Subtracting Fractions Desperate Help Needed


120/300 >> simply divide and you will get

120/300 = 0.40

to get the percent multiply by 100
0.40 x 100 = 40%

34/125 >> simply divide and that is
34/125 = 0.272
multiply the answer by 100 to get the percent
0.272 x 100 = 27.2%

5/73 simply divide and that is
5/73 = 0.0685
multiply the answer by 100 to get the percent
0.0685 x 100= 6.85%

For the bonus
1. regular price $3.00
with coupon $2.25

$3.0 - $2.25 = $0.75
$0.75/$3.0 = 0.25
0.25 X 100 = 25%

2. regular price $4.50
today only $4.00

$4.50-$4.00 = $0.50
$0.50/$4.50 = 0.11
0.11 x 100 = 11%

3. regular price $29.50
now pay just $17.70

$29.50 - $17.70 = $11.8
$11.8/$29.50 = 0.4
0.4 x 100 = 40%

I need help with algebraic fractions?

27x^4 y^2 z
9x^3 y z^2

simplify: just divide 27/9 and regarding division of exponents ( just subtract them) negatives should be on the denominator, like for z ----> z-z^2= z^-1
3 xy

same thing with #2

Guys I'm DESPERATE PLease Help on 4 problems with adding/subtracting fractions?

15)5/x - (6/y)=(5y-6x)/xy
lol just make the denom the same for every fraction , and the numa must times the same number u have multi for the denom, this would ensure that the fraction does not change value

Desperate need of help with algebraic problem solving!?

Convert the facts from English into mathematical expressions.

"The perimeter of a mirror is 158in."
perimeter = sum of the sides
2L + 2W = 158

"The length of the mirror is 33 in. more than the width."
L = W + 33

By substitution,
2L + 2W = 158
2(W-33) + 2W = 158
2W + 66 + 2W = 158
4W = 92
W = 23

Use the value of W to find L.
L = W+33
= 23 + 33
= 56

The mirror is 56 in long and 23 in wide.
"A couple has walked a distance of about 1164 miles.
They have hiked three times as many miles as they have left to go."
1164 = 3x
x = 1164/3
= 388

They have to walk another 388 miles.
"The sides of the triangle are consecutive integers"
n, n+1, and n+2 represent three consecutive integers.

"The perimeter is 324 mm."
perimeter = sum of the sides
(n) + (n+1) + (n+2) = 324

solve for n
n + n+1 + n+2 = 324
3n + 3 = 324
3n = 321
n = 321/3
= 107
n+1 = 108
n+2 = 109

The sides of the triangle are 107 mm, 108 mm, 109 mm.
"bill was reduced by 18%"
x = original bill

reduction to bill = 18% of x
= 0.18x

"December heating bill was reduced to $255.84"
reduced bill = x - 0.18x
x(1 - 0.18) = 255.84
0.82x = 255.84
x = 312

The original bill was $312.
"She can rent a truck for a daily rate of $45.95 plus $.38 per mile."
m = number of miles
daily cost = 45.95 + 0.38m

"budget of $100 per day"
45.95 + 0.38m ≤ 100
0.38m ≤ 54.05
m = 142.2

Tamika can drive up to 142 miles a day.

Fractions with pi?? please help?

Your answer really depends on several things. Most important is your teacher. What form does he/she want? Secondly, what answer are you seeking?

You see, pi is a symbolic representation just like x, y, z, etc. The obvious difference here is that we know what pi represents. It equals about infinity.

But you can multiply it out or leave it as pi -- just depends on what you want.

So let's take your example and show it both ways:

5pi/6 + 2pi

Of course you know that to add/subtract fractions you need a common denominator, and in this case it's 6.

So this can be rewritten as:

5pi/6 + 12pi/6 = 17pi/6

And since 17/6 is reduced, this is one way you can leave your answer (and of course I mean as 17pi/6).

Another is to multiply it out by the "about" answer of 3.14159... and this you would do on your calculator.

So putting 5pi/6 + 2pi in my calculator I got it equal to 8.901179...

But notice this: When I put the above solution of 17pi/6 in my calculator, guess what I got? Yep, 8.901179...

So you see, it just depends on what kind of an answer you're looking for.

Hope this helps.

Have a good day!

Write 78 1/8 as a fraction?

Convert the 78 to eights by multiplying it by 8. 78 = 624/8. Add the 1/8 and you get 625/8

Write as a fraction? 52% I don't understand any of this math?

Because percentages are out of 100 so it would be 52/100. or if it was simplified it would be 13/25.

Subtract 3xy from -10xy?


Equivalent fractions?

EVERY non-zero multiplier makes equivalent fractions. Which one to multiply by depends on what you want to do with your fraction.

If you just want another fraction that looks different but is equal to the original, pick any random number to multiply.
     6 / 28 = (6×11) / (28×11) = 66 / 308

If you want a reduced fraction, pick the reciprocal of the the common factor of the numerator and denominator.
     6 / 28 = (6×0.5) / (28×0.5) = 3 / 14

If you have two fractions and you want a common denominator (to compare or to add or to subtract) multiply by the least common multiple of the denominator divided by that denominator:
     5 / 6 - 8 / 21 = (5×7) / (6×7) - (8×2) / (21×2) = 35 / 42 - 16 / 42 = 19 / 42

If you want to elliminate a square root in the denominator (moving it to the numerator) multiply by that square root:
     6 / √2 = (6×√2) / (√2×√2) = 6√2 / 2 = 3√2

If you have a sum of cube roots (in the denominator) there is a more complicated multiplier to move the radicals to the numerator:
     1 / (³√3 + ³√2) = [1×(³√9-³√6+³√4)] / [(³√3 + ³√2)×(³√9-³√6+³√4)] ] = (³√9-³√6+³√4) / 5

What do you want to do with your fraction?