Swollen Knee And Hurts When I Bend Or Straighten It Help

My knee hurts when i bend it, what does it mean?

when like *example* bend down on my right leg to tie my shoe lace, theres like this pressure from my knee and it hurts, or when i just make my right leg completely straight it hurts

Knee pain when I straighten my leg all the way?

I get a strange sharp knee pain whenever I lock my knee. But that is the only time I feel this pain. It does not hurt when I walk, run, bend it or even if I'm just standing without my knees all the way locked. There is no swelling or bruising anywhere on my knee.

I am a dancer, and this is when I first noticed that it hurt. I went up in arabesque and felt a sharp pain in my left knee when my standing leg straightened all the way. I feel the pain in the front of my knee, not the back. Just below, and to the left of the center.

Does anyone have an idea as to what might be wrong with my knee?

Side info: I'm 16 and also a cheerleader. I'm cheering and dancing for about 25 hours every week. The only other knee problem I've had is that it occasionally randomly buckles beneath me when I walk. Sometimes I'll just take a step and my knee will just give out. I don't know if that's relevant or not.

My knee hurts when I straighten and bend it?

Sounds like patella femoral syndrome. Patella femoral syndrome is caused by an imbalance in your quadriceps(muscles in your thigh) two of the muscles in your thigh work together to pull your patella(knee cap) up a groove in your femur(thigh bone), but sometimes one will start pulling more than the other and grind your patella into your femur. Symptoms include pain located on the sides of the kneecap, discomfort under the patella, sometimes mild swelling and occasional popping of the knee. Running, sprinting, jumping, going up and down stairs, and squatting are all things that can increase patella femoral pain. Anyway it is know by many names: runner's knee, jumper's knee, swimmer's knee, etc. If this hit the mark I have a sure fire way to get rid of it, and very few(and I mean few) doctors know of this method, doesn't involve surgery or taking medicine and you don't have to go to the doctor. If I hit the mark just leave a comment at the bottom of your question or email me and I will give you the instructions.

Help?! i cant straighten my knee?!?!?

Hi Vanessa. Just a few thoughts for you to consider. Does it hurt to squat? Try this holding onto a chair in front of you and go slowly. Is your knee swollen and warm to touch? Did you feel a pop or a tearing sensation as you fell down? Is the pain you feel when you attempt to straighten knee hurt on the inside of your knee or deep inside your knee? If your answer to these questions is yes then you have likely torn your meniscus (cartilage in knee). This may disappear or get worse. If pain gets worse with swelling locking and leg giving way you should see your doctor sooner than later. It may become a surgical issue. Waiting to see what happens with a meniscus tear will not cause any long term issues for you. The other possibility is what is called an ACL (a deep ligament in the knee joint) sprain. This would present itself with deep knee pain, swelling in back of the knee and squatting should not be too painful. The knee however will feel like it wants to give way or feel unstable. If yes to these symptoms then an ACL tear may be the problem. This is more of a concern than a damaged meniscus. If the symptoms get worse over the next week or so time to see the orthopaedic surgeon to rule out surgical intervention. If the tear is small the pain will go away in a week or 2 and will heal its self. A small tear in the meniscus may simply stop being symptomatic however if it is the inner aspect of the cartilage that was injured it cannot heal its self and may in time get to the point where you need surgery. Don't force straightening and give the leg a weeks rest. You can cycle to keep fit but no sports like gym or contact sports. Ice the sore area 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes for the next 4-6 days. After 1 week gradually increase your participation in soccer and see how the joint responds. It will take you about a week to get back into game condition.

Why does my knee hurt when i bend it?

Knee hurts when you bend it? Maybe due to one of these..
A serious twist to the knee when the leg is straightened can cause cartilage in the knee to tear.

#Locked or buckling knee
#Pain around knee
#Popping knee
#Swollen knee
1. Stop skateboarding.
2. Put a cold compress or ice pack on the knee every waking hour for 15 minutes or so.
a. Do this for two days.
3. Keep leg raised.
4. After the first 48 hours use a warm compress for 20 minutes three times a day.
5. See a doctor if pain continues or if the knee locks or buckles.

DON’T play through the pain. Don’t return to skateboarding until you’ve rested and healed.

#Always warm up first.
# Do exercises to strengthen hamstring and quadriceps muscles.

This can happen in just about any sport.

#Popping sound

1. Stop skateboarding
2. Put a cold compress or ice pack on the knee every waking hour for 15 minutes or so.
a. Do this for two days.
3. Keep leg slightly raised.
4. After the first 48 hours use a warm compress for 20 minutes three times a day.
5. See a doctor if pain continues or if knee swells up.

Why does my knee hurt when I fold my legs?

Knee pain in this position could be because of OA knee, Muscle imbalance of knee and hip muscles, knee mensical tear. Before starting any treatment a complete examination of knee should be done. You should start doing some strengthening exercises for gluteus and quadriceps muscles.Before you start exercises, its always best to visit physiotherapist so, that they can check muscles around the knee and explain the exercises according to your conditions. In cases you need muscle releases and mobilization physical therapist can help you with that.At Aktivhealth, we do the through functional assessment of knee and make sure you get better in no time with various treatment option like dry needling, myofascial releases and strength training.For help, call our experts today at 011–47307700 or visit our website Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Advanced Physiotherapy Clinic in Delhi Gurgaon and Noida – orthopedic, sports medicine, neurology, geriatric care, women wellness

Why do your knees hurt when you sit for a long time?

It's called "Movie goers knee". (Also known as Patello-femoral pain syndrome.)There is general diffuse pain around the front part of your knee. Your knee cap sits in a specific groove in front of your knee joint.If your knee cap is not positioned correctly in this groove, it will rub against the bone behind it. This will cause friction between the 2 bony surfaces is what causes your knee to hurt.This friction is amplified especially when you sit for a long period of time. (driving, watching a movie, sitting at work etc).How to fix it:1. Avoid prolonged sitting:Try to get up every 30-60 minutes. This step alone may prevent the pain.2. Stretch out your quadriceps muscle:Tight quads will pull the knee cap closer to the bone behind it.Hold for at least 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times a day.Make sure you feel the stretch along the front of your thigh.3. Foam roll your ITB (side thigh):Tight muscles can pull your knee cap out of the optimal alignment and cause more friction and rubbing of the bones.Assume position as above. Apply your body weight over the foam roll.Gently roll up/down the side of your thigh.Do this for 1-2 minute. (it will hurt)4. Decrease the amount bending of the knee whilst sitting:The greater the angle of bend in your knee, the more likely the knee cap will rub against the bone behind it. This can be achieved by placing your foot slightly further way, sitting on a higher chair or making sure you are moving your legs every 20 minutes whilst sitting.Hope this helps!

Pain in my Knee, Can't Straighten It and Lift it..?

I seem to have hurt my knee and don't know how I have done it. It first started hurting on holiday about 4 weeks ago now. I can't straighten my leg and lift it without a sharp pain behind my knee. It seems to go across my knee but behind my knee itself. It also felt like there was a lot of fluid in my knee and some swelling, however this has gotten better over the last week... (I think...) I went to the doctors to get it checked out and he didn't really help but just told me it could take a while to heal. That was 3 weeks ago and it still hurts but I think its getting better. I trampoline as well and have still been going but wear a strap on my knee, however I began noticing the pain at a time I didn't trampoline (On holiday and hadn't for about a month before it) Does anyone know what is wrong with me, have any exercised I can do to help it or should I go to the doctors again?

Knee sprain, can't bend knee all the way?

A little bit over a week ago, I was walking and I fell on the ground. When I fell, I heard a cracking noise comi g from my kneecap. The next mornig, I woke up and realize that I was unable to bend or straighten out my knee... The knee was swollen as well. I was limping when I was walking. I was in alot of pain. A day after that, I went to the doctor and the x-ray look good. There is no fracture. As of right now, I don't feel that much pain anymore. However, I am not able to bend my knee back all the way. I am curious, is there anything Else beside R.I.C.E that I must do so my knee can heal faster? Is been 10 days, and I am trying to get back to regular activity.