Suddenly 20 Pimples Starts Appearing Help

Why am I suddenly breaking out and how do I get my perfect skin back? I have never had this problem, and neither did my parents.

Drink more water, seltzer, coconut water, herbal tea, green juices, anything but sugary soda and booze. Have you been exercising? If now you might want to start. Working up a good sweat at least 3 times a week helps oxygenate and cleanse the pores.The benzoyl peroxide in the Duac is drying up your pimples but also drying out your complexion so your skin overcompensates by making more oil, which then clogs your pores. Try skipping the antibiotics and all pharmaceutical remedies for two to four weeks. Take probiotics instead, Natren Bifidofactor is a good one. If you can't find that brand make sure whatever you do buy is refrigerated in the store and at home. Eat full fat yogurt with live cultures, kim chee or sauerkraut, any fermented foods are loaded with probiotics. And drink kombucha or kefir. Use a gentle cleanser with a Clarisonic machine if you have one. Always tone your skin after cleansing. I like Thayer's Witch Hazel for every day and Glycolix pre-moistened pads with salicylic acid Glycolix Elite Gly-Sal 10 Percent-2 Percent Pads 60 count: Beauty. Salicylic acid is a miracle anti-inflamatory, also known as aspirin. Glycolix also makes a 20% glycolic acid product without salicylic acid that I use every day, but you'll probably have to work up to that strength.Finally, and this is the most important piece of the fix-your-complexion story, moisturize with pure organic essential oil, any blend of almond, jojoba, argan, sunflower, rosehip, and/or evening primrose will do. Do not use creams. Don't smoke cigarettes. Ever. The smoke and chemicals in cigarettes rob your skin of oxygen. Same is true for second hand smoke. Do not eat greasy junk food.Avoid red meat.Eat loads of green leafy vegetables and brightly colored berries.Avoid dairy, (except full-fat yogurt) drink soy or almond milk instead.Try to get more sleep, especially if you're stressed at school.

What is the reason for the sudden appearance of multiple small white heads on your face? What are some quick remedies for them?

Comedones are the skin-coloured, small bumps (papules) frequently found on the forehead and chin of those with acne. A single lesion is a comedo.Open comedones are blackheads; black because of surface pigment (melanin), rather than dirtClosed comedones are whiteheads; the follicle is completely blocked​​CauseComedones arise when cells lining the sebaceous duct proliferate (cornification), and there is increased sebum production. Following factors may play a role.Excessive activity of the male sex hormone 5-testosterone (DHT) within skin cells.Overhydrated skin premenstrually, from moisturisers or in humid conditions.Contact with certain chemicals including oily pomades, isopropyl myristate, propylene glycol and some dyes in cosmetics.Rupture of the follicle by injury such as squeezing pimples, abrasive washing, chemical peels or laser treatments.Certain dietary factors may contribute to comedonal acne, particularly milk products and high glycaemic-index foods (sugars and fats).Treatmentchoose oil-free cosmetics and wash twice daily with a mild soap and water. It is best to stop smoking and to have a diet that is low in sugar, fat and dairy products.Choose "comedolytic" topical medications. These should be applied once or twice daily as a thin smear to the entire area affected. It may take several weeks to months before worthwhile improvement occurs. Treatment needs to be continued long-term (sometimes for many years).Suitable topical agents include:Benzoyl peroxideAzelaic acidSalicylic acid +/- sulfur and resorcinolGlycolic acidRetinoids such as tretinoin, isotretinoin, adapalene (these require a doctor's prescription)Better to consult a dermatologist to choose the right treatment.

I have many tiny pimples on my entire face, except on my nose and the skin beside my eyes, and they make my face appear very dull. How do I get rid of them?

I understand what you going through. I have been there too. Yeah , they are confidence killers . I suffered for over a year and here it is what i started doing , and more importantly i stopped doing!!!Do's and Don't sCut your nails : Seriously do it , you will soon realize what changes it will bring.Stop touching your face now and then. You are contaminating your skin as your hands touch so many things which has germs.Dont try home remedies. I did it , and i regret it till date. Blame YouTubeDrink lots of water and stop eating dishes with hot spices.Clindamycin Phosphate gel : It is a key ingredient in cream/gel which will reduces those black spots and scars left back by pimples. Visit a Skin doctor and surely he will give you this prescription. I used Clim gelAntioxidant tablets/capsule : I was prescribed to use AAISO capsule. Tasted awesome, smells like chocolate. Worked like magic Within 20 you will have a no pimples and marks too will fade away.Thank me after 20 days.And…go to bed early , rise early. Avoid dust and sunlight for few days. Wash your face regularly. Use scrub face wash after coming home from outside.

Acne suddenly gone?

My Acne suddenly gone! In the past have suffered severe acne, but in the space of three days all my current spots have gone and i have no spots on my face at all. of course i have marks from the past but my skin is suddenly looking very good. I have been on anti-biotics for about a year they have helped control my acne but never has my skin improved so dramatically.

what can cause a sudden change like this?

Red spots on face that arent pimples?

right up until about last september i had pretty clear skin
the occasional teenage pimple, but it went away
then all of a sudden, i get a bunch of red spots all over both cheeks
at first i thought they were just pimples, and they would go away
but after nearly a year of trying everything from proactiv to differin, they wouldnt go away.
i dont think theyre pimples, because they feel like regular smooth skin, and if you stretch the skin it doesnt cause a visible bump like most pimples.

is there a treatment for it?
or should i talk about seeing a dermatologist about it?