Suicidle Thoughts Gone

Have you ever gone to the ER for suicidal thoughts? What did they do to you?

I have went to the ER for suicidal thoughts before. Multiple times.After waiting, they took me to a room where I had to talk to a person. It was boring, just like the typical therapist. I liked it though. I missed school. Then, they gave me a “safety sheet” where I would fill out something like this:And then it was over.Sometimes I would stay overnight because it was too late for the doctors and nurses but they said they never took in suicidal patients.The first time, the psychiatrist came in and talked to me and then he signed me up for therapy at some other place.

Well I've been having suicidal thoughts ..?

Please listen very carefully? Dial the info line, 211 , that's the number, 211. They can put you in touch with someone who will not be insensitive. I have used this number on many occasions also for suicidal thoughts. The person called me back with-in 20 minutes and talked me down. I am thankful for the info line and the way they run it. I too battle depression and I know it's probably going to be with me for the rest of my life BUT I also know that there Are people out there that can and have helped. The operator will ask you the nature of the call and then you tell him/her that you need to speak to a psychologist about your depression, she will ask you what area you live in so that this person will be close to you. It really helped and I felt much better. If you think you need to be in the hospital, she can call ahead to let them know you are coming, again they are here to listen and direct you to whatever you need. Don't give up and I am really sorry you are going through this, I really am. Please dial 211 or your local hospital and they will help you! Be Safe.

My Friend is Having Suicidal Thoughts?

One of my very best friends is currently having suicidal thoughts and me and my other good friends are very worried for her. I've known about her depression for a little over a year now, but this is the worst it's ever been. I've reached out to her many times and I do my best to help her but it just keeps getting worse and worse and now it's to the point where I'm extremely worried. Please, no trolls. Any advice is appreciated.

Suicidal thoughts haven't gone away after many years?

I've talked to a few people about this. I've tried thinking positive, doing things I like, not giving up no matter how hard things are. I do my best in everything.

I try to be happy.

But just when I think I'll never have suicidal thoughts anymore... they come back. They stay. Then they disappear.. and come back again. Never leaving.

I wish I could kill myself but I have reasons that stop me. But they're not enough to stop the thoughts. They're killing me slowly inside.

Did I do the right thing? Please help? Suicidal thoughts on it. No one cares to listen.?

Ever since my dad left my mom has always yelled at me over the things that are wrong with her life whether she loses a job or becomes addicted to alcohol, she blames me for all of it. What happened today I decided I had enough. Tonight I realized i ran out of my sleeping and anxiety medication (sleeping disorder) so I went in her room to check if she had some, waking her up when looking in her medicine drawer. I asked her if she could refill my prescription in the morning and she told me to leave her alone and she won’t be harassed by me. I went back downstairs to look for medicine i can take to get me to sleep when suddenly she comes storming downstairs and yells at me “pick up your mess you ******, you give me anxiety” and she walks back upstairs. I sat there quiet for a minute and something snapped in me and I went upstairs filled up a cup of water and went into her room and splashed her and said ”no one deserves to be treated like that”. She then yelled at me that she’s kicking me out of the house and how screwed I am now that I did that.

Does the 'no one cares that I'm gone' thought mean I'm suicidal?

Maybe, but when you think that way you are ignoring the people who really care for you, your parents, siblings and friends.You are focused on getting attention/approval from someone else who does not want to give it to you.Trust me on this your life is much better than a lot of us.All you have to do is �� Keep your eyes on the prize ” meaning what is your objective being where you are ( In school to get an education and make friends with people who want to be your friends ).Think about the kind of life you want for yourself and pursue it.Stay away from people who make you feel bad, stick to people who love you and encourage you to move forward.Goodluck

What happens if I go to the hospital for suicidal thoughts?

Your doing very well to be thinking of going to hospital instead of jus giving up, this question shows uv got the motivation to get well again! I don't know what country ur in but don't let the stigma of psych wards scare u, mental health care has came along way from being a 'loony bin' or an 'insane asylum' most wards are quite home like and are not bad at all, I'm from england and early this year I was admitted into 1 it kept me safe, gave me lots of time to think and gave me a good rest they are not full of 'crazy' peopple and u will find the people mainly like urself, if you're feeling that bad you want to end ur life please go asap I promise u won't regret it!! Good luck xxxxx

Should I talk to my therapist about my suicidal thoughts?

I usually have suicidal thoughts on a daily basis, but a few days ago I was feeling very low, made a plan, chose a date, and wrote a suicide note. I am now in a better place mentally and no longer have intent to go through with the plan. I sort of want to talk about this with my therapist (in the past I lied and minimized my suicidal thoughts), but I’m scared about the possibility of hospitalization and am unsure if there is even a benefit to bringing this up if I’m not currently feeling it.