abundance now.If you go to the doctor and have been tested for allergies and intolerances, which should be your first protocol since they could be serious if you continue, and there's nothing to show, then I would back off on the high fiber foods until you have a chance to adapt.Instead of eating whole grains all the time, try white pastas, breads, and rice with your vegetables. Potatoes are excellent. Bananas and any type of melons are also excellent, low-fiber fruits. Cook your vegetables! Boil or fry them to break down the cell walls. Raw vegetables and steamed might not be the best idea right now. Gradually increase your fiber meal by meal.