Stressed Out Tips On How To Kick The Blues

What is the meaning of "morning blues" or "Monday blues"?

Blues refer to sadness. It is associated with the color blue which depicts lack of blood (color), energy (enthusiasm), and strength (willingness).Morning blues speak more of the need to be up and about after resting.Since one is starting the new day, there are many things to do when one wakes up: to pray, to read the Bible, to make one's bed, to exercise, to prepare one's clothes for the day, to take a bath, to prepare breakfast, and to eat.Add to this the checking of emergency messages on your phone, the leaving of instructions to those left behind at home.Monday blues is just like morning blues, but looks like weightier since one has come from a week-end of rest and has to start again a week of routine.In some schools and offices, important things are scheduled on Mondays like the Flag Ceremony and some important announcements are made, therefore being absent or late on Mondays is like crime.When one has these blues, it does not mean one is really sad.These terms simply describe the challenges one has to face.When one is young, there is admittedly some sadness, some lack of energy and enthusiasm come mornings and Mondays.But as one matures and one has adjusted, these terms tend to become just terms by themselves.

How do I distinguish among different music genres like rock, jazz, blues, pop, etc., and is there a good listeners’ trick to discern such extinctions?

Pop:The core elements which define pop include generally short length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses. It is vocally driven. Vocals are the most important part of the song along with the lyrics. Doesn't matter how simple and boring the background instruments (if any) are.Tips to identify: Soft songs with the same looped beats. Singer mostly singing throughout the song.Blues:This is pop made better with more importance for clean and overdriven guitars, groovy bass and soft drums. It is often typically characterized by employment of specific blues scales, bluesy chord progressions a call-and-response pattern. It will take a lot of listening to tell it from some forms of pop.Tips to identify: need to listen to a lot of blues to identify those blues scales and chords being played.Jazz:The basic elements are improvisation, syncopation, rhythm, blue notes, melody(the tune) and harmony(notes that fit well with the tune).  Its structure is typically more complex than other popular forms of music. There is greater emphasis on the instruments used. They aren't in the background anymore. They form the heart of the song.Tips to identify: Inability to follow the song. Lots and lots of bass. Incorporation of instruments you've never heard before like the sax. Did I mention bass?Rock:Rock has centered on the electric guitar, usually as part of a band with bass, drums and a vocalist. Generic rock is just pop with distorted guitars but the genre is so diverse it has a lot of its sub-genres laying emphasis on the instruments, the best being progressive rock.Tips to identify: Distorted guitars, heavier drums.Saving the best for the last..Metal:Characterised by high amplification, speed, heavy distorted guitar riffs, extended solos, dense bass and lots(and lots) of drums with heavy emphasis for the bass drums. Vocals is generally given lesser priority and the songs are driven by the instruments. This genre along with Jazz do the best job in showcasing the instrumentalists' talent.Tips to identify: Heavy sounding, hard to follow, harsh vocals, tons of riffs and solos.Hope this helps. Note: This is a very broad classification. There is a lot more to these genres other than what I've mentioned, especially for the last three.Thanks for A2A.

I just got a new dog and i think i have postpartum depression b/c of it. is that possible?

I am with others who answered by saying it is not post partum depression. But I know what you are saying. A little background. I grew up with several different kinds of dogs and have always wanted a dog of my own. I waited six years until finally I had a place of my own and money to take care of the puppy. With waiting so long come a huge amount of excitement.
I searched for months about the breed I wanted to see if it would fit my lifestyle/living situtatons. I read tons of different articles and one great book just to be prepared. Long story short, I was suprised to find that within a week of having my first puppy to raise I became somewhat depressed and extremely stressed. I knew that raising a puppy was hard but it was a lot harder then expected. Early morning potty breaks and the non stop wanting of attention along with shuffing work and a marriage. I got a chihuahua and they tend to be more clingy. I was exhausted.
Don't worry, after a few months, they start to get their personalities and you start to love them no matter what they do. It definately is worth all the work. So hang in there and it will get better. As far as advice. Just think about how much better it is to have them with you everyday. It is so much fun. Hope this helps. Feel free to email.

Marine Corps and Failure To Adapt?

My fiance is in the Marine Corps...He has been in for over a year with three left. He has started developing severe depression, suicidal thoughts, and homicidal thoughts due to the stress and BS of fellow Marines...He went to his command for help and they diagnosed him with some long name, and medicated him, have sent him to chaplain counseling and told him that he is "failure to adapt" on Jan. 15th he has his final evaluation to see what they will do with him. My question is, failure to adapt? does that mean they are going to discharge him? if so, what discharge would it be? and what is his final examination going to be like? I only want him to be ok, and I need to understand what is going on, they didn't even let me talk to him for two days, I didn't even know what was going on....anyone know what is happening? Please help....
Marine's Worried Fiance...

How long does an MDMA comedown last?

After cruising along at high altitude for three or four hours, you can feel the beginnings of the descent. The descent from high to normal-ish takes another three or four hours. That would be a good time to go to sleep, because after that you keep descending past normal into the hangover stage. Often there's a hole-in-the-middle-of-the-brain feeling, as well as general lethargy. This typically lasts about one day, maybe two, so it's best to have a full day of rest.The more you've overdone the amount of MDMA, the worse the comedown. If you stick to sensible amounts, there can actually be more of an afterglow than a comedown.On the second, third or fourth day, you may feel back to normal but then notice an inexplicable lowness (the ‘Tuesday blues’). This is extremely common, something to do with the brain adjusting to the loss of serotonin, and is just temporary, so don't panic. Supplementing with 5-HTP and other nutrients appears to minimise the negative effects of the comedown.MDMA and Depression | DanceSafeMDMA (Molly/Ecstasy) Supplements

What does Airman Leadership School consist of?

It's intense. you'll have to write lots of papers, give oral presentations with visual aids. TONS of PT. The PT is more rigorous than the PT test. I've watched them and it is seriously NOTHING like a PT test. There were totally buff guys out there having difficulties. Nothing like running 3 miles in 100 degree heat to the beach and then doing 100 push-ups in hot sand and back 3 miles.. Of course, I'm sure it depends on where you go to ALS. Your life will be nothing but ALS. You will study and study and study. Make sure you are ALWAYS on time, they will kick you out for being late. You'll have to participate in a Community project with your fellow classmates. Take it very fail ALS, you don't get to put on E-5.

ALS was a living hell for us. My husband had to communte 20 miles each way, every day. I helped him write some of his papers and helped with his presentations. If I hadn't, he never would've slept.

I hear the NCO Academy is just as fun...can't wait!