Stuggleing To Win The War

Struggling toward saratoga!!!?

i left my US history book in my locker!!
put the events in chronological order...
1-washington leads his troops to victory at trenton.
2-the colonists win the key battle of saratoga.
3-the french arrive to aid the colonial war effort.
4-the continental army retreats from new york.
5-the continental army endures winter at valley forge.
6-the british take philidelphia.
please put the numbers in the correct order!!

The Crimean War was a result of a long-struggle between who?

Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire.

Why did the US struggle to win the Vietnam war? What are the lessons?

The Vietnam war, as any reasonable & rational history reveals, was never one which a foreign power, with all its military might, could ever win. Post World War Two, the false hegemony of Western (European) colonialism had been exposed for the unjust exploitation it had pursued for so long. In Vietnam, this meant that the time of French rule was over. The nationalism of Ho Chi Minh was a political aim that could never be overcome, especially by a Western-backed and Catholic South Vietnam rife with corruption. Of course, much more can be said about all this, ultimately regarding the failed strategy & tactics employed by the U.S. military. This leads to lesson one: Military might does not necessarily make right. The politics involved in Vietnam were never honestly faced by the U.S., ignorance of which brought protean failures marked by such stupidity as body count metrics imagined to portend victory, or worse, statements such as “to save the village we had to destroy it.”So, a lesson never learned by the U.S. failures continues on to this day. Massive expenditures of “blood & treasure” continue to elude American foreign policy and military adventurism. Trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives have been spent on stabilizing the Middle East since the 1980s, and the Global War on Terror continues the abject losses while creating more terrorists. Iraq and Afghanistan victories remain impossible, because the same type of ignorance which caused Vietnam failure persist with U.S. foreign & military policy elites.By 1960 in the general American mind, it was widely assumed that war was actually good for the economy. This myth has never left, as we now have military occupations or bases all over the globe, and are spending massive, voluminous amounts on so-called “defense” measures. Vietnam could have taught much, but very, very little was ever learned much less transferred into policy.

Struggling Toward Saratoga ?

The Continental Army retreats from New York - Aug 27, 1776
Washington leads his troops to victory at Trenton - December 26, 1776
The British take Philadelphia - September 26, 1777
The Colonists win the battle of Saratoga - October 7, 1777
The Continental Army Endures Winter at Valley Forge - December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778
The French arrive to aid the colonial war effort - February 6, 1778

As you can see a couple of the events overlap. Howe captured Philadelphia while the events at Saratoga were going on, but before the final American victory. The French joined the war while Washington was camped at Valley Forge.

Why did China struggle so much against Japan in WW2?

i never ceased to be amused by the CCP formula fed masses that attributed the primary reason for the nationalists inability to kick ass the Japanese Chinese invasion forces  in no time flat to their "corruption". Using the same analogy - the present PLA - given the known world class corrupt status of China' governing CCP party, would fold like a deck of cards if ever engaged in warfare, but I digress,The KMT forces basically held off a much more superior modern military power - Japan for  8 years, tying up 2/3 of Japan's military resources, a sophisticated and well equipped force thats been preparing for years for its WW2 endeavours. The Imperial Japanese military had its first  air craft carrier in the early 1920, and at the beginning of WW2 had excellent fighter planes that rivalled the allies best equipment. Its navy fought on a equal basis with the Americans, and made short work with American and other European forces in south east Asia in the beginning of WW2. Not to mention its rout of the Russian forces earlier.China has been the "sick man of Asia" in comparison since the middle of 1850s, and walked over by every single foreign power that invaded it, in addition to the numerous internal rebellions till its overthrow in 1912. The numerous warlords that sprung up afterwards and their private armies that challenged a central power meant  considerable effort had to be effected by  Chiang to unify the fractured country, culminating in the northern reunification expedition that finally brought the country under nominal control under one administration - while having to deal with the CCP's attempt to sabotage its government.Its fiscal vaults are already quite bare to begin with after the Qing dynasty's overthrow, and after another 25 years of unrest and turmoil - one can imagine the resources available to the Nationalists to equip adequately the kind of military forces against a far superior force in the form of Japan.Nevertheless - the close to 4 million Chinese military casualties, essentially all KMT troops speaks to the heroic and nothing to be ashamed of accomplishment of Chiang's army in defending the Chinese peoples honour and strength of character in not giving up the fight. The Japanese had counted on only three months before China's surrender. They were awfully surprised.

U.S. History 2 Questions I'm struggling with?!?

1.What was the purpose of the Creel Committee, also known as the Committee on Public Information?

a. to provide intelligence information to the United States' allies in World War I
b. to influence public opinion to support the government's efforts to win World War I
c. to prevent the Central Powers from blocking the United States' efforts to win World War I
d. to gather data to make it easier to coordinate U.S. industries making weapons for World War I

2.During World War I, battleships were used for which purpose?

a. to sink enemy aircraft carriers
b. to launch attacks on coastal areas
c. to move troops rapidly after battles
d. to protect convoys of merchant ships

In Avengers: Infinity War, why did Scarlet Witch struggle to fight Proxima Midnight despite being able to stop a train, rip apart robots, and contain a bomb in earlier movies?

First of all, Proxima Midnight & Corvus Glaive had the element of surprise on their side and caught Scarlet Witch and Vision unprepared. Captain America, Black Widow and Falcon was able to use this to their advantage to later defeat the couple.Secondly, Scarlet Witch is not used to fighting hand-to-hand. She is used to frontline fighters defending her as she prepares her “spells”. She is very powerful, but she needs concentration to work her magic. Proxima Midnight appears to be aware of her strengths and weaknesses so she immediately closed in on her.Lastly, Proxima Midnight is very powerful in her own right. The movie might not have given her justice, but she is an intergalactic warrior capable of taking down Asgardians and leading Thanos’ armies. It actually took a Scarlet Witch, Okoye, Black Widow and a little luck to finally take her down.

Stalin's role as General Secretary helped him win the power struggle?

Three factors were decisive for Stalin achieving power:
His position as General Secretary allowed him to promote his supporters and demote, and sack, those of his rivals.

He had a phenomenal memory, any perceived slight was remembered and acted upon,, sometimes years later. Similarly (some of) his early supporters benefited from association with him, some of the peasants who housed him as an exile received money and were protected during the purges.

His cunning. He was very shrewd, he rarely laid out a policy or position when Lenin was alive and soon afterwards. He allowed all other Politburo members to state their positions, then allied himself with whichever faction was likely to win, using his position as General Secretary to ensure that his side won the argument. He did this several times, defeating both the Left and Right Oppositions, and, when power was more or less entirely in his hands, he destroyed them.

Had he not been General Secretary, a minor, party post, and been given a senior position - such as Commissar for Internal Affairs, then, perhaps, his ambition would have come to the fore earlier, allowing his rivals to defeat him. In my opinion, it was the post of General Secretary coupled with his personality traits, that allowed him to slowly gather his resources, and held his ambition in check until he could strike without much fear of reprisal.

There is another major factor - other bolshevik's ambitions. The party in power still resembled the party in opposition - it was secretive - thriving on rumour and innuendo, militaristic and demanded total loyalty. In power the rivalries between the leading Bolsheviks were barely kept in check - they all hated and distrusted each other. Stalin, that "grey blur" appeared "safe", he did not disclose too much, and was not an intellectual, so was trusted by nearly all the Bolsheviks. His position in the party seemed to render his political ambition impotent, so was trusted even more.