Stress Symptoms Post Depression

What are the symptoms for postpartum depression?

Sad mood, frequent crying

Lack of pleasure or interest in activities that once gave pleasure

Sleep disturbance

Weight loss

Loss of energy

Agitation or anxiety

Feelings of worthlessness or guilt

Trouble concentrating or making decisions

Thoughts of death or suicide

Decreased interest in sex

Feelings of rejection

What are the symptoms of post-traumatic stress?

One week is way too soon to diagnose post traumatic stress disorder. Anyone would feel like that under the situation.

Post traumatic stress disorder includes symptoms of dreaming about or having visions about the distressing event that go on for at least six months.

What you are describing sounds a lot more like Bereavement (grief). It may be a good idea to see a counselor--that is an awful lot to deal with.

One person said "depression"--it's not justified to diagnosis depression only two weeks after an event like that. Features of Bereavement look almost exactly like clinical depression--the way to tell the difference is how long it lasts.

I would say see if you feel exactly the same way after three or four months. If you don't think you are dealing with it any better after that long of a time, talk to a doctor.

What is the difference between depression and post tramatic stress?

I can answer this as I have chronic, clinical depression and non-combat related PTSD. For me the main difference is that depression is something that I have to live with day to day. Depression is a constant in my life, while PTSD sneaks up on you like a thief in the night, I can be “happily” going about my day when suddenly I get triggered. My last event was 2 weeks ago when I was in my local gym, I do not know what triggered me, but I suddenly burst into tears as I was doing lateral pull downs.I can hide my depression, but I cannot hide my PTSD, I do not know what the other gym members thought as they saw a 190lb man running out of the gym 2 weeks ago with tears streaming down his cheeks and curling up in a ball outside, but thankfully no one thought to ask.I say thankfully because when I have an “episode” my fight or flight instinct leans heavily to fight, which leads me onto another difference between the 2 illnesses. With “just” depression I could lead a semi-normal life, have friends and maybe a sexual relationship. With PTSD piled on top this is a non-starter, even being in the same room as someone else usually triggers my fight or flight, my first thought is not “that lady looks nice” it is “how would I take her down” to get to an exit.The last time I had sex was in 2005, I have had clinical depression since the mid 90s, but having PTSD also means I hate physical contact, I went from the life and soul of the party (even with depression) to someone you would actively avoid if you saw me in public.Please do not feel sorry for me though, I may be alone, but I am not lonely and I am usually pleasant to talk to when I am not having an episode, and am quite “happy” in my own company.

Can men suffer from postpartum depression?

He could develop a form of situational depression. It would not be the same per say as post partum depression, since that has to do with a fluctuation of hormones. However, if dad is home every day and has the burden of caring for a newborn it would not be unlikely that he may suffer from feeling over whelmed, stressed and isolated.

What are the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Some basic symptoms: effort to avoid thoughts or feelings associated with trauma.
efforts to avoid activities arouse recollection of trauma
inability to recall an important aspect of event
markedly diminished interest in significant activities
feelings of detachment from others
restricted range of affects
increased startle reflex
increased dreams of like events
intense psychological distress at exposure to events that symbolize or resemble an aspect of event.

There are several good sites to look up Mental health issues. One being and then looking up diagnosis. Or Mental Health
And as far as counseling you need to look for someone with experience with PTSD. and yes many people live good productive lives. Feel Free to email me if you'd like to chat. God Bless Reggie

Can men suffer a form of post-natal depression?

Postpartum depression in women is something that is generally thought of as coming from a hormonal imballance after giving birth.  So, most people think it cannot happen in men.  But they would be wrong. In fact, while not nearly as common, it does happen that men suffer from postpartum depression. It seems that it is most often connected to the mother having postpartum depression.  That is, if the mother has postpartum depression, a quarter to a half of their male partners will also show signs of depression.There are a lot of articles about this.  Here are two paragraphs from one, and below, the link.Findings.  During the first postpartum year,  the incidence of paternal depression ranged from 1·2% to 25·5% in  community samples, and from 24% to 50% among men whose partners were  experiencing postpartum depression. Maternal depression was identified  as the strongest predictor of paternal depression during the postpartum  period. The implications of parental depression for family health were  discussed.Conclusions.  Postpartum  depression in men is a significant problem. The strong correlation of  paternal postpartum depression with maternal postpartum depression has  important implications for family health and well-being. Consideration  of postpartum depression in fathers as well as mothers, and  consideration of co-occurrence of depression in couples, is an important  next step in research and practice involving childbearing families.Paternal postpartum depression, its relationship to maternal postpartum depression, and implications for family health


Does it exist?

I had an abortion 6 months ago, and im approaching my due date. I have been so "depressed" since the date I had my abortion as it was not a decision I made easily. (PLEASE DON'T JUDGE ME) However I have been upset and cry almost every night about what I lost - I clearly think I made the wrong decision, I know its too late to change but me and my partner of 2 years were not in the right position to bring a child up. My partner is supportive but I dont think he understands to the full extent of what I've been through. When I talk to him about it he listens then doesnt really know what to say.

I have a constant reminder of guilt and sadness - I read about post abortion stress syndrome or PASS online and dont really know if this has been proved?

Im needing advice more than anything else on what to do to help me overcome this. Its not something I want to or will ever forget as it was the most difficult decision I have ever made! But I need help to get through this, any ideas?


I suffer from severe depression and post traumatic disorder. How can I connect with professional therapists and, perhaps, group therapy?

Gregory is correct, if you live in the US. Ask your GP if in the UK, if not, if there is a clinic you attend, ask there. If it is a NGA provider, ask them. Don't suffer in silence, ask where you are able. My best to you.