Taking Care Of Mom Whos Is 84 And Not Working Can I Get Paid

How much should I pay my mom for babysitting my son?

I have a grandson who just turned 3. I have been taking care of him since he was 5 months old. Both my daughter and son-in-law work full-time jobs. They pay me $25/day. I think it is perfectly acceptable for parents to offer and for grandparents to accept monetary compensation for caring for grandchildren while their parents work. If the grandparents were not available than the parents would have to secure another care option which they would have to pay for. As my grandson got older, he started to go 2 days per week to a daycare center near their home so he could have interaction with children his own age. They pay $43/day for my grandson to attend his "school", so paying me $25 is a fraction of the cost. It also helps me with gas as I go to their home, which is about 1/2 hour away from me. I think it is reasonable to offer to pay your mother and grandmother for caring for your son. They may or may not accept depending on their personal finanacial situation. If they opt to not accept a payment, than doing something nice for them on a regular basis is fine. Perhaps making them dinner once a week or giving them gift certificates to their favorite grocery store or department store would be a good way to show your appreciation. $8.75 an hour is relatively low on the pay scale, so you may want to offer them $10-15/day or perhaps by the hour. I am also a licensed child care provider in my home. When I started taking care of my grandson, I arranged my daycare schedule to accomodate going to their home part of the time. Because I only offer part-time child care in my daycare home, I charge by the hour. My rate is $3/hour. If your son is going to their home to be cared for than be sure to provide all of his necessary supplies such as diapers, formula, pack and play or other sleeping arrangements, and wipes. In some cases, grandparents are well off and don't need any additional income, but more and more older adults are barely making ends meet. It is important to note that in addition to caring for my grandson while his parents work, I also spend plenty of just grandma time with him. I take care of him probably 1-2 times per week when my daughter and son-in-law go out or they have other commitments. The only time I am paid is during the time I care for him while his parents work.

Nursing homes, assisted living, home care, etc. what's the difference?

My grandfather recently had a mini stroke (he's 84) and the doctor said there isn't anything they can do for him because of his age and health conditions. i've been his main care giver for the past few months because he kept getting defiant or disoriented when ever my grandmother could not handle the situation.

My real question is what I asked in the title. My grandfather had a very mild heart attack nine months ago, and the mini stroke a week ago. His doctor said his best option might be to look into a nursing home option or something similar. Is there any real difference with nursing homes, assisted living, etc?

Is it wrong to want to be a housewife and not work or provide for myself?

Even evident in the act of sex, the man gives and the woman receives. When I was young, I partially bought into the feminist narrative until I found myself with a man who if we lived together would've needed me to financialy contribute. He saw no issue with this. How could I make love with him, and be that vulnerable with a man who couldn't provide and protect? I couldn't give my body to such a man. What if a child was created? I'd have had to turn him or her over to a babysitter for most of their waking hours. God forbid.This is never about being a gold digger and every woman should have a skill, and her breadwinning husband a life and disability policy. Men used to take pride in being the head of household and I believe this to be on the rise again. So, no it isn't wrong to want to be a housewife, but cover your bases and be sure your significant other holds the same values. I think some men fail to realize how wildly sexy they are when they provide for and protect women with love and strength.I married a man who steps into this role and I noticed myself, the woman who formerly didn't want to cook and clean and would divvy up chores, stepping up my game big time. My level of respect and sexual desire for my husband rose significantly as did his confidence. Again, some don't want to admit it but men who fulfill this role tend to a deep feminine need as well as their own masculinity.Who do you want to marry? A hipster who expects your half of the rent like a roommate, or a man who steps up and treats you like a treasured wife.Oh, and never live with a man who doesn't make you his wife. You cheapen yourself, the relationship, decrease chances of marriage, and if you do marry living together increases chances of divorce. My best.

Is my mom committing tax fraud?

My mom claimed me on her taxes even though I am not considered dependent. I am under 24 (and over 19, I'll be 24 in August), but I do not go to college full time, and I make over $3,400 a year, so I am not a qualifying relative or child.

My mom took my W-2 without my knowledge, claimed me on her taxes, and then filed MY return WITHOUT my permission.

I'm pretty sure that's tax fraud since she needs my signature to file, and I never gave her one.

I am going to call the IRS, but my boyfriend told me there's a $180 fee to refile my return, is that true? I don't have $180 right now since I just paid for my medical prescriptions, I don't have insurance and I also just came out of the hospital.

Do you think a dad who works 72-84 hours a week should have to get up to feed his twin newborns sometimes?

This question actually touches on an issue that people are not realizing: whether new dads have adequate paternity leave during those first super important weeks after their partners give birth.The dad in this question has a partner who has only given birth 3 weeks ago, yet he cannot be off work to help care for her or his newborn twins. Instead, he’s working way over full-time in order to make ends meet; coming home and taking over caring for his twins until bedtime; getting up early on the weekends with them; but then being told by the world that he’s not doing “his part”.My husband had 3 days off with me after I gave birth. While I received partial pay from the company I worked for (not guaranteed to most women), and an almost insulting amount from the short-term disability policy I had paid into for 5 years without a single claim, my husband had zero paid time off from work, and we needed the paychecks from his two jobs to survive.One of those jobs was as a school bus driver, so he got up at the crack of dawn to drive 30–40 children into school. The man needed his sleep desperately in order to function and not kill everybody — and as a new mom I understood that. Was I stretched thin and wishing he had even more time to be with us? Sure! But he was indeed helping in every way he could, including trying to wake up to help me during feedings and changes, although I tried my best to handle them before the baby woke him up.If anyone ever dared to say my husband wasn’t “doing his part”, I’d punch them in the face.But ideally new fathers shouldn’t have to make this choice. Ideally they should be able to take the time off to support their partner, who will still be physically hurting for 6 weeks at least, but who will end up being the main caregiver.

Im 16 and pregnant can i get married in kentucky to someone whose not the father?

its not like im not trying to grow up and get my life together the thing is that i am growing up and has it ever occured to you that yea maybe a 16 year old can fall in love. Also by getting married and getting on with my life doesnt that show that im growing up or do little kids often get married? I didnt think so. Dont judge me, i took the smart classes, i dont do drugs or drink, i was with my ex for 2 years before we had sex, i just got pregnant. I did a smart thing and left him and i beleive im doing a smart thing and setting up a life for my daughter, my horomones might be going crazy but my brain isnt. I asked if i could not if i should, i love my boyfriend and he loves me and he wants to love the baby and he wants to be the father he knows what its gonna be like but we will work together and make it right. I dont want to be looked at as a kid but as a adult in the making one thats going to make the right decisions for her soon to be child.