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Which language is more useful to learn: French or German?

You can't go wrong. I have studied both, I taught French for years, and I have traveled using both French and German. They are both big, important languages in Europe. French is one of the three official languages used in North America, along with English and Spanish. In addition, French is widely used in Africa, and also used to some extent on every continent, and on scattered islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, although it is less important in Southeast Asia than it used to be. German is widely used in Central and Eastern Europe. I think they are about equally hard to learn to pronounce. Both have r-sounds unlike anything in English; both have front-rounded vowels, which are a challenge for speakers of English; German has the ich and ach sounds that English lacks, and the rhythms of French are quite different from English or German. In grammar, the verbs of French are more complicated with more tenses and more conjugated forms than German, while in German the pronouns, nouns and adjectives are more complicated because their form and the form of their articles changes depending on whether they are used in a sentence as subject, direct object, indirect object, or possessive. Many German nouns have irregular plurals, as well.English is a Germanic language, and shows its relationship to German in many basic words, such as licht 'light,' Sonne 'sun,' Mond 'moon,' Stern 'star,' Hand, Finger, Fuss 'foot,' Haar 'hair.' However, English actually has much vocabulary in common with French, because the Norman French conquered England in 1066 and imposed their vocabulary in government, warfare, abstract thought, and many other areas.

Which one is better to learn, Java or JavaScript?

Allow not the name to confuse you. java script name was just adopted but the two are completely different languages. while Java is an object oriented programming language,java script is a client side web scripting language. even though node js java script library is used to develop web and hybrid apps using platforms like ionic.,java is used to develop native apps eg android apps development. both can be used to program games albeit js is for web gamesJava is a universal language that allows programers to create 1 set of program codes to run on applications of multiple platforms and os without creating program codes for each platform and os. JavaScript is html coding that runs off of server side databases to make websites dynamic and interactive.Java is a dying language which is still alive (and will stay alive for another five decades) because Universities still teach it and there is tons of Java code that needs to maintained. The later is a factor that has kept COBOL alive in the bank industry even today.JavaScript’s original name was EcmaScript but it took the name JavaScript to ride the popularity waves of Java. JavaScript, like Java, is doing pretty well in the market and just like Java has strong competitors which have not replaced it only because there’s code to maintain and students want to learn it.