Such Bad Tv Due To Solar Storms

What would happen if solar flare hit earth?

I need to write a 4 pages story about what would happen if solar flare hit earth so i need a lots of facts.. I'm not asking you to do my homework or anything, i just needed the facts. Thank you ^^

I am scared of dark clouds and storms...?

Try to figure out the reason for your fear. Is it based upon actual experience or is it something that was instilled by other means. Something that someone told you once or something that you heard on T.V. once. A certain amount of fear is a good thing it's called caution. Too much can be worse than any real's called irrational fear. Fear is an emotion. Some fear can be based on not knowing something. And jumping to conclusions In a situation.such as weather you can make yourself better informed. .Here is a link to the National Weather Service. I use it quite a bit during Hurricane season. Where I live we have to contend with them regularly. I grew up with these things. You might have heard something about one a few years ago.. Katrina. I live an hour outside of New Orleans.This link might provide you with tornado information or I should say the weather information that leads up to them developing,since they seem to develop rather quickly once the condition are in place. If not look on the internet for something that might be of better help in keeping you and yours informed. Knowledge is power. If you feel yourself becoming fearful. Check your breathing. Take some deep breathes and hold them. Tensing your stomach muscles as you hold your breathe then release them at the same time. And repeat the process. After doing this a few times you will feel yourself calming. The breathing causes you to relax,the tensing of the stomach muscles gets rid of tension. When you've had enough of this try to keep your breathing at a normal even rate. If the fear returns do the breathing exercise again. Have caution but don't let fear overpower you. Trust in yourself. I hope that this link is of use. It is the National Weather Service.but like I said I just use it for hurricanes and not for tornadoes so I hope that those weather systems are included here as well.

How long would it take to recover from a major solar flare that disabled most of Earth's modern technology (power, communications, transportation and electronics)?

As Stephen Lange points out, the flare or the Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) isn't the big problem. The real problem comes when our magnetosphere is disrupted by the charged particles blasted out from the Sun.  Stephen gives a pretty good run-down of the kind of damage we might expect.The Solar storm of 1859 (aka the Carrington Event) is often cited as a worst case situation. To my mind, that's debatable, but the Wikipedia article I linked to gives a good description of what happened, and more links to other problems with solar storms.How long would it take to recover from a bad solar storm? My guess is anywhere from several years to decades. I can't make much of an estimate of the potential death toll, but it would be terrible.We have made little effort to prevent the effects of a severe solar storm. As an example, we depend on high voltage transformers in our electrical transmission systems. The manufacturing lead time for one of these transformers is about two years (I checked a few years ago -- I doubt the numbers have changed to any extent), and utilities don't normally carry spares. There are no manufacturers left in North America.Navigation goes back to the early 20th century: no GPS (or competing systems). There could be a few land based systems such as the old LORAN system, but there wouldn't be many, and few ships are equipped with the necessary receivers. Consider as well that Western navies no longer teach celestial navigation. I don't know about the merchant marine schools, but I suspect they were phasing that out even earlier than the navies were.Why have  we done so little? At the top of the list is cost. Nobody wants to spend the money needed to harden the power systems we rely on. Some of it is the insistence on good profits for this year (or this quarter). To be fair, some of it is that nobody wants to be the one to tell consumers and taxpayers that another massive infusion of money will be needed.Too few people understand the correct nature of the problem. We've all heard so many "doom and gloom" scenarios that we've become quite jaded by them.  I don't know what the correct answer is. I do know that pretending it won't happen is bloody foolish.

I'm really scared for this solar flare thingy everybody is talking about...?

The solar flare is real, they happen all the time. It is no threat to us. Where did you get that silly idea? Whoever told you that is a moron and you need to quit listening to them!

Do surge protectors protect electronics during a lightning storm?

With lightning all you can do is “Due Diligence”. This means that you do all you can do to protect whatever it is you are trying to protect and trust to God. I found out along time ago that if lightning want something lightning will get it. Let me tell you a story. I had an Ethernet cable that ran in a conduit underground between two buildings. We had a surge protector on the cable where it came into the building. This was a completely isolating three phase top of the line surge protector. the switch that it went into was protected by a ups that changed the 120 volt ac to dc and then inverted it back to 120 volt ac so completely isolated right. Well we had a bad storm and guess what lightning had struck a tree right by the building and had run into the building on the ground. As you might imagine it blew up the ups and the switch and everything attached to it. The surge protectors were just fine because it came in thru the ground. One more story before I go. We had lightning hit a tree outside of one of the buildings that I worked on. All of the computers in the building stoped working on the network. Now this was back in the olden days when Ethernet was ran on a coax cable. The lightning had induced voltage into the coax cable. I don’t know how much voltage was induced into the cable but it blew the centers out of the chips on the Ethernet boards. We thought “WOW” that will never happen again so we replaced the boards and forgot about it. Three weeks later we were back doing it again. This time we put surge protectors on every board and it never happened again. So do the best you can, don’t scrimp on cheap surge protectors, and hope you have done enough.

Will a big solar flare knock technology back in 50 years?

There are big solar flares that have already occured. In the 1800’s there was one that interfered with telegraphy and there have been many in the last hundred years that have interfered wth radio communications, tv, and satellite communications. It’s likely this will continue at similar intensity levels for many years to come because there is no disturbance that we know of that will cause changes.There are some popular theories that predict that strong solar flares will create major damage to high technology hardware, killing the internet and destroying the power distribution system. I think these theories are not based upon in-depth analysis. Power cistribution systems are designed to disconnect from their power sources and loads under conditions of severe overload and modern high tech equipment almost invariably contains protection against transient overloads like nearby lightnjng strikes. There will be damage but probably no worse than a bad hurricane.In the far future the fusion process that powers the sun will have consumed enough of the sun’s hydrogen to cause significant changes that could be accompanied by much larger flares, but by the time that happens humans would either be extinct or they will have developed means for dealing with this issue.

Will the power go out tomorrow?

Yes, somewhere. I'm writing this 'tomorrow' relative to when you posted the question. My electric power did drop for a couple of seconds. That was due to a downed power line in a (traditional) winter storm.

This doomsday prediction shares the characteristics of all the previous ones (no basis in fact), and will share the same fate (it won't come true). I think the hype is mostly to scare children who were not fortunate enough to receive an education. For all the details, read the reference.