Symbolism For Slavery

Are neckties a symbol of slavery?

The necktie came from croatian mercenaries first to Paris, where the french were smitten with this new style.From there it spread to England and the rest of Europe.The origin can still be seen in the word cravat, a french pronunciation of croat.

Is the confederate flag a symbol of slavery?

Not only slavery, but chronic assholism and, incredibly, the unofficial flag of millions upon millions of Republicans.Displayed on bumper stickers, t-shirts and yes, flags. With the ideology behind that symbol and others like it having so much mendacious apologia still churned out for them that the scholastics could but doff their caps in wonderment.Millions upon millions who have swallowed whole the jackass notion that secession had nothing to do with slavery. Or pretend so anyway, for public consumption. And furthermore, that the Confederacy was some sort of exemplar of conservatism. Free market adoring, states rights, liberty-lovin’, traditional Christian values.From Libertarian types to Christian conservative to white nationalists (although to be fair, I see little point in demarcating these creeps any more), most of contemporary Republicanism and indeed, conservatism in general, is a neoconfederate construct. Even celebrated in states which didn’t even exist at the time of the Civil War.The ‘Lost Cause’ is perhaps conservative America’s version of the Dolchstoßlegende, but ironically, of considerably older vintage than the German poison.And look what demons it has incubated.Lincoln must be tearing his phantasmagoric beard out in the afterlife.Well, he deserves his spectral confusion. If he hadn’t indulged in that foolish sentimentality about ‘malice towards none’ (his enemies sure reciprocated) and just hanged General Lee, Jefferson Davis and every other traitor sky high and sicced Sherman on to burn down the rest of the stinking place, the revanchist movement would not have had the opportunity to reassert itself so quickly and strongly.The same neoconfederate lies that Republicans wallow in today are basically barely-modified variations on what was being published in Southern schoolbooks in the early 20th century.

Is the CONFEDERATE FLAG a racist symbol?

It can be considered racist, because the supports of the confederacy supported slavery.

What is the symbolism in the book white fang by jack london ?

survival of the fittest.

What does the 1856 Political Cartoon "Forcing slavery down the throat of a freesoiler" stand for?

It was all because of the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries. The initial purpose of the Kansas–Nebraska Act was to create opportunities for a Mideastern Transcontinental Railroad. It became problematic when popular sovereignty was written into the proposal. The act was designed by Democratic Sen. Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois.

The act established that settlers could vote to decide whether to allow slavery, in the name of popular sovereignty or rule of the people. Douglas hoped that would ease relations between the North and the South, because the South could expand slavery to new territories but the North still had the right to abolish slavery in its states. Instead, opponents denounced the law as a concession to the slave power of the South. The new Republican Party, which was created in opposition to the act, aimed to stop the expansion of slavery and soon emerged as the dominant force throughout the North.

What is the symbolic meaning of a septum piercing?

Its a bull ring, they put a ring through a bulls septum and attach a chain or rope to the ring and when the bull gets a little wiry or out of hand the handler yanks the chain and the bull in question straightens up, also used on oxen teams. I would rather not have a facial piercing related to keeping errant bovine in check....You are probably wondering about the more tribal aspect and it is simply aesthetic...