Summarize Source Of Calculations For Richter Scale

Earthquake math question get best answer?

I don't have access to the textbook you mention, so I resorted to my own sources namely, internet :-)

The Richter magnitude scale (often shortened to Richter scale) was developed to assign a single number to quantify the energy released during an earthquake.

The scale is a base-10 logarithmic scale. The magnitude is defined as the logarithm of the ratio of the amplitude of waves measured by a seismograph to an arbitrary small amplitude.

magnitude 8 = magnitude 4 * 10^(8-4)
= magnitude 4 * 10000

So the statement seems to be erroneous. It should be "The earthquake with a magnitude 8 releases ten thousand times more energy than an earthquake with magnitude 4.”

The original formula is:

M_L = log_10[A] - log_10[A_0(δ)] = log_10[A/A_0(δ)] ... _ means sub, log_10 means
... log base 10

where A is the maximum excursion of the Wood-Anderson seismograph, the empirical function A_0 (A sub 0) depends only on the epicentral distance of the station, δ. In practice, readings from all observing stations are averaged after adjustment with station-specific corrections to obtain the M_L (M sub L) value.

The Mercalli intensity scale is a seismic scale used for measuring the intensity of an earthquake. It measures the effects of an earthquake, and is distinct from the moment magnitude M_w usually reported for an earthquake (sometimes misreported as the Richter magnitude), which is a measure of the energy released. The intensity of an earthquake is not totally determined by its magnitude.

This scale quantifies the effects of an earthquake on the Earth's surface, humans, objects of nature, and man-made structures on a scale from I (not felt) to XII (total destruction). Values depend upon the distance to the earthquake, with the highest intensities being around the epicentral area.

So it seems Mercalli intensity scale is more meaningful in the use of reporting earthquake destruction.

There are several scales which have historically been described as the "Richter scale," especially the local magnitude M_L and the surface wave M_s scale. In addition, the body wave magnitude, m_b, and the moment magnitude, M_w, abbreviated MMS, have been widely used for decades, and a couple of new techniques to measure magnitude are in the development stage.

2 Algebra 2 questions. Can someone please help me?

A = (Ao) • e^(k  •  t)

        A = (420) • e^(k  •  t) ... Ao = initial amount = 420 at (t=0)

       1050 = (420) • e^(2k) ... at (t=2) and (A=1050)

  1050 ⁄ 420 = e^(2k)

  ln[1050 ⁄ 420] = 2k

      k = 0.4581

  A = (420) • e^(0.4581  •  t) ... complete equation with "k"

  A = (420) • e^(0.4581  •  6) ... at (t=6)

  A = 6563


 energy = E = 10^(18.4) ergs = 2.512 ×10¹¹ J = 251.2 GJ

     R = (⅔) • log[E ⁄ (4.2 ×10^6) ]

     R = (⅔) • log[2.512 ×10¹¹ ⁄ (4.2 ×10^6) ]

     R = 3.18 ... Richter Magnitude

I checked my result with a table I found online (below) and it is correct.

Richter Magnitude    Joule equivalent
   0           4.2 MJ (×10^6)
   1         132.3 MJ
   2             4.18 GJ (×10^9)
   3          132.3 GJ
   4           4.18 TJ (×10^12)
   5          134.4 TJ

AP Statistics mean and median review questions?

Mr. Yates picked up a dozen items in the grocery store with a mean cost of $3.25. Then he added an apple pie for $6.50. The new mean for all 13 items is
(a) $3.00
(b) $3.50
(c) $3.75
(d) $4.88
(e) None of the above
The median age of five people in a meeting is 30 years. One of the people, whose age is 50 years, leaves the room. The median age of the remaining four people in the room is
(a) 40 years.
(b) 30 years.
(c) 25 years.
(d) less than 30 years.
(e) Cannot be determined from the information given.

A medical researcher collects health data on many women in each of several countries. One of the variables measured for each woman in the study is her weight in pounds. The following list gives the five-number summary for the weights of women in one of the countries.

Country A: 100, 110, 120, 160, 200

About what percent of Country A women weigh between 110 and 200 pounds?
(a) 50%
(b) 65%
(c) 75%
(d) 85%
(e) 95%

Earthquake intensities are measured using a device called a seismograph, which is designed to be most sensitive to earthquakes with intensities between 4.0 and 9.0 on the open-ended Richter scale. Measurements of nine earthquakes gave the following readings:
4.5 L 5.5 H 8.7 8.9 6.0 H 5.2
where L indicates that the earthquake had an intensity below 4.0 and H indicates that the earthquake had an intensity above 9.0. The median earthquake intensity of the sample is
(a) Cannot be computed since all of the values are not known
(b) 8.70
(c) 5.75
(d) 6.00
(e) 6.47

Anyone for logarithms?

logx= 0.225772497
x=10^ 0.225772497