Symptoms Earache Headache .

What do these symptoms mean? earache,headache,dizziness,fat... etc..?

Your problems are caused by tight neck muscles. The neck muscles go to the top of your head where they connect to muscles going around your head. When the muscles are tight they pull the head muscles into pain and that's your headache. The muscles passed just inside your ears where, when tight, they can press onto the nerves going to the ears. Tight neck muscles will restrict the blood leaving the head to result in less blood entering the brain so there is less oxygen in the brain at this time. There are three stages of lowered oxygen levels in the brain and they are; feeling very tired; getting dizzy or light headed; and passing out. Tight neck muscles also are the cause of you feeling nausea, don't know why just that it's a common symptom. When you sat down at the computer you tensed up your body which caused the more intense problems you had. To get rid of these problems you have to free up your neck muscles and here's how to free them up:
Neck Release:
Place your hands behind your head touching your fingers. Press into the back of your neck with them and hold the pressure on them. After 45 seconds slowly lower your head until your neck is fully extended. Release the pressure but hold your head there for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

I have a headache, earache, eye twitch. what's wrong with me?

I have similar stuff like that happen to me. I usually take 1 tension headache medicine and 1 migraine medicine with lots of water and it goes away. As for the arm/hand thing, that happens on my left arm on occasions. I'm pretty sure mine is just a pinched nerve. When this happens, stretch your arm and drink lots of water. I get migraines extremely often and the arm thing often enough so I'm used to it, but if it bothers you that much then I recommend going to the doctors for a check up.

If you try what I do, I repeat, drink lots of water. It's important. I helps blood flow making it possible for whatever medicines you take to reach their destinations quicker.

Headache, ear ache and face ache?

Everything HURTS! We're talking stabbing, twisting, spasming, sharp, needling, constant pain in my my head, ears, face and even my neck is achey. I feel so achey that my teeth hurt! I know that I need a decongestant for my poor sinuses, but what is the most effective type for my symptoms? Mainly I'd like to get rid of pain in my ears and neck. Tylenol helps my head a little. Thank you sooo much!

Can wisdom teeth cause earache and headache?

Definitely there will be some painImpacted toothAn impacted tooth is a tooth that does not break through the gum.CausesTeeth start to pass through the gums (emerge) during infancy. This happens again when permanent teeth replace the primary (baby) teeth.If a tooth does not come in, or emerges only partially, it is considered to be impacted. This most commonly happens with the wisdom teeth (the third set of molars). They are the last teeth to emerge. They usually come in between the ages of 17 and 21.An impacted tooth remains stuck in gum tissue or bone for various reasons. The area may be overcrowded, leaving no room for the teeth to emerge. For example, the jaw may be too small to fit the wisdom teeth. Teeth may also become twisted, tilted, or displaced as they try to emerge. This results in impacted teeth.Impacted wisdom teeth are very common. They are often painless and do not cause problems. However, some professionals believe an impacted tooth pushes on the next tooth, which pushes the next tooth. Eventually, this can cause a misaligned bite. A partially emerged tooth can trap food, plaque, and other debris in the soft tissue around it, which can lead to inflammation and tenderness of the gums and unpleasant mouth odor. This is called pericoronitis. The retained debris may also lead to the decay on the wisdom tooth or the neighboring tooth.SymptomsCollapse SectionSymptoms has been expanded.There may be no symptoms of a fully impacted tooth. Symptoms of a partially impacted tooth may include:Bad breathDifficulty opening the mouth (occasionally)Pain or tenderness of the gums or jaw boneProlonged headache or jaw acheRedness and swelling of the gums around the impacted toothSwollen lymph nodes of the neck (occasionally)Unpleasant taste when biting down on or near the areaVisible gap where a tooth did not emerge

I have a headache, sore throat, ear ache and am feeling very fatigued. Help!?

Since yesterday I have been having a slight headache (which really just feels like a dull throbbing feeling in my temples and the back of my head) which causes me pain whenever I turn quickly. Simultaneously, I have severe throat pain on the left side of my throat which is starting to feel slightly swollen when I touch it (and it's getting worse on the right side too!) and a blocked feeling in my left ear (which, like the throat, is beginning to hurt on the other side). I feel very tired and lethargic, and sometimes feel rather dizzy even if I take a nap. Im out of painkillers in the house...does anyone have any suggestions or remedies to help??

Could a sore throat, mild headache, and earache 7-9 dpo mean i could be pregnant?

Or it could be the cold!

I have a headache, runny nose, earache, and sore throat?

I'm 14, and ever since I was little i've always had problems with my throat. My doctor was going to have them removed, but my family didn't want me to go through the surgery. I get headaches quite frequently. Every day in the evening i seem to get them. I also had ear problems when I was younger. And I also had pneumonia when I was in the 7th grade. And I tend to have extremely bad allergies. About 2 - 4 weeks ago I was diagnosed with a sinus infection and had to take about 4 prescription antibiotics which I never finished all the way because I thought I was getting better. But as of right now I have a really bad headache, about 3 canker sores on my cheeks and 2 on the top of my gum line by my teeth, a clear bubble on my lower lip, sore throat (My throats been sore for about 2 - 3 weeks now) earache, and runny stuffy nose. Do you think this is just common allergy symptoms? A cold? or should I go to the doctors?

Anything will help! <3
Thanks in advanced!

Sore throat, stiff neck, ear ache, and headache... what could it be?

I hope you feel better soon. I think you might have like an infection or something. I guess the only way to cure it is to see a doctor. When my throat hurt me a long time ago, I was afraid to see a doctor. But eventually you will have to, so it's better to go to a doctor now, so if you have an infection or something you can cure it before it spreads or gets worse.
I had a sinus infection a couple of days ago, and I went to the doctor as soon as my mom could take me...and i'm glad I went. Because the doctor said the infection would have spread to my throat....But it wasn't a big deal. It goes away with antibiotics.
I used to get sick every month and take antibiotics. Gosh, I'm sick of them!!!! But thank God I don't anymore. ( at least not every month!) I had my tonsils taken out. I advise you to do the surgery if you have to, don't be scared. It's really not a big deal. Then after about a year after you do it, you could eat ICE CREAM and drink cold beverages!

Whatever you have, go to a doc, and he/she will give you medicine!
Ta-da! I hope you get well soon. But if you don't, who cares about the stupid softball game??!!!! You'll play next time. This is serious so you don't have a choice. And if you did play, you wouldn't be as good bacause you're sick, remember?

<3 get well soon <3
(P.S: don't drink anything cold, and don't eat spicy food)

Earache, headache, chest pain, and metallic taste during/after running?

This usually happens when I get tired and I push myself. It follows after dizziness. Today was my first day of running since 3 years ago. I used to get earaches, metallic taste, and the ocassional chest pain when I used to run more often when I was in PE in high school. I don't remember it being this bad, though. I'm going to the doctor later this week, but I want to know at least the jist of it for now.