Suggestion On Employee Evaluation Software That Allows Performance Categories To Be Modified And

What is the best evaluation process for employees? What is a good appraisal system?

One of the best ways to improve the knowledge and teaching capabilities of staff is to implement a 360 degree feedback program, also known as a multi-rater or multi-source feedback assessment, which offers teachers the opportunity to receive actionable feedback towards professional growth and improved student achievements.The 360 degree feedback program provides participants with confidential, anonymous feedback from those working around them. The information collected from these sources gives an insight into the student’s behaviour from a range of viewpoints.So how can schools use this program on a wider scale? How can they embed it so that it becomes automatic and routine, rather than random and out of context?I have come across a platform which is very robust and there is potential for the 360 degree feedback program to revitalise teams, including administrative or academic departments and individual programs. Here’s a link : peopleHum - The People Platform

What is performance appraisal system?

Employee appraisal systems help managers evaluate employee job performance and develop a fair system of pay increases and promotions.Appraisals in turn can help staff members improve performance, and assist companies in devising or reorganizing job functions to better fit the position or the employee.In addition, employee appraisals may reveal outdated or inefficient business practices.Effective employee appraisal systems incorporate goals to help improve the employer as well as the employee, through the application of appropriate and timely feedback and training.Top Performance Management system will help you to find and select the best performance appraisal system that suits your business requirements.

Most effective method of behavior modification?

This is the most effective method of behavior modification.

classical conditioning

positive reinforcement

negative reinforcement


Which answer would fit best? Is there a set one? I thought it was kind of opinion, but maybe I'm wrong

HELP! Can someone tell me the importance of play?

can somebody tell me good links and other stuff about the importance of play eg socialisation. It is for my Design and Technology SOFT TOY unit. The age group is 0-6. Thanks!

What is the difference between economic and financial investments?

A. Financial investments are sensitive to interest rates, economic investments are not.
B. Economic investments add to the capital stock of an economy, financial investments do not.
C. Economic investments are expressed in real (inflation-adjusted) terms, financial investments are expressed in nominal terms.
D. Financial investments include all purchases undertaken with the expectation of financial gain; economic investments include only purchases of new capital goods.